Mount Vernon Education/Youth Programs in 2020
Scout Certificates - Summary Page

Date: January 14, 2020
Mount Vernon Chapter January Meeting
Event Link | Meeting Photos  by Tom Hughes
Registrar's Report (PDF) | Meeting Minutes (PDF)

  INDUCTION of 1 New Member - Dr. Richard ("Paul") Keim

Attendance - Recognition of Visitors
Visitors included guest speaker Martin A. Howley and his wife Crystal, and prospective members Richard Anderson, Richard McCrary and his wife Catherine, and Hamilton McDonald and his wife Judy. Dr. Richard ("Paul") Keim was also recognized as a new member of the Chapter and was inducted during this meeting. He was accompanied by his wife, Tami Keim. In all, there were 25 members and 8 guest for a total of 33 in attendance.
Guest Speaker: Martin Howley
2021 Guest Speaker Page #Howley

This very informative and engaging presentation described the logistics of how battles were fought by both the British and Patriots, and how the flow of the Battle of Cowpens went that resulted in a major routing of the British and turned the American Revolution into the favor of the Patriots.

President Bill Floyd presented Martin with a Certificate of Appreciation for the presentation.

Powerpoint Presentation | Map

No Photo
Business   (See Meeting Photos)

  • Trivia: A game of trivia focused on answers to the test that naturalized American citizens have to pass to receive their American citizenship. Members did remarkably well in providing answers.
  • Annual Installation and Dinner Meeting will be Saturday, February 22, 2020 at Indian Hills Country Club. At that time, the 2020 Chapter Officers (see list below) will be installed. Format will be a buffet dinner and the dress code is formal - for men, tuxedos, business suits, kilts or uniforms, and appropriate evening wear for the ladies. Cost is $100.00 per couple and the RSVP is made by submitting a payment check to Treasurer Ted Fricke no later than February 10. No walk-ins, since we must give the club a final count in advance of the event. Note: There will be no regular February meeting due to this banquet.
  • Dues Payment Status - As of this date, approximately 20 members have not paid dues for 2020.
  • Registrar/Genealogist Tom Chrisman updated the "Police and Fireman's Award" program and discussed how we need to coordinate with the local VFW who do similar awards, to avoid timing conflicts. Initial award will be focused on Police and we plan to make the first award in about May, 2020
  • New Member Dr. Richard ("Paul") Keim was inducted into membership in the Chapter by Chapter President Bill Floyd. He was accompanied by his wife, Tami. All members present greeted Tom with handshakes and welcoming comments.
  • Shep Hammack - Two more supplemental partiot ancestor approved. Castleberry and Gay, we're patriots cited on two supplemental's approved and presented to Shep Hammack.
  • President Bill Floyd presented the proposed slate of Officers for 2020. A request for nominations from the floor, repeated three times as required by the bylaws, did not provide any additional names. They will be installed at the Annual Installation and Dinner Meeting on February 22, 2020, and are:
  • Chapter Historian Shep Hammack announced that the BOM had voted to donate $1,000 to help fund the purchase and installation of a flagpole at the Donaldson Banner House in Dunwoody. The chapter's donation will be noted on a brass plaque attached to the new flagpole. City of Dunwoody Parks and Recreation will handle all details and work effort. Our gift basically covers the installation of the pole, the lighting, the flag and cost of the plaque, which means the only cost of the pole itself is paid by the City.

  • 2019-2020 President Bill Floyd presented the proposed slate of Officers for 2020. A request for nominations from the floor, repeated three times as required by the bylaws, did not provide any additional names. They will be installed at the Annual Installation and Dinner Meeting on February 22, 2020, and are:
    • President & Corresponding Secretary - Chuck Rann
    • Vice President - Tom Pye
    • Recording Secretary -
    • Treasurer - Ted Fricke
    • Registrar/Genealogist - Tom Chrisman
    • Chaplain - John Galt
    • Sergeant-at-Arms - Chuck Olson
    • Chancellor - Jim McDonald
    • Historian - Shep Hammack

  • The Fourth of July Picnic celebration will be held at Lost Corners on July 18th. Jim McDonald has reserved the venue and has graciously offered to pay the rental fee.
  • The next Officer Board Of Managers meeting will be Friday, March 6, 2020 at 11:30 am at Vintage Pizza. Any member is welcome to attend as an observer. The next BOM meeting after that is scheduled for May 8, 2020 at the same location.
  • The next regular Mt. Vernon Chapter meeting will be held March 10, 2020 at Vintage Pizza. There will be no regular February meeting as it is replaced by the Annual Banquet on February 22, 2020 at Indian Hills Country Club.
  • The Battle of Kettle Creek Celebration will be held in Washington, GA on February 7-9, 2020.

Date: January 28, 2020
Remembering Carl Latta Espy Jr. ~ 1928 - 2020

Compatriot Carl Espy Jr. was a Charter Member of the Mount Vernon Chapter.
He is listed on our
About Page.

Compatriot Espy was a veteran of the US Army and served his country in Germany, Korea, and Vietnam. He retired from military service in 1972 at the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. During his time in the Army, he received many commendations, including the Bronze Star Medal.

Compatriot Espy is buried at the Georgia National Cemetery in Canton Georgia.   Obituary

Date: February 22, 2020
Mount Vernon's Annual Installation Banquet
Event Link | Event Minutes | Program | Event Photos 1 | Event Photos 2

The Mount Vernon Chapter held it's 3rd Annual Installation Banquet on the evening of February 22nd at the clubhouse of the Indian Hills Country Club, Marietta, Georgia. There were 18 members, 24 guests including spouses and invited guests, and 2 prospective members, for a total of 44 in attendance.

2019 President Bill Floyd conducted the night's program, with Sergent-in-Arms Chuck Olson assisting him. The Colors were posted prior to the event.

The Invocation - was given by John Galt.
The Pledge of Allegiance and Pledge to the SAR - led by Sgt-In-Arms Chuck Olson.

Recognition of Guests & Prospective Members
Outgoing Chapter President began the evening with recognition of our guest.

Guests included:
  • GASSAR State President William B. (Bill) Dobbs II.
  • GASSAR State Metro Regional Vice President Ron Redner and his wife Leah.
  • SAR Past President General Larry Guzy and his wife Karin.
  • GASSAR Past State President, Past State Genealogist & Registrar; Past Piedmont Chapter Registrar, Vice President & President Bob Sapp.
Prospective members in attendance (new members in process waiting for filed paperwork approval)
  • Hamilton ("Ham") McDonald and wife Judy.
  • Richard McCrary and wife Catherine.
Special notation of Chapter Members holding State Office:
  • GASSAR State Treasurer Shep Hammack and wife Montez.
  • GASSAR State Chaplain Bill Floyd and wife Carey.

Chapter Awards
Presented by Shep Hammack

Streamer Presentation: Earned by Chapter at Annual GASSAR Conference
  • Membership Renewal
  • Kettle Creek Award

Individual Awards:
  • President William N. Floyd was presented his George Washington Endowment Fund Certificate and Pin by Past SAR President General Larry Guzy.
  • John Galt was awarded a Certificate of Appreciation for all his help with special event coordination and for his service as Chaplain by President Bill Floyd.
  • Peggy Galt, wife of compatriot John Galt was awarded the Martha Washington medal by President Bill Floyd for great service the Chapter, and for her hard work in coordinating special events, such as the Annual Banquet and the Fourth of July picnic.
  • Past Chapter President James T. McDonald was awarded the Distinguished Service Medal by Shep Hammack for his work as Chapter President in 2018.
  • Chapter Vice President, Recording Secretary and Webmaster Charles R. Rann was awarded the Distinguished Service Medal by Shep Hammack.
  • Chapter President William N. Floyd was awarded the Distinguished Service Medal by Past President Jim McDonald for his service as President of the Chapter.
  • Past Chapter President and current Historian E. Shepard Hammack was awarded the Distinguished Service Medal by President Bill Floyd. Shep was the founder of the Chapter and Served as a two term President. [Our George Washington]
  • Carey Floyd, wife of Compatriot and Chapter President Bill Floyd was awarded the Lydia Darragh Medal for her assistance of behind the scenes efforts.
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No Photo

Supplemental Awards
Presented by Chapter Genealogist and Registrar Tom Chrisman

Awarded to compatriot Shep Hammack for his two additional Patriot ancestors.
  • Russel Wilson
  • Levi Manning

Guest Speaker: 2020 GA Society President William B. Dobbs II          Read Guest Intro

2020 GASSAR President Bill Dobbs

George Wash Endowment (front)
George Wash Endowment (back)

Georgia Fellows

Ladies Auxiliary

Friends of the Library (front)
Friends of the Library (back)

Bill Dobbs' father practiced Optometry for 64 years, so the number 2020 has had a significant meaning for his entire life. He and his father joined the SAR in 1996, and had the honor to be inducted into the George Walton Chapter by the late President General James Westlake. Since becoming a member of the SAR, he attend 22 years of Board of Managers meetings as either a Member-at-Large or serving as the George Walton Chapter President for a total of 16 years. He spentthree years as the Central East Regional Vice President, and most recently served as the Senior Vice President. On January 25th of 2020, he was installed as President of the Georgia Society SAR at our State's Annual Conference.

He stressed the need to remain proactive, and that we need to continue to grow our Society. Though the GASSAR dropped below the 2000 mark at the beginning of 2020, he felt that when reinstatements are in (from late dues), we should be close to the 2,000 mark again. Previous President Collins had discussed moving the National, State, and Chapter dues date from late December to November 1st. Notices would go out in September, greatly reducing the drops and annual reinstatements, and should allow our State Secretary and the Secretaries of many Chapters to enjoy Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's with their families.

He talked about trying to increase the SAR Chapter participation with our DAR counterparts, and to strengthen the SAR relationship with the Ladies Auxiliary. He urged SAR members to encourage their wives to be a member of our Ladies Auxiliary. A one-time fee of $25.00 provides a life membership in our Georgia Society's Ladies Auxiliary.

"There are many awards that Chapters and States can qualify for on the National level. There are two particular awards that I consider to be "low hanging fruit" that are totally obtainable and of which, we as a Society, should take advantage. That fruit is Friends of the Library memberships and Flag Certificate presentations."

"With 77 Library memberships, the Tennessee Society has passed Georgia for the second straight year. We should and can do better. Each of our Chapters should have a Library membership, and we should consider a personal or family membership. Chapters should also consider awarding memberships to local Librarians as well as local History teachers. Library memberships also make great presents. With your help, the Georgia Society can take that award back."

"As for Flag Certificates, we currently have 35 Chapters in our Georgia Society. Only 24 of our Chapters made Flag presentations last year. This is a category in which we should improve. This past year, 5 of our Chapters awarded certificates. [Mount Vernon was one of them!]

He thanked us all for our patriotism, kindness, and support to the Sons of the American Revolution, and promised to direct his efforts in giving this tremendous and unexpected opportunity his very best.

Installation of 2020 Chapter Officers by GASSAR President Bill Dobbs
The Officers were sworn in first, then VP Chuck Rann was sworn in as 2020 President of the Chapter.
  • Chuck Rann - President
  • Tom Pye - Vice President
  • David Wellons - Secretary
  • Ted Fricke - Treasurer
  • Tom Chrisman - Registrar & Genealogist
  • Jim McDonald - Chancellor
  • Chuck Olson - Sargant-at-Arms
  • John Galt - Chaplain
  • Shep Hammack - Historian
  • Chuck Rann - Corresponding Secretary

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(L to R) Hammack, McDonald, Galt, Fricke, Chrisman, Wellons, Olson, Pye, and GASSAR President Dobbs.

Award to Outgoing President Bill Floyd
After installation of officers, Incoming President Chuck Rann was presentation of the President's ribbon and gavel by State President Bill Dobbs. He vowed to serve the Chapter well at local meetings, and at State & National events. He then presented outgoing President William N. Floyd with the Past-President's ribbon and pin, and a Certificate of Appreciation for his service to the Chapter.

  • SAR Spring Leadership: Louisville, KY Feb. 27-29
  • Chapter BOM meeting: March 6th at 11:30 am
  • Next Meeting: March 10th at Vintage Pizzeria - Guest Speaker: Compatriot Rick Reese

The SAR Recessional - led by Sgt-In-Arms Chuck Olson.
The Benediction - given by Chaplain John Galt.
Adjournment - The Monthly Meeting was adjourned by 2020 Chapter President Chuck Rann.

Date: March 10, 2020
Mount Vernon's March Meeting
Event Link | Meeting Minutes | Registrar's Report | Treasurers Report
Meeting Program | Photos 1 | Photos 2

  • The meeting of the Mount Vernon Chapter Georgia Society Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) was called to order by Chapter President Chuck Rann at 6:45 p.m.
  • The Invocation was given by the Chapter Chaplain, John Galt.
  • Color Guard Commander Shep Hammack, Tom Chrisman, Randy Pollard and John Wassell posted the colors.
  • President General Larry Guzy led the group in The Pledge of Allegiance and Pledge to the SAR.

There were 17 members, 29 guests including spouses, potential members and SAR guests, for a total of 46 in attendance.

Recognition of Guests & Prospective Members
  • GASSAR Metro Regional VP Ron Redner
  • 2020 Piedmont President Al Finley
  • GASSAR Education Committee Chairman Rick Reese Jr.
  • GASSAR photographer, Piedmont Piper Editor, Piedmont Webmaster Rick Reese III
  • Future Mt. Vernon member Richard McCrary & wife Catherine
  • Marvin Brown (A guest of Ross Glover's)
  • R. Wayne Rouse & wife Wink (from VA)
  • Anthony (Tony) Crowe
  • Bill Armstrong & wife Lynn
  • Dr. Sheila Richards
  • Kurt Johnson & his wife
  • Earl Hewitt & wife Debbie
  • Dr. Tommy Hewitt & wife Brenda
  • Lee Dunn
  • Peter Meehan & wife Barbara

No Photo
Guest Speaker: Rick Reese Jr.
Topic: The Restoration of the Brockett Home
Rick talked about the reconstruction of his patriots cabin in Tennessee. His patriot - William Ebenezer Brockett's home was completely disassembled and moved, then rebuilt in a new location.

Rick was contacted by a builder named Jeff Page because he had read online about patriot Brockett in the Piedmont Chapters publication - The Piedmont Piper. He was doing research on the original owner of the cabin and saw the 'My Patriot' article by Rick online. Page was contracted by a land owner to find a vintage cabin and reconstruct it on her property near Mt. Juliet, TN.

The finished rebuilt log home was a one room cabin with a loft, a small fireplace and a cooking fireplace with an oven on either end.

Brockett Home Images
  Rick Reese Jr. |   Read Guest Intro

Officer Reports:
  • Treasurer Ted Fricke provided the current bank balances, including operating fund and the "Fellows" fund balances.
  • Registrar/Genealogist Tom Chrisman reported that we currently have 3 applicants at national very close to confirmation and expects they will be submitted at the next regular meeting and probably inducted in the May Chapter meeting. There are 6 more prospects in preparation. He noted the current official 2020 membership is 67, with the expectations this number will rise by up to 10 due to few more renewals that are being processed. This count does not count dual members. The Registrar's Report is posted with each Chapter Meeting review.
  • President Chuck Rann announced that the Minutes of the previous meeting were posted online.
Chapter Business:
  • Past President Shep Hammack discussed "Shep's Store" and announced there were 2 remaining Chapter golf shirts, size Large, in stock. For the future, he will order on an as-needed basis to avoid having inventory on hand.
  • Past President Shep Hammack provided an update on the Dunwoody Park flagpole donation for the Donaldson-Bannister House. The Sandy Springs DAR is joining us by additional funds they will donate towards this project. The chapter's donation will be noted on a brass plaque attached to the new flagpole. City of Dunwoody Parks and Recreation will handle all details and work effort.
  • Chuck Rann updated us on the "Adopt a Military Unit" program and described the types of items that are permitted in the "care packages" we will be sending to our assigned overseas military unit. Chuck Olson is the contact point man for the Chapter.
  • President Chuck Rann discussed the "Friends of the Library" program and encouraged members to make the $25 donation to this program. Georgia SAR has been the largest donor until the past 2 years and we would like to recapture the title. So far, the Mt. Vernon Chapter has 11 FOTL pledges for $25.
  • Registrar/Genealogist Tom Chrisman updated the "Police and Fireman's Award" program and discussed how we have selected the first recipients of the award - two Dunwoody police officers, which will be voted on at the next BOM.
  • Chuck Rann noted that we will be begin the process for either the Military Service Medal or the War Services Medal for Chapter members who served in the military.
  • The Fourth of July picnic celebration will be held at Lost Corners on July 18th from 6 pm to 9 pm. Jim McDonald has reserved the venue and has graciously offered to pay the rental fee.
  • The next BOM meeting will be April 3, 2020 at 11:30 am at Vintage Pizza. Any member is welcome to attend as an observer.
  • The next regular Chapter meeting will be held April 14th, 2020 at Vintage Pizza.
  • It was noted that our website calendar has the schedule for SAR events, such as grave marking ceremonies, and members were encouraged to visit the site..

  • The SAR Recessional - led by Larry Guzy.
  • The Benediction was given by the Chapter Chaplain, John Galt.
  • Adjournment - at 8 pm by Chapter President Chuck Rann

The April meeting was cancelled due to COVID-19 restrictions.

Date: May 12, 2020
Mount Vernon's Online May Meeting   (Zoom only meeting due to COVID concerns)
Event Link | Meeting Program | Meeting Minutes | Zoom Screen Images
Registrar's Report (See minutes - Document not available) | Treasurer's Report (balance given)
The Revolutionary War   (via American Battlefield Trust)

The Mount Vernon Chapter held it's May meeting online with the help of Rick Reese Jr. from the Piedmont Chapter. Attendees connected with other SAR members via ZOOM on Tuesday night from 7 pm to 8:11 pm. Rick has compiled needed steps for connecting to a Zoom broadcast and the document can be read here:   Connecting to ZOOM.PDF

There were 14 Chapter members present (J. Bivens, B. Brannen, T. Chrisman, B. Floyd, T. Frike, J. Galt, S. Hammack, T. Hughes, C. Olson, T. Pye, C. Rann, M. Watkins, D. Wellons, L. White).
There were 5 SAR guest (Georgia Society President Bill Dobbs, Atlanta Regional VP Ron Redner, Piedmont President Al Finley, and past Piedmont President's Rick Reese and George Thurmond).
2 pending members attended the meeting (Richard McCrary & Ham McDonald) and 3 wives accompanying (Connie Bivens, Beth Fricke, Patsy Rann).
The total attending the online Zoom meeting was 24.

See the link to the Program and Meeting Minutes above for details.

The video shown on the meeting stream about The Revolutionary War is available here. The video replaced the guest speaker during this Zoom stream.

The Georgia SAR Society will hold it's next Board of Managers (BOM) meeting on May 30th via ZOOM. Discussions are ongoing to handle the potential number of statewide attendees for that event and Technical Committee Chairman Rick Reese Jr. is thinking through that objective.

Our next meeting for June 9th is still in question and will be determined by the State of Georgia & the City of Dunwoody. It will also depend on how Vintage Pizzeria can handle customers. Stay tuned! We now have the knowledge about holding online ZOOM meetings and hope more members will connect this way through the pandemic.

Thanks again to Rick Reese Jr. for helping us get together for an SAR meeting in May!

Date: June 9, 2020
Mount Vernon Chapter June Meeting
Hybrid meeting - New Members/Officers in person and with Zoom
Event Link | Program (PDF)
Registrar's Report (PDF) | Meeting Minutes (PDF)
Meeting Photos | New Member Photos | ZOOM Screen Images

  INDUCTION of 2 New Members - Richard Lee McCrary & Benjamin Hamilton McDonald

Attendance - Recognition of Visitors
This meeting at Vintage Pizzeria was limited in number because of Covid-19 restrictions. After waiting several months, it was imperative that two new members had the opportunity to be inducted into the SAR, so along with their wives, Richard Lee McCrary (& Catherine) and Benjamin Hamilton McDonald (& Judy) were invited to attend.   New Member Photos

In addition to our new members, State President Bill Dobbs, Mount Vernon Chapter Presidents Chuck Rann, Shep Hammack, Bill Floyd (& wife Carey), Sgt-in-Arms Chuck Olson, Secretary David Wellons,
and our guest speaker were present. So there were 12 in person at the meeting.

There were also Chapter members and guest attending via ZOOM, with Past President of the Piedmont Chapter Rick Reese hosted the meeting on ZOOM. Zoom attendees included - ATL Regional VP - Ron Redner, Piedmont President - Al Finley, Past President General SAR - Larry Guzy, Past President Piedmont Chapter - George Thurmond, future members Rick Anderson & Anthony Crowe, and Chapter members John Galt, Montez Hammack, Don & Marlene Hart, Graham Purkerson, and Larry White. We also had two out of state guest (my sisters in FL & CO) as well and Patsy Rann provided screen shots from home. So there were 16 Zoom attendees for a total of 28 at the meeting.

Guest Speaker:

No Photo Our guest speaker spoke on the topic of 'Arlington Cemetery'.

Photos of Arlington National Cemetery

Chapter Business   (See Meeting Photos)
  • The induction ceremony of two new Mount Vernon Chapter members. Richard Lee McCrary was approved through his patriot Elijah Smith and Benjamin Hamilton McDonald was approved through his patriot Joseph Carroll.
  • Ramsour's Mill - CG & Virtual Wreath Ceremony 6/20
  • NASSAR Congress Medal Set - see or see our website for links
  • Friends of the Library - see website for details. 11 memberships this year are from the Mt. Vernon Chapter ! Thank you to: Shep Hammack, Tom Pye, Chuck Olson, John Galt, Jim McDonald, Chuck Rann. These 11 memberships from The Mount Vernon Chaper are half of the total Georgia needed to equal the goal for this year.
  • The National SAR Convention in Richmond, VA has been cancelled.
  • July 18th Annual Picnic - This event has been cancelled due to COVID-19 restrictions.
  • Military Service Medal Awards - Will be presented on November 10th. Current scheduled recipients are John Galt, Ham McDonald, Graham Purkerson, and John Bivens.
A special thanks to Vintage Pizzeria manager Sue Roberts and to our server Kaitlan!

The Annual July Picnic (7/18) was cancelled due to COVID-19 concerns & occupancy restrictions.

We do not hold an August Meeting. Summer Vacation!

Date: Sunday, September 6, 2020
Mount Vernon New Member Induction Ceremony
Event Link | Program (PDF) | In person ceremony only | Photos by Tom Hughes

  INDUCTION of 2 New Members - Earl Hewett & Tom Hewett

New Members - Recognition of Visitors
This was a special meeting at Vintage Pizzeria to welcome two new members into the Mount Vernon Chapter - brothers Thomas and Earl Hewitt. Their patriot ancestor was James Wilson. We welcomed them officially, although they were approved by SAR National around July 30th.   New Member Photos

Attendees in the Hewett party included Thomas' wife Brenda Hewett, Earl's wife Debbie Hewett, Howard and Martha Stemme, Karen Arnett, Darlene Delozier, and Col Richard Brychcy.

The SAR was represented by Georgia SAR President Bill Dobbs, Mount Vernon President Chuck Rann, Vice President Tom Pye, Registrar Tom Chrisman, Chaplain John Galt, Secretary David Wellons, past President Shep Hammack and photographer Tom Hughes were present for the ceremony. In all, 17? attended the meeting on 9/6/2020.
  Additional Images

Thanks Vintage Pizzeria !

Date: September 8, 2020
Mount Vernon's September Meeting and
SAR Law Enforcement Award Ceremony
Hybrid meeting - New Members/Chapter Officers, Police Officers in person and with Zoom
Event Link | Program (PDF) | Meeting Minutes (PDF)
All Meeting Photos  (All photos by Tom Hughes)
  INDUCTION of 2 New Members - Tony Crowe & Tom Scales

Opening - Recognition of New Members and Guest
Our September meeting at Vintage Pizzeria welcomed two new members into the Mount Vernon Chapter - Tony Crowe and Thomas Scales. Tony Crowe was accompanied by his wife Deborah. Tony's patriot ancestor was John Mahan and Tom's patriot ancestor was Edward Jackson. We welcomed them officially, although they were approved by SAR National around July 10th.

Our special guest included two Dunwoody police officers, Nathan Daley and Kasey Martin, who would be honored with SAR medals during the evenings meeting. SAR attendees in person at the meeting were:  Georgia SAR President Bill Dobbs, Mount Vernon President Chuck Rann, Vice President Tom Pye, Past President's Shep Hammack & Bill Floyd, Registrar Tom Chrisman, Treasurer Ted Fricke, Chaplain John Galt, and photographer Tom Hughes.

The meeting was also available on ZOOM, with thanks to Piedmont member Rick Reese Jr. for hosting. Rick was also attending another GA SAR committee meeting and was not able to "pin" the focus of the meeting. The ZOOM meeting is available to view on YouTube here:
Sept ZOOM Meeting

Larger Image

Our Zoom attendees included: Larry Guzy - Past President General of the SAR, Ron Redner - VP Atlanta Dist for the State SAR, Al Finley - current President of the Piedmont Chapter, George Thurmond - Past President of Piedmont, and Mount Vernon members - Rick Anderson, Jerry Gross, Don (& Marlene) Hart, Richard McCrary, Ham McDonald, Cecil Palmer, Rusty Redding, and Secretary David Wellons. Patsy Rann also attended. Other rsvp's did not make the meeting. In all, 29 attended the meeting on 9/8/2020.

SAR Law Enforcement Award Ceremony
Tom Chrisman introduced the two Dunwoody Police Officers, Nathan Daley and Kasey Martin at our meeting, and summarized their exceptional service beyond the call of duty. We honored both of them with the SAR Law Enforcement Commendation Medal and Certificate for their service and their heroism. After the ceremony, Officer Daley spoke and told us more of the experience and expressed his thanks to the Mount Vernon Chapter for the award.

SAR Medal Summary: The Law Enforcement Commendation Medal is presented to those who have served with distinction and devotion in the field of law enforcement. The medal is intended to recognize exceptional service or accomplishment in the field of law enforcement.

Narrative of their Heroism  (provided by Lt. Krieg - Dunwoody Police Dept. & North Metro S.W.A.T. Tactical Commander).

Please join us in praising Officer Martin's actions and Officer Daley's bravery under extreme pressure for stopping this dangerous driver. They also stopped the distribution of dangerous drugs into our community and we thank them. We honor both with the SAR Law Enforcement Commendation Medal.

Larger Image

Officers Nathan Daley and Kasey Martin

Chapter Business
  • Registar's Report: Tom Chrisman reported that there were 5 new members approved over the summer of which 4 have been inducted with 1 remaining to be inducted. 1 additional application for Gary Fudge is at National pending review. Another 5 have been submitted but not yet on the list at National including 4 regular members and 1 junior. Also, there are about 5 supplementals waiting review/approval at National and 2 pended awaiting additional proof. With the induction of the two new members tonight, the current membership stands at 76.
  • Treasurer's Report: Ted Fricke gave the Chapter account balance.

  • Chapter Member Recognition
  • Past President Shep Hammack received two more Supplemental Certificates for patriot ancestors. His total now is nine (9), with 3 more in process. (12)
  • Ted Fricke was given a Certificate of Appreciation for donating a real period powder horn to the Mount Vernon Chapter's Traveling Trunk.

  • SAR News - Announcements
  • Past President Shep Hammack provided an update on the Dunwoody Park flagpole donation for the Donaldson-Bannister House.
  • Please consider purchasing a Congress Medal Set to support the GA 2022 Congrees Event in Savannah GA.
  • October 3rd - 2 Patriot Grave Markings in Dawsonville. Contact Chuck Rann for details.
  • The next Mount Vernon Board of Manager's meeting will be held October 9th at 11:00 a.m. via Zoom video connection.
  • The next Mount Vernon Chapter Meeting is October 13th at 7 pm. This will be a ZOOM only meeting with guest speaker - Piedmont President Al Finley talking about "Why we join the SAR".
  • The Tuesday November 10th meeting will honor 9 Chapter Veterans, who will receive their Military Service and War Medals for serving our country. Please mark your calendar for this event.
  • Thanks Vintage Pizzeria !

Date: October 13, 2020
Mount Vernon's October Meeting
(Zoom only)
Event Link | Meeting Program | Meeting Minutes | Powerpoint Screens
Registrar's Report | Treasurers Report (balance given)

The media reported many COVID cases so we held our October Chapter Meeting as a ZOOM only meeting out of concerns by our members. However we had 31 responses to joining the meeting with 25 actual attendees. Here are the Zoom participants -

  • MtV Members (17): Rick Anderson, Tom Chrisman (business called him away), Tony Crowe, Bill Floyd, Ted Fricke, John Galt, Shep Hammack, Earl Hewett, Tom Hewett, Tom Hughes, Richard McCrary, Ham McDonald, Chuck Olson, Tom Pye, David Wellons, Larry White, and Chuck Rann.
  • Dual Members (4): Larry Guzy, Ron Redner, George Thurmond, John Wassell.
  • Guest (4): Mark Elliott, Al Finley, Patsy Rann and Rick Reese.

Thank You to all that joined in.

Guest Speaker: Piedmont Chapter President Al Finley
Our Guest Speaker was Compatriot Al Finley, who presented a "Challenge" to Mount Vernon members. What was the reason why you joined the SAR? Are you going to only pay dues each year or are you going to participate in Chapter committees and activities? Please watch the recording of the meeting, especially President Finley's presentation. (32 minutes into recording)
  Watch Here | Powerpoint Screens

Chapter Business:
  • Registar's Report: Tom Chrisman submitted a report but was unable to attend the meeting. His report is linked above. Please welcome new transfer member William (Bill) Murray.
  • Treasurer's Report: Ted Fricke submitted a report that has been eMailed to the membership.
  • Next Meeting: November 10th is our next Chapter Meeting at Vintage Pizzeria. We will recognize 9 Chapter members for serving in the US military. We are trying to establish the number of people that can attend live and will ZOOM the meeting the for membership.
  • The recent Battle of Kings Mountain Commemoration event is available to watch online on Facebook: (The presentation on the Battle is at 8 minutes.) Click Here
  • The recent Dawsonville Grave marking ceremony is available online at this URL: Click Here
  • The 2021 Kettle Creek event is the second Saturday in February - which is the 13th.
  • NASSAR Congress Medal Set - see Click Here
  • November 1st - Daylight Saving Time ends (roll back 1 hr) Begins Eastern Standard Time

Thanks to Rick Reese Jr. for hosting our ZOOM meeting again!

Date: November 10, 2020
Mount Vernon's November/Veterans Day Meeting
(In person with Zoom option)
Event Link | Meeting Program | Meeting Minutes
Registrar's Report (no document) | Treasurers Report (balance given)
SAR Service Medal Recipients Photos | November Meeting Photos

Awarding SAR Service Medals
November 11th is Veterans Day, also known as Armistice Day. It is a day to remember those who dedicated their lives for our nation, by enlisting and served honorably in the US Military. So the November 10th meeting of the Mount Vernon Chapter was a perfect time to honor our Chapter Veterans. This day, we honored 9 members of that qualified for either the SAR Military Service Medal or the SAR War Service Medal. They will join the eight (8) chapter members who have previously received their SAR Service medal.
Georgia President Bill Dobbs attended the meeting and assisted past President and Veterans Chairman Bill Floyd in presenting the SAR Service Medals and Certificates to our veterans. We appreciate his participation.
  Opening Comments

Two (2) Medals Awarded by the SAR for Veterans
  • The Military Service Medal (MSM) is presented to a Compatriot in recognition of military service that was not in a War zone. This includes someone who served in the National Guard or the Reserves. Typically, the recipient has been awarded the National Defense Medal, which is listed on their Military DD-214 form.
  • The War Service Medal (WSM) is presented to a Compatriot in recognition of military service within a designated War Zone, as listed on their DD-214 form. In the case of our 4 recipients, the War Zone was in Vietnam. They also have one or more commendations, medals, badges, citations, and campaign ribbons listed on line 24 of their DD-214. Along with the War Service Medal, is a War Zone Bar. All were for Vietnam.
The SAR does not rank either medal above the other. Both medals have a Precedence level of 4 in all the medals awarded by the SAR. Only the SAR Badge, the Minuteman Award, and the Gold Good Citizenship Medal have a higher precedence.   source: (page 6 of the National Handbook)   Awarding Service Medals Copy

Chapter Members Receiving Medals
  • John H. Bivins - National Guard - 1960-1961 - MSM
  • John S. Galt - US Army - Vietnam - 1967-1971- WSM
  • Earl Hewett - US Marines - Vietnam - 1967-1971 - WSM
  • Thomas C. Hewett PhD - US Army - 1971-1973 - MSM
  • Richard L. McCrary - Air Force Reserve - 1968-1969 - MSM
  • Graham Purkerson - Navy Reserve - 1969-1970 - MSM

  • Not able to attend - will receive their medals at a later date.
  • Benjamin (Ham) McDonald - US Army - Vietnam - 1963-1968 - WSM
  • Joe C. Rude - Air Force - 1971-1973 - WSM
  • James W. Styring - Navy - 1970-1973 - MSM

(L to R) John Galt, John Bivins, Richard McCrary, Earl Hewett, GA President Bill Dobbs, Tom Hewett, and Graham Purkerson. Also attending in the ceremony with their husband were: Connie Bivins, Peggy Galt, Debbie Hewett, Brenda Hewett, Catherine McCrary, and Barbara Purkerson

All Chapter SAR Service Medal Recipients -   Member Service Medals List

Chapter Business:
  • Registar's Report: Tom Chrisman reported - We currently have 7 applications submitted at State or National level.
  • Treasurer's Report: Ted Fricke gave us an update on the Chapter account. Ted estimates that 20 people remain in need of renewing their membership for 2021.
  • Chapter Awards:
    • Shep Hammack received his 10th Supplemental Patriot Certificate.
    • Shep also received an Oak Leaf Cluster for "first line signer" of new applications. He estimates bringing 90 people so far into the SAR.
    • Our Chapter received a Flag Streamer for attending the Seige of Augusta Commemoration via Zoom. Thanks to Sonny Pittman for funding these banners.
  • The next Chapter meeting is December 8th at 7 pm.
  • Our next Chapter Board of Managers meeting is Friday January 8th at 1 pm.
  • The 2021 Kettle Creek event is the second Saturday in February - which is the 13th.

Thanks to Rick Reese Jr. for hosting our ZOOM video feed AGAIN!
To all Veterans - Thank You for your service!

The December Meeting was cancelled due to COVID-19 concerns.

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