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Mount Vernon Education/Youth Programs in 2023
Updates from Chuck Olson - Scout Awards Summary Page
JROTC Medals & Certificates - Summary Page

Mount Vernon and C.A.R. Activities in 2023
Updates from Liaison Kevin Baker - C.A.R. Summary Page

Date: January 10, 2023 | Event Link
Mount Vernon Chapter - January Meeting
Meeting Program | Meeting Minutes | Photos  by Compatriot Tom Hughes

Call to Order
  • The monthly meeting was held at Vintage Pizzeria, 5510 Chamblee Dunwoody Road, Dunwoody, GA.
  • Vice President David Wellons began the meeting at 7 pm.
  • The Invocation: John Galt (see photo right)
  • Presentation of Colors: Color Guard presented Flags.
  • The Pledge of Allegiance and Pledge to the SAR: Sergeant-at-Arms Hamilton (Ham) McDonald
There were 32 attendees at the meeting - 20 chapter members with 7 wives and 5 guest at the meeting. Color Guard members Shep Hammack and Bill Floyd were both in uniform for the evening.

Chapter Members: Richard Anderson, Kevin Baker, John Bivins (w/Connie), Tom Chrisman, Bill Floyd (w/Carey), Ted Fricke (w/Beth), John Galt, Dual member Larry Guzy (w/Karen), Shep Hammack (w/Montez), Tom Hewett (w/Brenda), Tom Hughes, Michael Long, Ham McDonald, Warren McPhillips, Tom Owens, Tom Pye, Chuck Rann, Gene Ray, Dave Tharp, and David Wellons (w/Jane).

"Returning guests included Bob Sapp and Mac Trotter. Tom Hewett’s guest Sheila Richards brought William Wheeler and his son Bryan Wheeler (both of whom are currently members of the Marshes of Glen Chapter)."
  (from minutes)
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Secretary John Galt will become Vice President on February 18th.

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Shep Hammack | Larger Photo

Betsy Ross Flag

Grand Union Flag

Fifteen Stars & Stripes



Guest Speaker - Shep Hammack
Topic: "Flags of the American Revolution"

Chapter Recording Secretary John Galt introduced our speaker for the evening, Compatriot Shep Hammack. Shep presented an interesting discussion on the flags used by various groups during the Revolutionary War.

Shep was the organizing President of the Mount Vernon SAR chapter, and served from Sept. 2016 to Feb. 2018. He has received several State and National awards including; Patriot Medal, Gold & Silver Roger Sherman Medals, Liberty Medal with eight Oak Leaf Clusters, Silver Good Citizenship Medal & Silver Color Guard Medal. He has been the First Line Signer for over 80 new members in the Sons of the American Revolution, and is our current Mount Vernon Chapter Historian.

Shep is currently the National Chairman of the SAR DAR Liaison Committee as well as the State of Georgia Chairman of the SAR DAR Liaison Committee. He will be inducted as the Metro Regional VP of the Georgia SAR Society at the Annual GASSAR Conference on January 28th.

Shep is a graduate of Georgia Tech and a member of several other genealogical organizations including Society of the War of 1812 (current Georgia State President), Society of Colonial Wars, First Families of Georgia, Washington’s Army of Valley Forge and others. His wife, Montez is also a member of several genealogical organizations including the DAR and the Sons and Daughters of the Pilgrims. They have two daughters who are both members of the DAR. He and Montez are both native Georgians and devoted Georgia Tech fans.

Flag image sources:
Flag Laws:

Speaker Appreciation Certificate
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Larger Photo | Chapter Vice President David Wellons presented
Shep Hammack with a Certificate of Appreciation.
David will become our 7th Chapter President on February 18th.

More on Revolutionary War Flags:

Chapter Business & Announcements   (See Minutes for complete details.)
  • Treasurer’s Report – Ted Fricke
  • Registrar’s Report - Tom Chrisman
  • Eagle Scout Award Report
  • Dues Renewal Reminder – Please renew your dues for 2023 if you have not done so.  Reinstatement fees apply if not renewed soon. (The link above takes you to the dues page.)
  • Annual Banquet and Officer Installation - Our Annual Banquet and 2023 Officer Installation is being rescheduled. The Invitation, Cost and RSVP information will be sent via eMail from our Chapter Corresponding Secretary. (Updated 1/12/23 at 11 am.)
  • Next Board of Managers (BOM) Meeting - is noon, Friday March 10, 2023 at Vintage Pizzaria. Any member is welcome to attend and observe.
  • Birthdays in January: Larry White, Jimmie Butler, John Galt, Randy Pollard, John Wade.
  • Birthdays in February: Richard McCrary, Joe Rude, David Smith, Tony Crowe, Gabriel Warchol, Michael Warchol, Owen Robbins, Charles Hillard, Cason Hillard.
  • The next regular meeting is March 14th at Vintage Pizzeria.

Georgia Society SAR (GASSAR) Activities
  • The Georgia SAR Annual Conference will be held January 27 & 28th at the Sonesta Gwinnett Place Hotel in Duluth, GA. All members are welcome to attend. Pre-registration and fees are required. See the Home page for the Registration Form link and schedule of events.

  • Recessional: Sergeant-at-Arms Ham McDonald
  • Benediction: John Galt
  • The November Meeting was adjourned at 7:54 p.m. by Vice President David Wellons.
  • Minutes submitted by Recording Secretary John Galt
  • Program by Vice President David Wellons

Date: January 19, 2023 | Event Link
Chapter VP David Wellons is Guest Speaker at Atlanta Meeting
SAR Atlanta Chapter January Meeting

David Wellons Gives Presentation
Chapter Vice President David Wellons was the guest speaker at the monthly meeting of the Atlanta Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution, held at the Petite Violette Restaurant in Atlanta on Thursday January 19th, 2023.

The topic was "God's Hand on America" and discussed the question:
"Did God have His hand on America during our early days,
or were the many victories due to chance and luck?"
The presentation provided information on several key battles, some against great odds, where the Patriot forces were victorious, assisted by fog, winds, storms, and other factors. The presentation was well received by the Atlanta membership.

David was presented with a Speaker Appreciation Certificate by Atlanta Chapter President Barrett Hanson.

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VP David Wellons
"God's Hand on America"

Date: January 28, 2023 | Event Link
Annual Georgia SAR Society Conference
Sonesta Hotel ~ Gwinnett County
Saturday Awards Luncheon Photos   (All Photos taken by Compatriot Rick Reese III)

Member and Chapter Spotlight on:
  • Compatriot's Shep Hammack, Bill Floyd, Tom Chrisman and Chuck Olson
  • Mount Vernon's Scout Entry Wins State Competition | See Scout Summary Page for Review
  • President General Streamer - Distinguished Chapter Streamer
  • 2022 James Westlake Award for Best SAR Website in Georgia
The Annual GASSAR Conference was held Friday and Saturday on the last weekend of January, 2023 and two of Mount Vernon's past Presidents assumed new State Officers positions in the Georgia Society. Founding President Shep Hammack became the GASSAR Regional VP over four chapters in the Metro Atlanta area. Past President Bill Floyd became the GASSAR Secretary. Both held State officer positions in the past, Shep Hammack was the GASSAR Treasurer and Bill Floyd was the GASSAR Chaplain.

Tom Chrisman was sworn in as GASSAR Genealogist at this Conference. He served as Genealogist and Registrar for the Mount Vernon Chapter from 2016 - 2022 and continues as State Genealogist for his second year. Tom received the prestigious chapter Liberty Medal in July 2018 for bringing so many people into the Chapter and the SAR.

Chuck Olson was sworn in as the GASSAR Chancellor for a second term. He recently reviewed and proposed revisions in his 4th Quarter of 2022 State Chancellors report on the 'Proposed Model Rules of Conduct and Discipline for State Societies'. He served as the Mount Vernon Chapter Sergeant at Arms from 2018 - 2021. Chuck is the Mount Vernon Chairman of the Scouts and the JROTC Committees, and has served as a leader of young men.

Shep Hammack and Bill Floyd

Tom Chrisman and Chuck Olson
We congratulate all four of these Mount Vernon compatriots for their past and present service in the SAR.

Date: January 28, 2023
Our Mount Vernon Chapter and GA Society SAR Winner!
The Arthur M. & Berdena King Eagle Scout Award and Scholarship Competition

Eagle Scout Donald Eberly
Troop 463 in Sandy Springs, Georgia

See our Scout Summary page - Event Link

Mount Vernon Chapter Awards
We are proud to announce that the Mount Vernon Chapter website was awarded the James Westlake Award for 2022, voted the Best Website. This award is a State communications award given each year to chapters with Newsletters or websites that emphasize History, Education and Patriotism. The award consists of a certificate and flag streamer and is issued to encourage the use of web sites and newsletters that publicize the numerous deeds of our members. The selection of chapter recipients is determined by the Information Technology Committee and awarded at the annual awards luncheon.

The award consists of a certificate and flag streamer and is used to encourage the use of web sites and newsletters that publicize the numerous deeds of our members. The selection of chapter recipients is determined by the Information Technology Committee and awarded at the annual awards luncheon.   Web Admin Chuck Rann Receives Award

The award is named after President General James R. Westlake (1993-94) – the great communicator from the Georgia Society.

2022 GASSAR Westlake Award
(Click on image for larger version)

Additional Streamers
The Mount Vernon Chapter also received two other GA SAR Society flag streamers at the conference, for the 'President General Color Guard Award' and the 'Distinguished Chapter Award'. Shep Hammack (far right in photos) received the streamers. See criteria for the   Distinguished Chapter Award Streamer Criteria

(Photos above taken by Compatriot Rick Reese III - Huzzah Rick!)

Date: February 21st, 2023 | Event Link
The Annual Chapter Banquet  and Celebration of Washington’s Birthday
Including the installation of 2023 Chapter Officers

Banquet Program | Banquet Minutes | Banquet Photos  

The Evenings Festivities

  • The Annual Banquet was held at the Indian Hills Golf and Country Club
    in Marietta, Georgia
  • The evenings timetable: 6 pm Social Hour; 7 pm Buffet Dinner;
    8 pm Annual Meeting & Awards
  • The colors were posted at the podium.
  • The Annual Meeting of the Mount Vernon Chapter was called to order
    by President Richard McCrary at 7 pm.
  • The Invocation was given by Reverend William (Bill) Floyd Jr.
  • Sergeant-at-Arms Hamilton (Ham) McDonald led w/the Pledge of Allegiance & Pledge to the SAR.

George Washington
2/22/1732 – 12/14/1799
(Image from

The men wore Tuxedos, business suits, military uniforms or kilts. The ladies were dressed exquisitely.
Forty-Two (42) Mount Vernon Chapter members, wives and guest responded to the
Annual Banquet Invitation.

Attending were: Kevin & Chandler Baker, John & Connie Bivins, Bill and Maribeth Brannen, Tom Chrisman, Jack Dyer, Guest - Dan, Mary and Donald Eberly (*See Scout Award), Bill & Carey Floyd, John & Peggy Galt, Ross & Marie Glover, Larry Guzy, Shep & Montez Hammack, Tom & Brenda Hewett, Sunny Lee, Richard McCrary, Ham & Judy McDonald, Warren & Susan McPhillips, Chuck & Anne Olson, Tom Owens, Tom & Leslie Pye, Chuck & Patsy Rann, Gene Ray, Bob Sapp, Ed Upchurch, John & Beth Wassell, and David & Jane Wellons.

The Social Hour from 7 - 8 pm gave attendees time to relax, enjoy conversations and the Hor’s d’Oeuvres & beverages. At 8 pm sharp, President Richard McCrary announced for everyone to find their seating, and Rev. Bill Floyd gave the Invocation prayer. Sergeant at Arms Ham McDonald led the group with the Pledge of Allegiance and the Pledge to the SAR. The buffet dinner was delicious and featured Beef Tips with Gravy, Herb Crusted Chicken Breast. Cake was served as the dessert.

Larry Guzy was introduced as the guest speaker and gave us his humorous timeline of how he got interested in the SAR, and his progression of being a regular member all the way to being the President General of the Society. His serious conclusion was that we have a purpose and commitment to being a member of the SAR. The mission is more than eating dinner together each month. We should all not be afraid to say 'yes' to 'can you help with this' or 'can you do this'. We are here to support our Veterans, defend our Constitution, and Educate our youth. Huzzah!

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Guest Speaker: 2017 SAR President General Larry Guzy
Compatriot Guzy spoke about his personal SAR journey from local chapter introduction through his National Office positions. He focused on two questions we all should ask…”Why Do We Do This?” and “What Is In It For Me?”

Larry Guzy was born and raised in the Saint Louis area, graduating from a local Jesuit High School in 1966. From there, he went on to Marquette University, graduating in 1970 with a Bachelor of Science degree in mathematics. He is a US veteran, serving 3 years in the US Navy aboard the USS Independence aircraft carrier. In 1973, he and his wife, Karin, moved to Marietta, Georgia, where he had his own business handling insurance claims for 40 years, retiring in 2013.

Larry joined the Sons of the American Revolution in 1995. He was the 1998-1999 President of Roswell's Piedmont Chapter, and took his first steps into involvement at the National level in 1999. By 2017, Compatriot Guzy was the 127th President General of the National Society - SAR. He is a dual member of the Mount Vernon Chapter, with his primary membership at the John Collins Chapter in Marietta, GA. He continues to participate in local, State and National events for the SAR.

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Larry Guzy - John Collins Chapter
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Chapter Business & Announcements     (See Minutes for details)       Banquet Photos
  • Treasurer’s Report – Bill Floyd reported a positive balance.
  • Registrar’s Report - Tom Chrisman gave a membership report advising the potential for three new members (one a possible chapter transfer) that would increase our membership to 70. He also thanked members for their support during his Chapter Registrar tenure as this role is now assumed by Tom Hewett. Tom will remain Chapter Genealogist.

  • Arthur M. & Berdena King Eagle Scout Award Presentation -
    Scouting Chairman Chuck Olson announced the 2022 Mt Vernon Chapter King Eagle Scout Award winner, Donald J. Eberly. Donald is from Troop 463 in Sandy Springs and a second time winner of our chapter competition. Both President Richard McCrary and Chuck Olson presented Donald with his certificate of achievement and a Chapter check for $100. Because Donald received the King Eagle Scout Medal for 2021, Chuck Olson presented him with Oak Leaf Cluster to be added to the medal.

    Donald was also proclaimed the State of Georgia King Eagle Scout Medal competition winner at the Annual Conference meeting on Saturday January 28, 2023, where he was awarded a scholarship check for $550 and a trophy. Donald’s 500 word essay entry was entitled "The Tactics of George Washington". His application is now at SAR National in Louisville, KY where it will be in competition against entries from most of the other state SAR societies, as well as overseas societies. The National SAR First Place winner is awarded a $10,000 scholarship; the first runner-up receives $6,000; 2nd Runner-up - $4,000, with smaller awards to other entries down to 15th place.   2022 GASSAR State Winner

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    (L to R) Dan Eberly, Chuck Olson, Donald and Mary Eberly

    Donald was accompanied by his parents Daniel and Mary Eberly. He plans on attending Kennesaw State college next fall and we wish Donald well. Congratulations to Donald Eberly!
  • Chapter Awards - presented by Shep Hammack
    • A certificate from State for sponsoring 5 Grave Markings at Midway, GA.
    • Three Streamers were presented to Sergeant-at-Arms Ham McDonald.
      1. Distinguished Chapter Award Streamer
      2. President General Award - Distinction Streamer
      3. 2022 Best Chapter Website Streamer
  • Member Awards
    • Richard McCrary - Received his own President pin and ribbon for his year in office. Huzzah Richard!
    • David Wellons - The Distinguished Service Medal for his excellent efforts as Chapter Vice President.
      (Acquiring guest speakers in 2022 and for the Americanism Report)
    • Chuck Olson - Received the Bronze Roger Sherman Award for his efforts as Scouting Chairman.
    • Bill Floyd - Received the Bronze Roger Sherman Award for his participation as Chaplain and with Color Guard duties at Chapter and State events.
    • Chuck Rann - For his job as Web Admin - Received a 2nd Oak Leaf Cluster for his Bronze Roger Sherman Medal.
  • Special Award
    • Catherine McCrary - President McCrary awarded the Lydia Darragh Award to his wife Catherine for her support during his year.
  • Installation of Chapter Officers & Chapter President
    by Shep Hammack, Metro Regional VP, GA Society SAR
    • President - David Wellons
    • Vice President - John Galt
    • Recording Secretary - Warren McPhillips
    • Treasurer - Bill Floyd
    • Genealogist - Tom Chrisman
    • Registrar - Tom Hewett
    • Chaplain - Gene Ray
    • Chancellor - Tom Pye
    • Sergeant-at-Arms - Ham McDonald
    • (2023 Corresponding Secretary Tom Hughes was not present and will be inducted at a later meeting.)
    • Chapter Historian/Librarian - Shep Hammack   (Installed by President Wellons)

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  • President Wellons - Gave us his expectations for the coming year. He hopes to increase membership, get more members involved in Chapter functions, issue more Flag Certificates,  strengthen our involvement in SAR Youth & Veterans Programs, and encourage more ideas from our membership. We all look forward to David's leadership in 2023. Huzzah David!
  • Our next regular meeting is March 14th at Vintage Pizzeria, in Dunwoody.

  • Recessional: Sergeant-at-Arms Ham McDonald
  • Benediction: Chapter Chaplain Gene Ray
  • The evening was adjourned at 9:15 p.m. by President David Wellons.

Date: March 14, 2023 | Event Link
Mount Vernon Chapter - March Meeting
Meeting Program | Meeting Minutes | Meeting Photos

  • Location: Vintage Pizzeria, 5510 Chamblee Dunwoody Road, Dunwoody, GA.
  • President David Wellons began the meeting at 7 pm.
  • The Invocation: Chaplain Gene Ray
  • Presentation of Colors: The Mount Vernon Color Guard
  • The Pledge of Allegiance and Pledge to the SAR: Sergeant-at-Arms Hamilton McDonald

A total of 36 individuals were present at the meeting, including 22 members and a combination of 14 guests/spouses, including Dr. David Noble (speaker), Wheeler (*) and Anne Bryan, Mac Trotter (*), Henry Wyche (*), Catherine Jimenez, David Jimenez (C.A.R.), and Bob Pile (*).   (* Application in progress)

President Wellons
Members present were Richard Anderson, Kevin Baker, Tom Chrisman, Jack Dyer, Bill Floyd (Carrie), John Galt (Peggy), Ross Glover (Marie), Larry Guzy, Shep Hammack (Montez), Tom Hewett, Sunny Lee, Michael Long, Richard McCrary, Ham McDonald, Warren McPhillips, Chuck Olson, Tom Owens, Chuck Rann, Gene Ray,
Dave Tharp, John Wassell (Beth), David Wellons (Jane).

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Guest Speaker and SAR Compatriot - Dr. Dave Noble     (See Bio on Speaker Page)

Vice President John Galt introduced our speaker whose topic was “Atlanta in the Revolutionary War”.
Presentation Text:  Dr. Noble - Standing Peach Tree (.PDF)

Dr. Noble spoke about the three Patriot expeditions to “Standing Peach Tree” (Now Atlanta) during the Revolutionary War. All were for the purpose of chasing invading Creek and Cherokee Indians from the Pendleton District of South Carolina and north-eastern Georgia. The expeditions were in 1776, 1778, and 1781. These were all volunteer heroes that drove the Indians away who had terrorized farmers and land owners in support of the British. The story is truly remarkable and not widely known by many.

Dr. Noble is currently identifying/un-earthing remains of the Battle of Kettle Creek that will change and expand the scope of the Georgia Revolutionary War Battle.

Speaker Appreciation: VP John Galt presented Dr. Noble with a certificate of appreciation for his presentation.

Dr. Dave Noble  |  Larger Image
To Read Dr. Noble's co-authored article on this project. -

• Type in the URL bar. Or click the link!
• Look for Advanced Search - Click
• Look for "Find articles with these terms" - Type in "Large-scale Search for fallen soldiers from the American Revolutionary War"
• Look for search results of the article by Daniel P. Bigman, David Noble, Tracy Sargent, and Jamie K. Pringle.

Special Award to Chapter Member & Veteran Sergeant Erik Callison Olson
The SAR War Service Medal was awarded to Mount Vernon member Erik Callison Olson by VP John Galt, Col. US Army Retired. Chapter member Chuck Olson received the SAR's 4th highest ranking medal for his son, who was unable to attend. Visit our Veteran Awards page for all awards.

The War Service Medal
(SAR Precedence #4)

Medal Description  (PDF)

SAR Medal Presentation Text  (PDF)

Presentation Audio 

Photo: VP John Galt (L) and Chuck Olson (R)   |   Larger Image
VP Galt invited attending SAR Veterans to join and stand while he made the medal presentation to Erik's father and fellow compatriot, Chuck Olson.

Veterans in photo (L to R): Tom Owens, Gene Ray, Larry Guzy (Dual member), Sunny Lee, Dave Noble (ATL chapter), John Wassell (Dual member), Ross Glover, Hamilton McDonald, Tom Hewett, and Speaker John Galt.
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Meeting Guest - David Jimenez - Past President, GA. C.A.R.
Chapter C.A.R. Liaison Kevin Baker

Past National C.A.R. President and Mount Vernon Chapter member Kevin Baker and Chapter Member President David Wellons introduced special guest David Jimenez, National Historian for the C.A.R. (Children of the American Revolution). He was in attendance as a guest of Kevin Baker. He was accompanied by his mother, Catherine Jimenez.
  • David Jimenez gave a brief update on the CAR activities.
  • Kevin Baker (our Chapter Liaison for the CAR) gave an update on his goals and objectives for the Mt Vernon Chapter, as mentor and support role for the local chapter of CAR.

David Jimenez

President Wellons, David Jimenez
and Kevin Baker
  |   Larger Image

Kevin Baker

Chapter Business & Announcements     (See Minutes for details)
  • Presidents Comments – David Wellons
  • Treasurer’s Report – Bill Floyd
  • Registrar’s Report - Tom Hewett
  • Genealogist’s Report - Tom Chrisman
  • BOM Report – David Wellons

  • March Birthdays: Cooper Hillard, Daniel Morgan, Scott Olson. Cecil Palmer, Gene Ray, Scott Olson.
  • April Birthdays: Rick Anderson, Warren McPhillips, William Scurry Jr., Ben Tingle.
  • Next Mt. Vernon Regular Meeting is Tuesday April 11, 2023, 7:00 p.m., at Vintage Pizza. Compatriot Bill Goodman of the Atlanta Chapter - SAR will speak on “That ______ Presbyterian War”.
  • Recessional: Sergeant-at-Arms Hamilton McDonald
  • Benediction: Chapter Chaplain Gene Ray
  • The evening was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. by President David Wellons.
  • Minutes submitted by Recording Secretary Warren McPhillips
  • Program by Vice President John Galt

2023 - The Mount Vernon Chapter and
the Children of the American Revolution  |  Mount Vernon C.A.R. Page Link

Update March 15, 2023 from our Chapter C.A.R. Liaison Kevin Baker
Visit our  C.A.R. Page  for updates.

Date: March 29, 2023 | Event Link
2023 Vietnam Veteran's Day
John's Creek & Marietta, GA

A Wreath for Each Branch of the Armed Forces | Larger Image

The Ceremonies
Mount Vernon Chapter US Army veterans John Galt and Hamilton McDonald attended the annual Vietnam Veterans Day Ceremony at Newton Park in John's Creek on March 29th. Ham McDonald was accompanied by his wife Judy. Both John and "Ham" have received their SAR War Service Medal's, with a Vietnam War bar and Certificate.

John Galt also attended a Vietnam Veterans Recognition & Memorial Service at the American Legion Post 29 in Marietta.

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Additional photos - (All images property of Mt Vernon members.)
John Galt | Larger Image
Judy and Ham McDonald | Larger Image

Date: March 31, 2023 | Event Link
Mount Vernon Traveling Trunk at Macedonia Elementary School
Mount Vernon Education Page  |  Traveling Trunk Doc.PDF

SAR - Educating Our Youth
Past Presidents Bill Floyd and Shep Hammack went to Canton, GA on Friday March 31st and presented our Traveling Trunk to Mrs. Williams' class at Macedonia Elementary School. One of the students was our own Chapter member - ten year old Thomas Robbins, grandson of Mount Vernon members John & Connie Bivins of Cumming GA.

The 4th grade students saw how candles were made in a form, what homemade soap looked like, what clothing was common to that era, and they learned about common hygiene practices in the 1700's. Other times included quill pens, money, toys, games, etc.

This program is an excellent way for fulfilling one of our SAR society missions - Assisting schools and teachers to sustain and preserve our American history. Members are encouraged to inform the Traveling Trunk Committee of opportunities for us to schedule a Traveling Trunk presentation at schools where their family has children attending.

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Pictured above are (L - R) Bill Floyd, Thomas Robbins, and Shep Hammack.  |  Larger Image

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The Chapter offers the Traveling Trunk Program, as well as our Speakers Bureau program to adult audiences. Fellow genealogical or historical societies, Rotary, Kiwanis, or other community service groups that can utilize speakers are welcome to use the Contact Us link below for request.

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(Images taken by Chapter members. Children's faces in view of camera are blurred for privacy.)

Date: April 11, 2023  | Event Link
Mount Vernon Chapter - April Meeting
Meeting Program | Meeting Minutes | Meeting Photos

  • Location: Vintage Pizzeria, 5510 Chamblee Dunwoody Road, Dunwoody, GA.
  • President David Wellons began the meeting at 7 pm.
  • The Invocation: Chaplain Gene Ray
  • Presentation of Colors: The Mount Vernon Color Guard
  • The Pledge of Allegiance and Pledge to the SAR: Sergeant-at-Arms Hamilton McDonald


A total of 39 individuals were present at the meeting, including 25 members and a combination of
14 guests/spouses, including Bill Goodman (speaker), Wheeler and Anne Bryan, Robert Hopkins, Mac Trotter, Jeff Sanders and Tom Loftis.

Members present were Richard Anderson, Kevin Baker, John Bivins (Connie), Steven Colwell,
Tony Crowe, Bill Floyd (Carrie), Ross Glover, John Galt (Peggy), Larry Guzy (Karin), Shep Hammack (Montez), Tom Hewett, Thomas Hughes, Sunny Lee, Richard McCrary, Ham McDonald, Warren McPhillips, Chuck Olson, Tom Owens, Tom Pye, Chuck Rann, Gene Ray, Dave Tharp, John Wassell (Beth), David Wellons (Jane),
and Bob Sapp. ( Shep Hammack was in Uniform )

Guest Speaker and SAR Compatriot - Bill Goodman     (See Bio on Speaker Page)

Presentation Audio  

"I was warmly received by your members, particularly after the talk was over and a number of questions had been asked. Many expressed how much they had enjoyed it. I greatly appreciated their interest and cordiality. Please express my feelings to your chapter. Thanks very much."
~ Bill Goodman

Vice President John Galt introduced our guest speaker -
Compatriot Bill Goodman of the Atlanta Chapter, whose topic was
“That Damned Presbyterian War”.

Bill informed us that this was an actual quote from King George III, when describing the conflict in the new colonies. Bill focused on the composition of the Patriot Forces (primarily Irish and Scots-Irish) and their motivations for serving and fighting in the American Revolution in his talk. He also showed the progression of British rulers, who were especially brutal to the Scottish subjects and the Scotch-Irish subjects in Northern Ireland. It was easy to understand how the settlers in the new world would have contempt for the British ruling over them in the colonies and why there is unrest in Northern Ireland today.

Presentation Recap:
  1. Why were the Irish and the Scotch-Irish exceptional fighters? Resentment caused by mistreatment. Primarily from the nine Northern counties of Ireland. many were from Scotland.
  2. What is the identity of these people as Irish - Scotch-Irish - and Presbyterian?
  3. What 18th Century contemporary observers thought about the ethnic composition of the American fighting forces?
  4. These colonist were not "anglo-saxon fighters"
  5. There was religious persecution by the church against Catholics - against anyone who was not part of the Anglican Church.
  6. By the mid 1500's, one half of Europe had left the Catholic Church.
  7. In 1697 the Penal Laws were enacted in Ireland. Preist were outlawed. Irish Catholics were banned from Parliament, or vote in Parliamentary elections. They were excluded from the bench, and universities. They were forbidden to posses arms, or won a house more than 5 lbs. They could not teach school. All Catholic lands were given to protestants.
  8. The Irish people hated their English oppressors.
  9. After moving to the new lands between 1700 and 1776, these Scotch-Irish became America's first "radicals".
  10. In 1779, the British Parliament convened an inquiry, taking broadly based sworn testimony as to the causes why the war had been lost. They were told and decided that they had “lost America by the Irish.”

Speaker Appreciation: Chapter Vice President John Galt presented Bill with a certificate of appreciation for his presentation

Larger Presentation Image

Chapter Business & Announcements     (See Minutes for details)
  • Presidents Comments – David Wellons
  • Treasurer’s Report – Bill Floyd
  • Registrar’s Report - Tom Hewett
  • New Member Goals
  • C.A.R. Liaison Kevin Baker
  • Flag Certificate opportunities
  • Chapter Bylaws Committee
  • BOM Report – David Wellons
  • Fourth of July parade in Dunwoody
  • The July Picnic will be held at Lost Corners in Sandy Springs on July 15.
  • The Annual Banquet will be held at the Olde Towne Club in Marietta on Saturday Feb 3, 2024.

  • April Birthdays: Rick Anderson, Warren McPhillips, Ben Tingle, and William Scurry.
  • Genealogy Workshop
  • Next Mt. Vernon Regular Meeting is Tuesday May 9, 2023, 7:00 p.m., at Vintage Pizza.
  • Next Mt. Vernon BOM Meeting is Friday, June 9, 2023 at 11:30 am., at Vintage Pizza.
  • Recessional: Sergeant-at-Arms Hamilton McDonald
  • Benediction: Chapter Chaplain Gene Ray
  • The evening was adjourned at 7:55 p.m. by President David Wellons.
  • Minutes submitted by Recording Secretary Warren McPhillips
  • Program by Vice President John Galt

Date: May 9, 2023     | Event Link
Mount Vernon Chapter - May Meeting
Meeting Program | Meeting Minutes | Meeting Photos
C.A.R. Event Updates Page

  • Location: Vintage Pizzeria, 5510 Chamblee Dunwoody Road, Dunwoody, GA.
  • President David Wellons began the meeting at 7 pm.
  • The Invocation: VP John Galt
  • Presentation of Colors
  • The Pledge of Allegiance and Pledge to the SAR: Sergeant-at-Arms Hamilton McDonald


A total of 41 people were present at the meeting, including 21 members, 7 wives, and 13 guest.

Guest were: Peggy Bruckner, Jerome Chapman, Ben Fitzpatrick, Joy Fredrick (Georgia C.A.R. President), Robert Hopkins (application in progress), Aiden Marsh, Kathy Marsh (Chapter Regent, Roswell King DAR), Kelly Marsh, Emily Tindall, Will Tims (Georgia C.A.R. Regional VP), Nancy Tims, Mac Trotter (application in progress), Richard Whitner.

Members (and wives) present: Richard Anderson, Kevin Baker, John Bivins (Connie), Tom Chrisman, Tony Crowe, John Galt (Peggy), Ross Glover, Larry Guzy, Shep Hammack, Tom Hewett, Sunny Lee, Richard McCrary (Catherine), Ham McDonald (Judy), Warren McPhillips, Chuck Olson, Tom Pye, Chuck Rann (Patsy), Bob Sapp, Dave Tharp, John Wassell (Beth), and David Wellons (Jane).

Meeting Speaker
Vice President John Galt introduced the May meeting speaker, compatriot and former National President of the C.A.R Kevin Baker. Kevin is Mount Vernon Chapter's 'Children of the American Revolution' liaison and he has done a great job this year bringing our Chapter and the C.A.R closer.

The Topic - “What is C.A.R.?”

Kevin gave an update on numerous current activities of the C.A.R. but focused his comments on the importance of their membership and activities.

  • The C.A.R. gives members an excellent explanation of American history.
  • Honors the men, women and children who served in the American Revolution.
  • Preserves and restores historical places associated with American Independence.
  • Promotes patriotic events and anniversaries.
  • Honors the flag of the United States above all others.
  • To love, uphold and extend the principles of American liberty and patriotism.

Kevin Baker - VP John Galt | Larger Image
Speaker Appreciation
Chapter Vice President John Galt presented Kevin with a certificate of appreciation for his presentation.

Poster Board of C.A.R. Activities

Honored Guest
Kevin Baker then introduced his special guests, and each addressed the group on their respective roles and activities in their organizations:
  • Kathy Marsh - Chapter Regent, Roswell King DAR
  • Joy Fredrick - Georgia CAR President
  • Will Tims - Georgia CAR Regional Vice President
Click on pin for larger image
Chapter Support of C.A.R.
President David Wellons presented a $100 check from the Chapter’s Fellows Fund to Joy Fredrick for their Guardian Angels Project. At the same time, Miss Fredrick presented President Wellons with a lapel pin they are selling to raise funds for this project. After the meeting several members purchased a pin from her.
  • The C.A.R. provides structure and discipline that young citizens can use for life.
  • Gives members have the ability to become Chapter, State and National officers, providing them with organizational and leadership skills they can use for life.
  • The C.A.R. provides the valuable stepping stone for people to transition from C.A.R. to the adult societies, such as the DAR and the SAR.

(L - R) Georgia CAR President Joy Fredrick, Mount Vernon President David Wellons | Larger Image
Click on photo for larger and printable 150 dpi version. Emily Tindell (C.A.R. Senior State President), Nancy Tims (Senior Vice President of the DAR Southeastern Region), Will Tims (Georgia C.A.R. Regional VP), Joy Frederick (Georgia C.A.R. President), David Wellons (Mount Vernon President), Kathy Marsh (Chapter Regent, Roswell King DAR), and Kevin Baker (Mount Vernon C.A.R. Liaison)
Chapter Business & Announcements     (See Meeting Minutes link at top of Review)
  • Treasurer’s Report – Tom Hewett
  • Registrar’s Report - Tom Hewett
  • Presidents Comments/Announcements – David Wellons
  • July 15th Picnic - Look for email with invitation from the Chapter Corresponding Secretary.

  • Chapter Bylaws Committee Update. Submitting proposed document at June 9th BOM meeting.
  • Flag Certificate Update. Chapter Secretary McPhillips will be presenting one in the next few days.
  • Speakers Bureau: We have six chapter members listed on the Speakers Bureau page - On our website and on the State website. (Our chapter has 6 of the 13 listings on the State website.) If any Chapter members are interested in becoming a public speaker, please see President Wellons at the next meeting.
  • Traveling Trunk: Also listed on our Chapter website (see Link on Home page) and also included on the State website under Speakers Bureau.
  • Memorial Day is May 29th! Fly your Flag!   “Roswell Remembers” will be held at Roswell City Hall on May 29th. This is an annual event and very entertaining and enjoyable. Everyone is welcome.
  • Flag Day is June 14th! Fly your Flag!
  • Ride the float in the Fourth of July Parade in Dunwoody, Tuesday 7/4... and Fly your Flag!

  • May Birthdays: Bill Brannen, Bill Fisher, Paul Keim, Tom Owens, Jim Styring and Edward Upchurch.
  • Next Mt. Vernon Regular Meeting is Tuesday June 13th, 2023, 7:00 p.m., at Vintage Pizza. The Guest Speaker will be Bill Kabel. His topic wil be 'John Adams Patriot and President'.
  • Next Mt. Vernon BOM Meeting is Friday, June 9, 2023 at 11:30 am., at Vintage Pizza.
  • Mt. Vernon DOES NOT hold a regular Meeting in July or August. The regular Tuesday night meetings resume on September 12th.
  • Recessional: Sergeant-at-Arms Hamilton McDonald
  • Benediction: VP John Galt
  • The evening was adjourned at 7:55 p.m. by President David Wellons.
  • Minutes submitted by Recording Secretary Warren McPhillips
  • Program by Vice President John Galt
(May Meeting Photos by Web Administrator.)

Date: May 29, 2023 | Event Link
2023 Memorial Day Celebrations

"Roswell Remembers"
Monday 10 a.m. at Roswell City Hall, Roswell, GA.
Roswell Photos | Color Guard (.MOV - PC) | Color Guard (.mp4 - Mac)

The 24th Annual 'Roswell Remembers' Memorial Day Ceremony was held at Roswell's City Hall on Monday May 29th. Patriotic music was provided by the Roswell New Horizons Band. It was good to see people out and participating again.

Chapter member Shep Hammack and dual member John Wassell were in the Color Guard, which marched from the "Faces of War" Memorial to the center stage, for the presentation of colors, the national anthem, and the Pledge of Allegiance. Chapter member Chuck Rann also attended the event.

Color Guard ~ Ron Redner, Craig Benton, Shep Hammack, John Wassell

Woodstock Memorial Day Ceremony
Monday 10 a.m. at The Park at City Center ~ Woodstock, GA.
Wodstock Photos |

President David Wellons (and Jane) attended the Woodstock Memorial Day Ceremony at "Park at City Center". "Best I've ever seen."  Definitely on the calendar for next year.

David and Jane Wellons at 2023 Ceremony

Date: June 13, 2023 | Event Link
Mount Vernon Chapter - June Meeting
Meeting Program | Meeting Minutes | Meeting Photos | Meeting Photos 2

  • Location: Vintage Pizzeria, 5510 Chamblee Dunwoody Road, Dunwoody, GA.
  • President David Wellons began the meeting at 7 pm.
  • The Invocation: Chaplain Gene Ray
  • Presentation of Colors
  • The Pledge of Allegiance and Pledge to the SAR: Sergeant-at-Arms Hamilton McDonald

A total of 34 individuals were present at the meeting, including 21 members and a combination of 13 guests/spouses, including our speaker Bill Kabel (John Collins Chapter) and Rob Kabel (John Collins Chapter). Other guests recorded were Mac Trotter, Robert Hopkins, Richard Whitner and Tom Loftis. Members present were Rick Anderson, Kevin Baker, Tom Chrisman, Tony Crowe, Jack Dyer, John Galt (Peggy), Ross Glover (Marie), Shep Hammack, Tom Hewett, Tom Hughes, Sunny Lee, Richard McCrary (Catherine), Ham McDonald (Judy), Warren McPhillips, Tom Owens, Tom Pye, Gen Ray, Dave Tharp, Wheeler Bryan (Anne), Bob Pile (Julie) and David Wellons (Jane).
Meeting Speaker ~ Bill Kabel
Vice President John Galt introduced the June speaker, fellow SAR compatriot Bill Kabel. His Speaker Biography is available Here.

The Topic - “John Adams, Patriot and President”

"Bill Kabel reenacts John Adams (complete with period dress and powdered hair wig) to give the speech that Adams gave to the Continental Congress on July 1, 1776, before it voted for Independence. Having done extensive research on the speech, Mr. Kabel delivers this presentation with the same vocal thrust and convincing purpose as did John Adams. After he finishes the speech with a resounding "Independence Now, and Independence Forever!" he steps out of character, time permitting, to discuss John Adams: his personality, attitude, temperament; and his presidency - it's trials and tribulations; and the reasons behind his animosities with Thomas Jefferson and other founding fathers; and, the close relationship he had with his wife, Abigail, and the unrelenting love they had for each other."
'Speakers Bureau' document

Bill Kabel, VP John Galt
Larger Image
Speaker Appreciation
Chapter Vice President John Galt presented Bill Kabel with a certificate of appreciation for his presentation.

New Chapter Members
The Chapter welcomes two new members thanks to Chapter Genealogist Tom Chrisman and Chapter Registrar Tom Hewett. Tom Chrisman was the first line signer in the process.

Chapter President David Wellons gave the induction ceremony,

  • William Wheeler Bryan Sr. - is an Atlanta resident and was approved by NSSAR May 19th. His wife Anne pinned his rosett on his lapel at this June meeting. His Patriot Ancestor is Phineas Gibson.

  • Robert John Pile - is an Atlanta resident and was approved by NSSAR May 26th. His wife Julie pinned his rosett on his lapel at this June meeting. His Patriot Ancestor is Richard Pennington.

Remember to talk to your friends and neighbors about the SAR. They might have a Patriot that would qualify them for membership.

The Georgia Society, SAR has an award for a Compatriot that has the greatest number of first-line sponsorships of new members to the Georgia Society for the previous calendar year. It is the Robert B. Vance, Sr., Membership Trophy. (see 17_1 in the GA Sourcebook)

Wheeler Bryan | Click for Larger Image

Bob Pile | Click for Larger Image
Chapter Business & Announcements     (See Meeting Minutes link at top of this post for business details)
  •   Display your flag on the 4th of July!
  • Ride the Chapter float in the Fourth of July Parade in Dunwoody, Tuesday 7/4. See details in Minutes.
  • June Birthdays: Michael Butler, Mike Long, Anthony Olson, Chuck Rann.
  • July Birthdays: James Butler, Ted Fricke, Tommy Hayes, Tom Purkerson.
  • Next Mt. Vernon Board of Managers (BOM) Meeting is Friday September 8, 2023 at Vintage Pizzeria.
  • Note: Mt. Vernon DOES NOT hold a regular Meetings in July or August so the next regular Mt. Vernon meeting is Tuesday, September 12, 2023 at Vintage Pizza.
  • Recessional: Sergeant-at-Arms Hamilton McDonald
  • Benediction: Chaplain Gene Ray
  • The evening was adjourned at 7:52 p.m. by President David Wellons.
  • Minutes submitted by Recording Secretary Warren McPhillips
  • Program by Vice President John Galt
  • May Meeting Photos by Tom Hughes & David Wellons

Date: July 4th, 2023 | Event Link
The Dunwoody 4th of July Parade
Parade Photos   (Updated: 7/15/23)

Parade Day

The Mount Vernon and Piedmont Chapters of the SAR, the DAR, and the C.A.R. participated in the Annual Dunwoody 4th of July Parade. Four Mount Vernon Chapter members participated in the parade and rode the trailer - Shep Hammack, Dan Morgan, Chuck Olson, and Randy Pollard. Chuck Rann was present at the beginning of the parade route. DAR member Lisa Melenyzer and Georgia C.A.R. President Joy Frederick rode the float, as well as Piedmont Chapter members.

The rain was very heavy at the beginning, then the skies cleared for most of the parade.

Date: July 15th, 2023 | Event Link
The Annual Picnic
Picnic Photos

Our Chapter had it's annual picnic at Lost Corners Preserve in Sandy Springs on Saturday July 15th.

Attending Chapter members (and significant others) were: Bill & Maribeth Brannen, Tom Chrisman, Jack Dyer, Bill & Carey Floyd, John & Peggy Galt, Ted Fricke, Shep & Montez Hammack, Tom & Brenda Hewett, Richard McCrary, Warren & Susan McPhillips, Chuck & Anne Olson, Chuck & Patsy Rann, Gene Ray & Susan, John & Beth Wassell, and David & Jane Wellons.

The meal included barbecue pork and chicken, macaroni and cheese, cole slaw, potato chips, sweet & unsweet tea and banana pudding.

The picnic began at 5:30 pm and ended shortly before 8 pm. Door prizes were given to winning ticket holders that chose between several items, some of which had a patriotic theme.

Date: August 5th, 2023   | Event Link | Invitation
Curtis Eugene McWaters Grave Marking
Georgia Memorial Park Funeral Home & Cemetery

The Grave Marking Ceremony for Curtis Eugene McWaters was held in Marietta, Georgia at the Georgia Memorial Park Funeral Home & Cemetery. The event was sponsored by the Captain John Collins Chapter, the Athens Chapter and the Button Gwinnett Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution. Reverend Bill Floyd and Shep Hammack from the Mount Vernon Chapter attended the ceremony this day. Bill presented the wreath (representing the Chapter) and Shep Hammack was part of the Georgia Color Guard honoring the SAR compatriot who passed away in 2018.

Larger Image | Image 2 | Rev. Bill Floyd

Larger Image | Shep Hammack (w/sun glasses)

Date: August 10th, 2023   | Event Link
President Wellons Speaks at Gwinnett Chapter Meeting
SAR Gwinnett Chapter August Meeting

2023 Mount Vernon President David L Wellons spoke at the August Gwinnett Chapter meeting of the SAR on August 10th. His presentation was on "God's Hand on America", his second presentation in 2023. He had also given that speech to the Atlanta Chapter SAR on January 13th of 2023. Accompanying David to the meeting was Mount Vernon Chapter founder and 1st President Shep Hammack.

President Wellons stated - "Several people spoke to me after the meeting with encouragement, which is much appreciated." and "[Gwinnett] was an impressive group of members and officers seem to really be on their game."

A Certificate of Appreciation was presented to David Wellons at the conclusion of the speech.

FYI - The Button Gwinnett SAR Chapter meets on the second Thursday of each month.
Dinner/Social at 6:00 pm. | Meeting at 7:00 pm.

Meeting Location:
Frontera Mex-Mex Grill
1430 Five Forks Trickum Road SW
Lawrenceville, GA 30044

President Wellons topic was "God's Hand on America"
"Did God have His hand on America during our early days,
or were the many victories due to chance and luck?"

A Certificate of Appreciation from Ray Kyle,
1st VP of the Button Gwinnett Chapter to
2023 Mount Vernon President David L. Wellons.

Photo taken by Don McCarty

Accolades from the Gwinnett Chapter:
  • Thomas L Jacques - President Button Gwinnett Chapter. "Your presentation was very well received by our members and guests."
  • Don McCarty, Immediate Past President, Button Gwinnett Chapter SAR - "...[An] outstanding presentation at our Chapter meeting."
  • Raymond Kyle, Sr - 1st Vice President - Button Gwinnett Chapter. "Thank you so much for visiting the Button Gwinnett Chapter last night and giving your incredible "God's Hand On America" presentation. As you pointed out, there were so many instances where our patriot forefathers were the beneficiaries of very timely, unexplainable moments of safety for key leaders and changes in weather that allowed successful outcomes for our patriots in crucial battles. Were these instances just good luck or were they, in fact, miracles directed by God's hand? You presented a strong argument that it was God's hand. Most of those in attendance last night, including me, had never heard many of the facts you detailed. Your presentation sparked keen interest in our minds. Thank you for that. Well done on a truly awesome presentation David."
Guest Speakers from the Georgia Society SAR are listed here: The GASSAR Speakers Bureau Page

Date: August 11th, 2023   | Event Link
INS Naturalization Ceremony
Fulton County Georgia Courthouse
Ceremony to be held in the Atlanta Division at 11:00AM

Mount Vernon Chapter member Bill Floyd attended the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) at the Fulton County Courthouse and represented the Sons of the American Revolution this day. The Ceremony is held in the Atlanta Division at 11:00 am and is a function of the United States District Court, Northern District of Georgia, with the Honorable Timothy C. Batten Sr., Chief Justice presiding.

SAR members at INS Ceremony in downtown Atlanta, GA.
Ron Redner (Piedmont - militia/brown shirt) and Bill Floyd (Mount Vernon - Washington uniform).

Those wanting to become a naturalized United States citizen must meet requirements and submit a U.S. Citizenship Application Eligibility Requirements.

  1. Residency - You must have been a permanent resident (green card holder) for at least five years (or three years if you are the spouse of a U.S. citizen).
  2. Physical Presence - You must have lived within the United States for at least half of the five years (or three years if you are the spouse of a U.S. citizen) immediately prior to filing your citizenship application.
  3. Good Moral Character - You must be a person of good moral character during the five years (or three years if you are the spouse of a U.S. citizen) preceding your citizenship application. If you are concerned about a criminal record potentially impacting your eligibility for U.S. citizenship, it's recommended to seek the advice of a licensed immigration attorney. A criminal record can have a significant effect on your ability to obtain citizenship, and an experienced immigration attorney can help you understand your options and the steps you can take to address any issues before applying.
  4. Oath of Allegiance - You must take an Oath of Allegiance to the United States, renouncing any prior allegiances to foreign states.
Advantages of U.S. Citizenship
  • Right to vote: The ability to elect the leaders of this nation is an exclusive right of US citizens. Becoming one of them gives you the right to vote in federal elections. Get a voice!
  • Reunite your family in the United States: To promote family unity, US citizens and legal residents are allowed to petition for certain qualified relatives to come and live permanently in the United States. Usually, only US citizens get priority when petitioning for loved ones. Bring your family to the US!
  • Obtain citizenship for children born abroad: If you are a US citizen and your child was born outside of the country, he or she could become a US citizen automatically.
  • Ability to travel freely across US borders: Enjoy all the benefits of overseas travel with a US passport! Get assistance from the US government and feel protected during your trips! Remember that as a US citizen the amount of time you spend outside the country is not restricted. Permanent Residents, on the other hand, may lose their status if they leave the country for a certain period of time.
  • Collect benefits: Take advantage of US benefits like social security and Medicare.
  • Become a federal employee: To be eligible for most federal jobs you need to be a US citizen. You can apply and enjoy the benefits of being a federal worker!
  • Become an elected official: Most elected posts in this country require US citizenship. Get the right to participate!
Sources: and

Date: August 16th, 2023   | Event Link
Flag Certificate Ceremony
Location: Sunnyside, FL.

Certificate Ceremony
Mount Vernon Chapter Recording Secretary Warren McPhillips presented the SAR Certificate of Commendation to Richard Richards, Property Manager of Sunnyside Beach and Tennis Resort in Sunnyside, Fl. August 16th, 2023.

The Flag Certificate reads... "In Recognition of Exemplary Patriotism in the Display of The Flag of the United States" and is signed by 2023 Chapter President David Wellons and Chapter Flag Chairman Shep Hammack.

Great job Warren! Huzzah!

Flag Protocol
  • Display the Flag only from sunrise to sunset on stationary flag staffs in the open.  (09_00 09_02 US Flag Protocol.doc)
  • Display only during daylight hours unless there is a light illumination the flag at night.  (09.05 NSSAR Flag Certificate)

Larger Image | Sunnyside Beach and Tennis Resort in Sunnyside, FL.

Larger Image |   (L-R) Richard Richards & Warren McPhillips

Date: September 12, 2023 | Event Link
Vietnam War Memorial - Groundbreaking Ceremony
Brook Run Park - Dunwoody, GA

An official groundbreaking ceremony for the Vietnam War Memorial in Dunwoody Georgia was held at 4 pm on Tuesday, September 12th. Attending were Dunwoody Mayor Lynn Deutsch, members of Dunwoody’s City Council (Stacey Harris, John Heneghan, Tom Lambert, Catherine Lautenbacher, Rob Price, Joe Seconder), State Representative Tran Long, & other local dignitaries, AVVBA members, members of Dunwoody VFW post 10822, and members of the AVVBA and the Vietnamese American Community of Georgia.

John Galt and Ham McDonald are members of AVVBA, Atlanta Vietnam Veterans Business Association, and members of the Mount Vernon Chapter were at the ceremony. Both were Vietnam Veterans, John Galt US Army (1967-1971), and Hamilton McDonald US Army (1963-1968). Both are recipients of the SAR's War Service Medal.

This is one of only a handful of memorials in our country that honors both the Vietnamese and American soldiers who sacrificed their lives for freedom from Communism in Vietnam. AVVBA Board Chairman John Butler and AVVBA President Carl "Skip" Bell have worked closely with the Vietnamese American community to help make this memorial project successful.

Date: September 12, 2023 | Event Link
Mount Vernon Chapter - September Meeting
Meeting Program | Meeting Minutes | Meeting Photos

  • Location: Vintage Pizzeria, 5510 Chamblee Dunwoody Road, Dunwoody, GA.
  • President David Wellons began the meeting at 7:02 pm.
  • The Invocation: Chaplain Gene Ray
  • Presentation of Colors
  • The Pledge of Allegiance and Pledge to the SAR: Sergeant-at-Arms Hamilton McDonald

A total of 38 were present at the September meeting, including 22 members, 11 spouses, and 5 guest which included Mac Cohen, Matt Cohen, Tom Loftis and Lyman and Becky Smith.

Members (and wives) present were Rick Anderson, Kevin Baker (Chandler), John Bivins (Connie), Wheeler Bryan (Anne), Tony Crowe, Jack Dyer, John Galt (Peggy), Ross Glover (Marie), Larry Guzy (Karin), Shep Hammack (Montez), Tom Hewett, Sunny Lee, Michael Long, Richard McCrary (Catherine), Ham McDonald, Warren McPhillips, Tom Pye (Leslie), Chuck Rann, Gene Ray, Dave Tharp, John Wassel (Beth), and David Wellons (Jane).
Attendance at meetings is appreciated.

Our September Speaker ~ Karin Guzy

Chapter Vice President John Galt introduced our September chapter meeting speaker Karin Guzy, whose topic was "Founding Gardeners – Gardening, Agriculture, and Botany".
After careers as a journalist and in the advertising agency business, Karin retired and has pursued her plant addiction. Karin is a Master Flower Show Judge, accredited by the National Garden Club. She is the chairman of The Cobb Land Trust Inc., which oversees the operation of the 11.5 acre McFarlane Nature Park in East Cobb.

Karin’s talk brought to light the fact that many of our Founding Fathers were passionate about gardening and agriculture in general. In fact, the subject often served as a welcomed distraction during heated and frustrating debates.

Speaker Appreciation
Chapter Vice President John Galt presented Karin Guzy with a Certificate of Appreciation for her presentation. Huzzah Karin!

Larger Image | See our 2023 Speakers Page
A few notes from her presentation.
  • She was inspired to talk about her subject when author and historian Andrea Wulf spoke at the Atlanta History Center about her book "Founding Gardeners'.
  • Wulf read through the diaries and letters from Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison and Franklin to learn about their lives and their passions. What she found was that they were much more interested in horticulture than politics.
  • Her conclusions were well supported, finding that they were planters, plantation owners, farmers, and business owners. They believed an agrarian society would best suit the young nation.
  • Franklin felt agriculture was the only honest way a nation could attain wealth.
  • Colonist began to equate colonial production and agriculture with domestic liberty.
  • At the Constitutional Convention of 1787, John Adams who advocated a system of checks and balances, used a quote from Alexander Pope ~ "All natures difference, keeps all nature at peace."

Chapter Business & Announcements     (See Meeting Minutes link at top of this post for business additional details)
  • Treasurers Report - An updated report (as of 8/31/23) was presented at the 9/1 BOM meeting.
  • Registrar's Report - Registrar Tom Hewett reported there is one application for membership at National. Two new applications are in various stages of process.

  • At the September 1st Board of Managers meeting, the BOM approved sharing the cost with the Sandy Springs DAR for a project to plant a "Liberty Tree" at the Sandy Springs Veterans Park.
  • Chapter Genealogist Tom Chrisman is working with the Sandy Springs police department for a 2023 Heroism Award candidate.
  • The Chapter Bylaws revision is still in progress.
  • The Board of Managers approved a budget for a new Speaker PA system.
  • Flag Certificate Update and encouragement for all members to be on the lookout for opportunities.
  • Dues Renewal for 2024 - The Chapter Dues Committee has set the deadline for all Chapter collection by November 30, 2023. Members are encouraged to also donate to the Chapter’s Fellows Fund (for non-budgeted items).   3 Ways to Pay Dues
  • Nominations for 2024 Officers - The Nominating Committee is in the process of establishing candidates..
  • August & September Birthdays - Happy Birthday to these Compatriots! John Bivens III, Steve Colwell, Jack Dyer, Chip Floyd III, Tom Hughes, Chuck Olson, Rusty Redding, John Robitscher, David Tharp, and David Wellons.
  • Next Mount Vernon Meeting - Tuesday October 10th at Vintage Pizzeria. Emil Decker from the Robert Forsyth Chapter and editor of the Georgia Hornets Nest Newsletter, will be our guest speaker and he will talk about the Marquis de Lafayette.
  • Look for emails and meeting reminders from our Corresponding Secretary Tom Hughes.
  • Recessional: Sergeant-at-Arms Hamilton McDonald
  • Benediction: Chaplain Gene Ray
  • The evening was adjourned at 7:49 p.m. by President David Wellons.
  • Minutes submitted by Recording Secretary Warren McPhillips

Date: September 16th, 2023 | Event Link
Chapter Color Guard at DAR Constitution Week Luncheon
Dunwoody Country Club

The DAR's Constitution Week Luncheon was held at the prestigious Dunwoody Country Club with four (4) area DAR Chapters attending. The event was hosted by the Atlanta, Cherokee, Roswell King & Sandy Springs Chapters of the DAR.

Mount Vernon Chapter members Bill Floyd, Shep Hammack and David Wellons acted as the Color Guard at this DAR event on Saturday September 16th.

State Regent Alice Benton, Regent of the Cherokee Chapter is pictured (right) with Compatriots Shep Hammack and David Wellons. Other DAR members attending were Betty Harrah, State Regent; Mary Williams, NW District Director; Alison Wise, Atlanta Regent; Milbrey Heard, Roswell King Regent; Patricia Bradford, Sandy Springs Regent; Debby Holcomb, Sandy Springs Chaplain; and Kathy Marsh, Roswell King Chaplain.
  Luncheon Program

No Photo

Alice Benton (middle) | Larger

Photo Courtesy of Cherokee DAR

Date: Friday, September 29, 2023 | Event Link
Flag Certificate ~ Semper Fi Bar and Grille
Soon to be 'Rally Point Grille'
Location: 9770 Main St, Woodstock, GA.

"A Place Where Heroes Gather"
That is the saying on the menu where Chapter President David Wellons presented Semper Fi Bar and Grille owner Ralph Roeger with the Sons of the American Revolution - Flag Certificate. The award is given to businesses or individuals who display the American Flag in accordance to the U.S. Flag Code.

We encourage all of our Mount Vernon Chapter members to contact our Chapter Officers about Flag Certificate opportunities.

  • US Flag Code
  • During daylight hours (between sunrise to sunset) on stationary flag staffs should be hoisted briskly and lowered ceremoniously.
  • When left raised at night, it should have a light on the Flag and staff.
  • It should be a serviceable flag, that is not worn or soiled.
Eight Mount Vernon Chapter members attended the ceremony in Woodstock, Georgia. 'Flags' Committee Chairman Shep Hammack and past President Bill Floyd were dressed in George Washington uniforms. Veterans Committee chairman Hamilton McDonald was unable to attend due to a pre-planned trip out of state.

Larger Image
The Ceremony

(L to R) Tom Hewett (US Army 1971 - 1973), Rev Bill Floyd (uniform), David Wellons, Ralph Roeger (US Marines), Shep Hammack (uniform), John Bivins (US Army Reserve 1961- 1966), Warren McPhillips, and John Galt (US Army 1967 - 1971).  |  Larger Image | 2nd Certificate Image |
See More Photos  (Photos by Chuck Rann, John Galt and David Wellons)

(L to R) Warren McPhillips, Shep Hammack (uniform), Tom Hewett (US Army 1971 - 1973), Ralph Roeger (US Marines), David Wellons, Rev Bill Floyd (uniform), John Bivins (US Army Reserve 1961- 1966), John Galt (US Army 1967 - 1971).
Larger Image | See More Photos

Restaurant owner Ralph Roeger is a veteran of the US Marine Corps and flies the US flag on one pole and the Marine Corps flag along with the POW flag on another. The Semper Fi Bar & Grille is a hot spot for veterans and the public - Tuesdays thru Sundays, with military memorabilia filling each room within the restaurant.

See More Photos

Ralph Roeger | Larger Image
Name Change

From their website - "The Semper Fi Bar and Grille was created to honor Veterans, Active Duty and First Responders and was established in August 2015 by Marine Corps veterans, Ralph and Carrie Roeger, and daughter Samantha. - "We were inspired to create a place where veterans can ‘tell their story’ and to honor military families as well as ALL those that put their lives on the line every day."

Roeger, who is franchising the restaurant, will change the name to
Rally Point Grille in November. He currently has the Woodstock location and another in Evans, GA., with interest in other Georgia cities.

Visit: | Menu

Date: October 10, 2023 | Event Link
Mount Vernon Chapter - October Meeting
Meeting Program | Meeting Minutes | Meeting Photos

  • Location: Vintage Pizzeria, 5510 Chamblee Dunwoody Road, Dunwoody, GA.
  • President David Wellons began the meeting at 7:00 pm.
  • The Invocation by Chaplain Gene Ray
  • Presentation of Colors
  • The Pledge of Allegiance and Pledge to the SAR by Sergeant-at-Arms Hamilton McDonald
A total of 41 were present at the October meeting, including 26 members, 10 spouses, and 5 guest which included guest speaker Emil Decker, Mark Cohen, Matt Cohen, Tom Loftis and Finley Baker.

Members (and wives) present were Kevin Baker (Chandler), John Bivins (Connie), Tom Chrisman, Tony Crowe, Jack Dyer, Bill Floyd, Ted Fricke (Beth), John Galt (Peggy), Ross Glover (Marie), Larry Guzy (dual), Shep Hammack, Tommy Hayes, Tom Hewett, Tom Hughes, Sunny Lee, Richard McCrary (Catherine), Ham McDonald, Warren McPhillips, Chuck Olson, Randy Pollard, Tom Pye, Chuck Rann (Patsy), Gene Ray, Lyman Smith (Becky), David Wellons (Jane), and Larry White (Nancy).
These 4 members paid their 2024 dues by check this evening ~ verified by Bill Floyd. Thank you! )

Our October Speaker ~ Emil Decker
Topic: "Marquis de LaFayette"
Chapter Vice President John Galt introduced our guest speaker Emil Decker, who gave a very good presentation on America's most enthusiastic ally during the Revolutionary War - the Marquis de LaFayette.
  • Points of Interest
  • Full name of the French aristocrat: Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier de La Fayette.
  • Born: 6 September 1757;   Died: 20 May 1834 (aged 76)
  • Set sail to the Americas in April of 1777 aboard the Victoire.
  • Landed on North Island near Georgetown, South Carolina on June 13, 1777.
  • Lafayette met General George Washington at a dinner in Philadelphia in August 1777 and the two bonded.
  • Present at:
  • Brandywine - September 1777
  • Encampment at Valley Forge in the winter of 1777–78.
  • Battle of Monmouth
  • Battle of the Virginia Capes
  • Yorktown - September 1781; In October, Lafayette's 400 men on the American right took Redoubt 9.

  • * Lafayette worked with Benjamin Franklin to secure the promise of 6,000 soldiers to be sent to America.
  • * Named his son - Georges Washington Lafayette.
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Larger Image | Visit our 2023 Speakers Page to read more about Emil Decker.

Speaker Appreciation
Chapter Vice President John Galt presented Compatriot Emil Decker with a Certificate of Appreciation for his presentation.
Huzzah Emil!

Chapter Business & Announcements     (Source: See Meeting Minutes link at top of this post.)
    President’s Comments:
  • President David Wellons welcomed our newest member, Lyman Smith to the meeting. His application was approved by National but the paperwork and certificate has not yet arrived. Therefore, Lyman will be inducted at our next meeting on November 14th.
  • We held a flag certificate presentation ceremony Friday September 29 at the Semper Fi Bar and Grille in Woodstock. Eight members were present, including Bill Floyd and Shep Hammack in uniform. See Review
  • Tom Chrisman is in contact with the Sandy Springs Police Department and a candidate for the SAR Law Enforcement Commendation Medal has been identified. The plan is to make the presentation in January.
  • SAVE THE DATE - A reminder that our Chapter's Annual Banquet is February 3rd, 2024 at Olde Towne Athletic Club - 4950 Olde Towne Pkwy - near Johnson Ferry Road & Lower Roswell Road in Marietta. More details will be provided via eMail. We look forward to everyone attending.

  • Wreaths Across America - Placing wreaths on Veteran's graves at Georgia's two National Cemeteries. Bill Floyd is handling the arrangements. Cost is $17 for one, $34 for two (one additional wreath for free). Use the Georgia SAR link:  Order Wreaths Online   Please consider donating to this cause by mailing a check to Bill Floyd or ordering online by November 28th and attend the ceremony at Marietta or Canton National on Saturday December 16th!
  • Tom Chrisman is coordinating with the DAR to place a tree at the Sandy Springs Veterans Park. The joint donation, in conjunction with Sandy Springs will plant the tree in a prominent place in the park.
  • 2024 SAR Dues Renewal - The Chapter has a deadline of November 30th this year for dues renewals. This gives our Chapter Treasurer Bill Floyd time (now through and during the holidays) to collect and submit checks to the State Secretary. We ask those submitting checks to Bill Floyd do so asap by mail or at the November meeting. There is also an online method at the Georgia SAR website.  Pay Dues Online   Members are encouraged to also donate to the Chapter’s Fellows Fund.
  • Nomination Committee: Our nominating committee (Shep Hammack, Bill Floyd, John Galt) will present a proposed slate of 2024 officers at our next meeting on November 14th. The Chapter will vote on it at our December 12th meeting. We encourage all members to consider serving as an officer and if you are interested, please contact Shep, Tom, or John to discuss and to be considered.

    Chapter Business:
  • Treasurer’s Report: Chapter Treasurer Bill Floyd reported a positive balance - identical to the previous month as no deposits or disbursements occurred. He received checks for dues and donation to the Fellows fund prior to the meeting.
  • Registrar’s Report: Registrar Tom Hewett confirmed the approval Lyman Smith’s membership and stated that Matt Cohen’s application would be sent to State this week. Tom Loftis’ application is in progress. Both were present at the meeting.

  • October Birthdays: Phillip Catalano II, Denver Dunn, John Elwood, Tom Hewett, Lucas Nelson, Chris Payne, Bob Pile, Tom Robbins, and new member Lyman Smith.

  • Next Board of Managers (BOM) Meeting: The next BOM meeting is Friday December 8, 2023 at Vintage Pizzeria at noon (order meal at 11:30). Any member is welcome to attend and observe.
  • Next Mount Vernon Meeting - Tuesday November 14th at Vintage Pizzeria. Sergeant at Arms Ham McDonald will be our guest speaker.
  • Recessional by Sergeant-at-Arms Hamilton McDonald
  • Benediction by Chaplain Gene Ray
  • The evening was adjourned at 8:00 p.m. by President David Wellons.
  • Minutes submitted by Recording Secretary Warren McPhillips

Date: November 7th, 2023 | Event Link
Flag Certificate - Sandy Springs Fire Station # 2
135 Johnson Ferry Rd, Sandy Springs, GA.

"Fire Station Two was opened in 2022 replacing the original 1969 building. The daily staffing includes a four-person squad, a four-person aerial platform truck company, and the on-duty Battalion Chief."

  • US Flag Code
  • During daylight hours (between sunrise to sunset) on stationary flag staffs should be hoisted briskly and lowered ceremoniously.
  • When left raised at night, it should have a light on the Flag and staff.
  • It should be a serviceable flag, that is not worn or soiled.
Flag Certificate    |    All Photos Here
Mount Vernon President David Wellons, 'Flags' Committee Chairman Shep Hammack (in uniform), John Galt and Chuck Olson presented Sandy Springs Fire Station #2 with a Sons of the American Revolution Flag Certificate on this Tuesday. The facility meets the requirements for the certificate by maintaining a light on the flag during evening hours as outlined by the U.S. Flag Code.

David Wellons and Fire Chief Keith Sanders |   Larger Image

This is the third Flag Certificate issued so far this year by the Mount Vernon Chapters. We encourage all of our Mount Vernon Chapter members to contact our Chapter Officers about Flag Certificate opportunities.

We thank all for attending this Flag Certificate - Sandy Springs Mayor Rusty Paul, John Paulson from District 1 (mayor pro tempore for the City), Melissa Mular from District 3, Fire Chief Keith Sanders, and a special thanks to all the first responders at Station #2.

(Photos taken by compatriots John Galt and David Wellons)

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Date: November 10th, 2023 | Event Link
Mount Vernon Contributes Tree to Sandy Springs Park
Veterans Park ~ Sandy Springs Georgia

DAR Flyer  | All Photos Here   (2 photos added)

Ceremony at Byers Theater
The City of Sandy Springs held a Veterans Day and Park Dedication on Friday November 10th, at which announced the opening of the cities newest park, across Roswell Road from City Hall. The Veterans tribute ceremony began at Byers Theater with music and speeches by dignitaries and by City Mayor, Rusty Paul.

Veterans Park Ceremony
The next phase of the ceremony was the Veterans Park dedication in the newly landscaped park area across from City Hall. A Trident Maple or "Liberty Tree" centers the landscaping. The Sandy Springs Chapter of the DAR and the Mount Vernon Chapter each contributed to the purchase of this tree, and a plaque will be placed at the base. It coincides with the SAR's 'America 250 Program' honoring America's 250th Anniversary.

The City of Sandy Springs will hold a separate ceremony with the DAR and the SAR for its contribution towards the tree at a later date. The Mount Vernon Chapter will also present two Flag Certificates to the city at that time. One for the flag in this park and the other which is at city hall.

President David Wellons (uniform) , Chuck Olson (uniform), Shep Hammack (uniform), and Tom Chrisman (militia uniform) were present at this event.

Our Trident Maple "Liberty Tree"
(center tree ~ acer buergerianum)

Publicity on Atlanta First News - WANF Channel 46   |   (See Tab 1C on the Americanism Report)

Date: November 13th, 2023 | Event Link
Mount Vernon Color Guard at DAR Meeting
East Roswell Park ~ Roswell Georgia

Color Guard
The Mount Vernon Color Guard presented the colors at the November meeting of the Martha Stewart Bulloch Chapter. Color Guard Commander Shep Hammack, President David Wellons, Rev Bill Floyd and Tom Hewett were all in uniform. DAR members attending (known) were current Martha Stewart Bulloch DAR Regent Sue Gilbert, 1st VP - Cynthia Waskowsky, Jane Wellons, Montez Hammack, and Beth Wassell.

Mount Vernon Color Guard | Larger Photo

  Member Spotlight
Dr. Tom Hewett, Mount Vernon Registrar was honored Monday by the Martha Stewart Bullock DAR chapter by presentation of a certificate and pin for his military service during the Vietnam War. This award ~ labeled “A lasting memento of the Nation’s thanks” is awarded to any branch member who was active during the years of the Vietnam War, regardless of location of service. The Award was presented by guest speaker Vietnam Veteran Captain Donna C. Rowe, who was an Army MASH unit nurse during the Vietnam war.   The Vietnam Veteran Lapel Pin is presented on behalf of a grateful nation. Embossed on the back of the pin closest to the heart of the wearer is a message “A Grateful Nation Thanks and Honors You”. Congratulations, Tom!

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Note: Donna spoke at the 2018 Mount Vernon October meeting about her time as a MASH nurse in Vietnam. See 2018 October Events.

The DAR Meeting was held at the East Roswell Park Facility.  (Image has a filter added to original)

Date: November 14, 2023 | Event Link
Mount Vernon Chapter - November Meeting
Meeting Program | Meeting Minutes | Meeting Photos

  • Location: Vintage Pizzeria, 5510 Chamblee Dunwoody Road, Dunwoody, GA.
  • President David Wellons began the meeting at 7:00 pm.
  • The Invocation by Chaplain Gene Ray
  • Presentation of Colors
  • The Pledge of Allegiance and Pledge to the SAR by Sergeant-at-Arms Hamilton McDonald
No Photo A total of 36 individuals were present at the meeting, including 23 members and combination of 13 guests & spouses which included Matt Cohen, Mac Trotter, Tom Loftis, and Finley Baker (CAR).

Members (and wives) present were Kevin Baker (Chandler), Wheeler Bryan (Anne), Tom Chrisman, Tony Crowe, Bill Floyd (Carrie), John Galt (Peggy),Larry Guzy, Shep Hammack (Montez), Tom Hewett, Tom Hughes, Sunny Lee, Richard McCrary (Catherine), Ham McDonald (Judy), Warren McPhillips, Chuck Olson, Bob Pile, Tom Pye, Chuck Rann, Gene Ray, Lyman Smith (Becky), Dave Tharp, John Wassell (Beth), and David Wellons (Jane)

Our November Speaker ~ Compatriot Chuck Olson
Topic: "The Colonial Roots of the Georgia Courts (1733-1800)"
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Visit our 2023 Speakers Page to read more about Chuck Olson.

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Chapter Vice President John Galt introduced our guest speaker Chuck Olson, who spoke about Georgia's Court system and how we ended up with the process and structure we have today. Chuck is the retired General Counsel of the Prosecution Attorneys’ Council of Georgia where he trained and advised Georgia’s prosecutors on ethics. He is also a published legal historian. He is a retired Army officer who served for 24 years and is active in Scouting.  

  • Points of Interest
  • Georgia was colonized in 1733. Oglethorpe established Savannah and established a government with rules and a court system to enforce them.
  • The Town Court of Savannah was controlled by Thomas Causton, the judge and Storekeeper for Colony. Described as “passionate, vindictive, overbearing scoundrel,” he ran the court for his own benefit and that of his friends. His successor has been described as a "somewhat reformed" habitual drunkard
  • Contrary to popular belief, there was a lawyer in Georgia during the Trustee period. Barrister William Stephens of the Middle Temple, served as the Resident Secretary of the Trustees in Savannah from 1737-1745.
  • A second Town Court existed in Fredricka from 1735-1745.
  • Reform of the colony courts was a major reason the Trusees surrendered their Charter early.
  • The colonists welcomed the establishment of a Royal government and the promise of judicial reform.
  • The first lawyer was Attorney General William Clifton, a Greys Inn trained barrister. He created a new court system consisting of superior courts (General Court, Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Gaol Delivery, and Admiralty Court, and inferior courts, justices of the peace. Procedures followed those used in "Old Bailey" in London. Appeals of judgements were allowed.
  • Anthony Stokes, Chief Justice of Georgia from 1769 – 1776 and 1779 – 1782, professionalized the courts, standardized procedures, and was widely respected by both loyalists and Whigs as an "upright magistrate." When he left the colony in 1776, the Whigs gave him permission to leave and a letter commending him for his service.
  • Georgia was the only colony where the courts refused to issue "Writs of Assistance."
  • When the Whigs (Patriots) took over in 1776, they kept the Royal Court system and procedures but eliminated the right to appeal judgements. One of the Royal associate justices,Jonathan Bryan, became the Chief Justice.
  • When the British returned in 1779, Chief Justice Stokes resumed his position. The General Court and the Court of Oyer and Terminer, etc., were merged and commonly referred to as the "superior court." The Common House of Assembly passes legislation to divide the colony into judicial circuits.
  • When the British evacuated Savannah in 1782, Stokes returned to London and Chief Justice Bryan resumed his duties. The only change made was to rename the General Court as the Superior Court, which still exists and to finish setting up the judicial circuits.
  • Until 1799, there could be no appeal from the decisions of the Superior Courts. The Georgia Supreme Court was not established until 1845.
  • Over time, other courts were created out of the Superior Courts. Those are known as State Courts, Probate Courts, Juvenile Courts, Magistrates Courts and Municipal Courts. The Court of Appeals was created in 1906.
  • Many of the court procedures used in Georgia today are based on Chief Justice Antony Stokes instructions.
Speaker Appreciation
Chapter Vice President John Galt presented Compatriot Emil Decker with a Certificate of Appreciation for his presentation.   Huzzah Chuck!

Chapter Business & Announcements     (Source: See Meeting Minutes link at top of this post.)
    Honorarium Award: Cynthia Waskowsky
  • Cynthia Waskowsky, representing the Martha Steward Bulloch DAR presented a check to President Wellons for our color guard duties for their meeting on Monday, November 13th.

  • New Member Induction: Lyman Smith
  • President David Wellons inducted new member Lyman Smith, who is our 68th member for the year.
    Lyman’s wife Becky was present for the ceremony and pinned the sar rosette on her husbands lapel. His ancestor was Colesby Smith, a corporal in a local unit from North Carolina. (See Photos)

  • No Photo 2024 Chapter Officer Nominations
  • 2024 Nominating Committee Chairman Shep Hammack reported the proposed slate of officers for 2024. No other nominations were made from the floor (per the Bylaws) so the slate of 2024 officers is: President - John Galt; Vice President - Tom Hewett; Recording Secretary - Kevin Baker; Corresponding Secretary - Chuck Rann; Treasurer - Bill Floyd; Registrar - Warren McPhillips; Genealogist - Tom Chrisman; Chancellor - Tom Pye; Sargeant at Arms - Sunny Lee; Chaplain - Gene Ray; Historian - Shep Hammack. Voting will take place at the December 12th meeting.

  • No Photo Treasurer’s Report
  • Chapter Treasurer Bill Floyd reported that as of October 31, 2023 we continue to have a positive balance. The most significant expenses were - Passing dues to State and National, the tree donation to Sandy Springs, and the audio PA system.

  • Registrar’s Report
  • Registrar Tom Hewett advised us of the status of memberships and new applications at SAR State and National.

  • Announcements
  • See all 'President's Remarks' in the Meeting Minutes above.
  • Dr. Tom Hewett, Mount Vernon Registrar was honored yesterday by the Martha Stewart Bullock DAR chapter by presentation of a certificate and pin for his military service during the Vietnam War. Congratulations, Tom!
  • The cut off date for 2024 Dues renewal is approaching. Our Chapter has a timeline of November 30th for collecting dues and submitting them to the GA SAR Secretary. If you are not on the reconciliation form from GASSAR to NSSAR, you will be dropped from the SAR. There is a reinstatement process that involves a fee.
  • Chapter Awards: Shep Hammack presented to Ham McDonald two streamers that were awarded to the Chapter. One was a President General’s Education streamer and the other one is a Revolutionary War Grave Marking certificate with Gold Star.
  • Wreathes Across America: Our chapter is contributing 12 wreaths to this years event. 6 will go to Marietta National and 6 will go to Georgia National in Canton. Thanks to those who contributed.
  • Vote on Revised Bylaws: Voting will be held at the December 12th Chapter meeting.
  • SAVE THE DATE - A reminder that our Chapter's Annual Banquet is February 3rd, 2024. More details will be provided via eMail. We look forward to members & guest attending.
  • November Birthdays: Kevin Baker, James Brackey, Wheeler Brian, Tom Chrisman, Ross Glover, Shep Hammack, Don Hart, Ernest Moncrief, Bill Murray, Tom Pye, Alan Redding, and Walker Robitscher.
  • Next Board of Managers (BOM) Meeting: The next BOM meeting is Friday December 8, 2023 at Vintage Pizzeria at noon (order meal at 11:30). Any member is welcome to attend and observe.
  • Next Mount Vernon Meeting - Tuesday December 12th at Vintage Pizzeria. Compatriot Biil Kabel will be our guest speaker and talk about "A Revolutionary Christmas".
  • Recessional by Sergeant-at-Arms Hamilton McDonald
  • Benediction by Chaplain Gene Ray
  • The evening was adjourned at 8:07 p.m. by President David Wellons.
  • Minutes submitted by Recording Secretary Warren McPhillips
  • Program by Vice President John Galt
  • November Meeting Photos by Tom Hughes, David Wellons and Chuck Rann

Date: December 4, 2023 | Event Link
Remembering Donald M. Hart ~ 1936 - 2023


Compatriots of the Mount Vernon Chapter,

It is with great sadness that we inform you of the passing of Compatriot Donald M. Hart on Monday December 4th. Please keep Marlene and her family in your thoughts and prayers during this most difficult time.

He is survived by Marlene and their two daughters, Donna and Michele, along with his sister Netta, and numerous nieces and nephews.

Don was a proud Marine Corps veteran, and a member of numerous organizations including the SAR. He was an avid car enthusiast and entrepreneur. He and Marlene traveled the world and enjoyed life together.

He and Marlene were consistent attendees at our chapter monthly meetings and his smile will be missed.

With the Chapter's deepest sympathy to Marlene,

Mount Vernon Chapter BOM

Compatriot Don Hart
11/22/1937 - 12/4/2023   (87)

Date: December 8th, 2023   | Event Link
INS Naturalization Ceremony
Fulton County Georgia Courthouse

Mount Vernon Chapter member Bill Floyd attended another United States Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) ceremony at the Fulton County Courthouse and represented the Sons of the American Revolution this day. The Ceremony is held in the Atlanta Division and is a function of the United States District Court, Northern District of Georgia, with the Honorable Judge Amy Totemberg presiding.

INS Ceremony in downtown Atlanta, GA.
Bill Floyd and Judge Amy Totemberg

U.S. Citizenship Application Eligibility Requirements were listed on our August 11th INS Ceremony above.

Date: December 9, 2023 | Event Link
A Celebration of the Life of Donald Michael Hart

Holy Innocents' Episcopal Church

The Church Service
Don Hart's service was Saturday the 9th at Holy Innocents' Episcopal Church. Attending were President David Wellons, VP John Galt, Rev. Bill Floyd, Shep Hammack, Tom Chrisman and Chuck Rann.

The service was conducted by The Reverend Dr. Bill Murray, who is also a member of the Mount Vernon Chapter. Beautiful roses adorned the church and many friends, business associates, fellow car enthusiast, and our own Shep Hammack gave eulogies praising Don's generosity and friendship.

(L to R) Rev Bill Floyd, Tom Chrisman, David Wellons and Shep Hammack (in uniform)

Our Color Guard acted as the Cordon as guest entered the church. They also took the colors into the church at the beginning of the service and posted them on either side.

Ave Maria proceeded the Gospel, followed by The Apostles' Creed. On Eagles Wings proceeded Holy Communion, followed by Clare de lund.
A reception followed the service, where Marlene and her daughters Donna & Michele were surrounded by friends and family.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to Marlene and her family.

Date: December 12, 2023 | Event Link
Mount Vernon Chapter - December Meeting
Meeting Program | Meeting Minutes | Meeting Photos

  • Location: Vintage Pizzeria, 5510 Chamblee Dunwoody Road, Dunwoody, GA.
  • President David Wellons began the meeting at 7:00 pm.
  • The Invocation by Chaplain Gene Ray
  • Presentation of Colors
  • The Pledge of Allegiance and Pledge to the SAR by Sergeant-at-Arms Hamilton McDonald
We had a total of 31 people at the meeting, including 19 members and combination of 12 guests (4) & spouses (8).
Guest were Matt Cohen, Tom Loftis, Robert Kabel and our speaker, Bill Kabel.

Members (and wives) present were Kevin Baker, Tony Crowe, Bill Floyd, Ted Fricke (Beth), John Galt (Peggy), Ross Glover (Marie), Tom Hewett, Sunny Lee, Richard McCrary (Katherine), Ham McDonald (Judy), Warren McPhillips, Bob Pile, Tom Pye, Chuck Rann (Patsy), Gene Ray, Lyman Smith (Becky), Dave Tharp, John Wassell (Beth) and David Wellons.

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No Photo
Visit our 2023 Speakers Page to read more about Bill Kabel.

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Photo by David Wellons

Our December Speaker ~ Compatriot Bill Kabel
Topic: "A Revolutionary Christmas"

For our December program we welcomed back Bill Kabel, a fellow member of the Sons of the American Revolution, and Past President of the Piedmont Chapter, who shared with us the very first lecture he researched and wrote for SAR speaking engagements, “A Revolutionary Christmas.” This informative and entertaining presentation has received many accolades from each organization he presented it to over the years. He related the history of Christmas and the origins of many of its traditions, taking us back in time to how our patriot forefathers celebrated Christmas.

  • The History of Christmas
  • Many of the colonist were of Anglicans of English descent as well as Roman Catholics, Methodists, Lutherans and Presbyterians. They all observed the Christmas holidays as they did in their homelands.
  • The Dutch and German population in Pennsylvania and New York centered their celebrations around the children and in their homes.
  • The story of "The Twelve Days of Christmas": 18th Century Anglicans considered the 12 days to begin on Christmas Day. These days included hunting, feasting, drinking and playing games. The 12th night ended the celebration and was the Epiphany. (January 6th)
  • George and Martha Washington were married on January 6th in 1759!
  • During the industrial period, work days ended the 12 days celebration and more emphasis was given to Christmas Day and New Years. It also began the gift giving promoted by retailers.

  • The Traditions
  • #1) Decorating the Christmas Tree with a Star on top.
  • The Hessians may be credited with decorating trees in America, a tradition that came with them from Germany.
  • The British took their tree tradition from the Royals when Queen Victoria married Prince Edward of Germany in 1840.
  • Santa Clause - Saint Nicholas was a gift from Europeans. "Senter Clause" was a version from Holland.
  • Mistletoe - The tradition of kissing under it.
  • Gift Giving - During the colonial days, this was mostly from the home owners to the servants. then it changed to the children.
  • Christmas Dinner - Turkey was a favorite.

Speaker Appreciation
Chapter Vice President John Galt presented Compatriot Bill Kabel with a Certificate of Appreciation for his presentation.   Huzzah Bill!

Chapter Business & Announcements     (Source: See Meeting Minutes link at top of this post.)
  • 2024 Elected Officers
    The following officers were unanimously approved in November, and unanimously elected to the 2024 Board of Managers (BOM) at this December meeting.  (Listed as in the Chapter Bylaws)
  • President - John Galt
  • Vice President - Tom Hewett
  • Recording Secretary - Kevin Baker
  • Corresponding Secretary - Chuck Rann
  • Treasurer - Bill Floyd
  • Registrar - Warren McPhillips
  • Genealogist - Tom Chrisman
  • Chaplain - Gene Ray
  • Historian - Shep Hammack
  • Chancellor - Tom Pye
  • Sergeant-at-Arms - Charles (Sunny) Lee

  • Vote to Adopt the Revised Chapter Bylaws
  • With all notification requirements met, a vote to adopt the new Chapter Bylaws was required. VP elect Tom Hewett made the motion to adopt the new Bylaws with a seconded by Bill Floyd. The motion to adopt the new Chapter Bylaws was passed with a unanimous vote from the membership.

  • Treasurer’s Report
  • Chapter Treasurer Bill Floyd reported that as of November 30, 2023 we continue to have a positive balance.

  • Registrar’s Report
  • Registrar Tom Hewett advised that Matt Cohen’s application has been received by National and Tom Loftis’ application will be submitted this week.

  • Announcements
  • Wreathes Across America is Saturday December 16th at noon. Members were encouraged to attend either ceremony at Marietta National or at Georgia National in Canton.
  • Passing of Member Don Hart: Bill Floyd gave a review of the funeral service for Don Hart that took place Saturday, Dec 9, 2023. Several members (in uniform) formed an honor guard at the service. Don was a charter member of our Chapter and will be missed. We ask for thoughts and prayers for Marlene.
  • Americanism Report: John Galt reminded everyone that the Americanism Report is our primary communication tool to National for recording what we do to support the many causes of SAR. It is imperative that we communicate any activities associated with SAR goals and objectives to John before year end. John will send a reminder email out to the membership.
  • Annual Banquet: Look for notification details in emails from our corresponding secretary.
  • Flag Certificate Update: A flag certificate will be presented to the Sandy Springs City Council at 6:00 pm on Tuesday, Dec 19th. David Wellons will make the presentation on behalf of the Chapter. An additional certificate is scheduled for the Sandy Springs Veterans Park Flag and it is possible that will be presented at the same time. That will give us a total of 5 certificates presented in 2023. David requested that members please continue to seek out candidates for certificates.
  • December Birthdays: Sunny Lee, Bill Floyd, and Hamilton McDonald
  • Next Meeting: The next Mt. Vernon Chapter meeting will be Tuesday, January 9, 2023 at 7:00 pm (fellowship time starts at 6:00 pm). Compatriot Ham McDonald will speak on "Honored to Serve".
  • Recessional by Sergeant-at-Arms Hamilton McDonald
  • Benediction by Chaplain Gene Ray
  • The evening was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. by President David Wellons.
  • Minutes submitted by Recording Secretary Warren McPhillips
  • Program by Vice President John Galt
  • December Meeting Photos by Chuck Rann

Date: December 16, 2023  | Event Link
2023 Wreaths Across America

Marietta National Cemetery | Georgia National Cemetery
Marietta Photos | Canton Photos | Video by John Galt  (8 MB)

The Mount Vernon Chapter and WAA 2023
Our Veterans Chairman Ham McDonald, his wife Judy, John Galt, and Chuck Rann attended the ceremony at Marietta's National Cemetery on this cloudy Saturday. Many other people from the area came to the annual event, and many donated wreaths to fill the cemetery with wreaths, making it a succesful program again this year. The wreaths were being unloaded and distributed prior to the actual memorial ceremony, with volunteers like Ham and Judy placing wreaths afterwards.

Ham had the honor of placing a wreath on his uncle's grave in Marietta. First Sergeant Robert McDonald.

If you haven't attended the event or seen the wreaths at the graves, you should plan to do so. It is quite stunning.

Marietta Photos | Canton Photos
Photos by Ham McDonald, John Galt and Chuck & Patsy Rann

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Photo by Patsy Rann - 2023 (GA National)

Date: December 19th, 2023   | Event Link
Sandy Springs Receives Two Flag Certificates
For City Hall and for Veterans Triangle Park, Sandy Springs, GA.

Sandy Springs Flag Certificate Presentation (Video)
Presentation by President David Wellons (PDF)
Sandy Springs Meeting Program

Two Flag Certificates
Mount Vernon President David Wellons and 'Flags' Committee Chairman Shep Hammack (in uniform), presented Sandy Springs Mayor Rusty Paul with two Sons of the American Revolution Flag Certificates on this Tuesday. The city has two flag poles, one at City Hall and the other at Veterans Triangle Park that are either ceremoniously raised and lowered each day, or lit throughout the night. This meets the US Flag code and the requirements for an SAR Flag Certificate.

Shep Hammack, David Wellons and Mayor Rusty Paul | Lrg Image

This is the fourth and fifth Flag Certificates issued so far this year by the Mount Vernon Chapter. We encourage all of our Mount Vernon Chapter members to contact our Chapter Officers about Flag Certificate opportunities.

Veterans Triangle Park, Sandy Springs, GA.
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  • US Flag Code
  • During daylight hours (between sunrise to sunset) on stationary flag staffs should be hoisted briskly and lowered ceremoniously.
  • When left raised at night, it should have a light on the Flag and staff.
  • It should be a serviceable flag, that is not worn or soiled.
President Wellons read a statement about the SAR's history, its mission statement and about promoting patriotism & honoring the American Flag.  (see Link at top)   He commended the city of Sandy Springs for it's proper display of the American Flag in each location, and at it's Fire Stations.

The Flag Certificate reads: 'In Recognition of Exemplary Patriotism in the display of the Flag of the United States of America.'  It is signed by President Wellons and our flag chairman Shep Hammack.

President Wellons thanks Dan Coffer, the Assistant Director of Communications for Sandy Springs for his assistance and coordination for the event and the Sandy Springs Mayor Rusty Paul and city council.

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