Mount Vernon Education/Youth Programs in 2019
Scout Certificates - Summary Page
JROTC Medals & Certificates - Summary Page
Joseph S. Rumbaugh Historical Oration Contest - Summary Page

Date: January 8, 2019
Mount Vernon Chapter Meeting
Event Link | Meeting Minutes (PDF)
Meeting Photos  by Tom Hughes

  1 New Member - Zachary Cone

Attendance - Recognition of Visitors
The January Meeting of the Mount Vernon Chapter had 31 members, including new member Zachary Cone, who's paperwork was approved months ago, but was finally able to attend a meeting and received his SAR rosette. The ceremony was conducted by Chapter Vice President Bill Floyd and former Chapter President Shep Hammack.

Welcome Zachery!

Our scheduled Guest Speaker did not show, but Compatriot Chuck Olson our Chapter Sergeant-At-Arms, stepped up and spoke on why the colony of Georgia was not involved as heavily in the American Revolution as other colonies.

Chapter Vice President Bill Floyd presided over all chapter business and announcements.

Chapter Business
  • The late of new officers was presented by the Chapter Nominating Committee comprised of Shep Hammack, Jim McDonald, and Craig Honaman. A motion was made by Chuck Olson and seconded by John Galt to accept the nominees and a unanimous vote was made in favor of installing the candidates. The new officers for 2019 are as follows:
    • President - Bill Floyd
    • Vice President - David Wiley
    • Secretary - David Wellons
    • Corresponding Secretary - Chuck Rann
    • Treasurer - Ted Fricke
    • Registrar & Genealogist - Tom Chrisman
    • Chancellor - Jim McDonald
    • Sergeant-At-Arms - Chuck Olson
    • Chaplain - John Galt
    • Historian - Shep Hammack
  • Dues status discussion was led by Chapter Treasurer, Ted Fricke.
  • Shep Hammack gave a report on our Chapter Traveling Trunk.
  • Bill Floyd, Chapter Vice President, announced our February Installation Banquet, which will on Feb. 12th, 2019 at Vintage Pizzeria in Dunwoody at 6:00 PM. Scott Collins, our Georgia State President will install our new officers.
  • The Mount Vernon Fellows program information was given by Shep Hammack.
  • The Georgia Society SAR Annual Conference will be January 25-26, 2019 at the Sonesta Gwinnett Place Hotel.

Dates: January 25th (Fri) & 26th (Sat) - 2019
GA Society SAR Annual Conference
Event Link | Conference Luncheon/Awards Photos

2018 President General
Warren M. Alter

This years annual conference was held at the Sonesta Gwinnett Place Hilton, 1775 Pleasant Hill Road, Duluth, Georgia. National SAR President General Warren M. Alter was there along with 2018 GA President Don Burdick and 2019 GA President Scott Collins.

2019 GA Officers were sworn in, including our own Shep Hammack as Treasurer of the GA Society. Youth awards included an Eagle Scout, an ROTC cadet, and a contestant for the Knight Essay contest.

This recap will cover the awards luncheon held on Saturday afternoon.

Congratulations to Shep Hammack for being recognized by the State SAR:
  • Elected State Treasurer by the attending BOM & members at the Saturday meeting.
  • Awarded the Silver Roger Sherman medal (State medal).   Image-(photo by Rick Reese III)
  • Given State Honor Guard status by State Color Guard Commander Bill Palmer. This requires participating in 100 State and/or National Color Guard Events
The Mount Vernon Chapter was awarded the following Certificates:
  • Chapter Of Distinction for 2018   Image
  • Distinguished Chapter Award for 2018   Image
  • James R. Westlake Award for Best Website 2018   Image |   Image-(photo by Rick Reese III)
The Mount Vernon Chapter was also awarded the following Flag Streamers:
  • Americanism Award 2018 - Distinction
  • Distinguished Chapter Award for 2018
  • Best Chapter Website 2018

Dates: February - Friday 8th, Saturday 9th, Sunday 10th, 2019
Kettle Creek 2019 - Washington, Georgia
Event Link

    Friday, February 8th
  • Walking Tours of Kettle Creek Battlefield
  • 6:00 pm - Kettle Creek Battlefield Association Dinner | Dinner Information PDF

  • Saturday, February 9th
  • 9:00 am - Musket salute at the raising of the 1776 colors on the courthouse pole.
  • 10:00 am - Musket salute to the Heros of the Hornets' Nest on the city square.
  • 10:45 am - Revolutionary War Parade around city square (gather at 10:30 am).
  • 11:00 am - Dramatic black powder skirmish portrayal of the Battle of Kettle Creek in Fort Washington park.
  • 11:45 am - Musket salute as 1776 colors are lowered and our present day national colors are raised on the courthouse flag pole.
  • 2:30 pm - Kettle Creek Battleground Memorial Ceremony at War Hill | Memorial Ceremony PDF

  • Sunday, February 10th
  • 9:00 am - Colonial worship service at the Church of the Mediator, Washington GA.

Date: February 12th, 2019
Mount Vernon's Annual Dinner Buffet and Officer Installation
Event Link | Event Photos | Meeting Minutes PDF

The Mount Vernon Chapter held it's 2nd Annual Dinner Buffet on the evening of February 12th at Vintage Pizzeria. 2017 President Shep Hammack conducted the night's program, filling in for 2018 President Jim McDonald who was unable to attend. Also assisting was Sergent-in-Arms Chuck Olson. There were 20 members and 19 guests for a total of 39 in attendance.

Special recognition was given to Bill Palmer, Georgia Society SAR Color Guard Commander, past President General of the National SAR - Larry Guzy, and to the current 2019 President of the State Society SAR -
Scott Collins.

New officers for 2019, including the new Chapter President were inducted by Scott Collins, who was also the guest speaker for the evening.

  2019 Officers:
  • Bill Floyd - President
  • David Wiley - Vice President
  • David Wellons - Secretary
  • Chuck Rann - Corresponding Secretary
  • Ted Fricke - Treasurer
  • Tom Chrisman - Registrar & Genealogist
  • Jim McDonald - Chancellor
  • Chuck Olson - Sargant-at-Arms
  • John Galt - Chaplain
  • Shep Hammack - Historian
Scouting Chairman & Sergent-In-Arms Chuck Olson presented the
Mount Vernon Chapter 2018 SAR Eagle Scout Academic Award to 18 year old Ralph Fischer Lord of Troop 232. President Elect Bill Floyd presented Fischer with a medal and a scouting patch.

Fischer (his preferred name) is a Senior at Dunwoody High School and will be studying information technology at Kennesaw State University after graduation. He earned Eagle Scout in August 2018, having earned 21 merit badges. In his Troop he served as Assistant Senior Patrol Leader and as a Junior Assistant Scoutmaster. Since turning 18 in November, he currently serves as an Assistant Scoutmaster.

He is a member of the Order of the Arrow, Scouts BSA, national honor society, and went to Philmont Scout Ranch in Cimarron, New Mexico in 2016. His other activities include being a ham radio operator, video editing and animation, AV director at, Dunwoody Presbyterian Church, manager of the Varsity Boys Basketball Team at Dunwoody High School.

Fischer's parents Ralph and Karen Lord were present for the ceremony.

The Chapter received three certificates and three streamers that were introduced to the audience by Vice President Bill Floyd, assisted by Shep Hammack. See the GA SAR Annual Conference above.

Chuck Rann received an Oak Leaf Cluster for his Roger Sherman Award Medal. This was for his work on the chapter website, which won the State SAR website of the year, James Westlake Award in January.  

Charter member contributors of The Mount Vernon Fellows Fund were recognized with a Certificate of Appreciation.

[The Mount Vernon Fellows Fund was established for the purpose of funding, supplementing, or reimbursing Mount Vernon Chapter/SAR activities, events, programs and unforeseen chapter needs that are not included in the chapter’s annual budget.]

  Charter Members:
  • Tom Chrisman
  • Jack Dyer
  • John E. Elwood
  • Rev. William N. Floyd Jr.
  • William T. Fricke Jr.
  • John S. Galt
  • Eugenius S. Hammack
  • Montez Hammack
  • James T. McDonald
  • W. Warren McPhillips
  • Charles C. Olson
  • Charles R. Rann
  • David Reed
  • David L. Wellons
  • Larry C. White
  • David L. Wiley
Our guest speaker for the evening was 2019 President of the Georgia SAR - Scott Collins. His topic was the State SAR Society Priorities and Goals.

President Collins spoke about his new role as State President and outlined his
11-step plan to continue to grow, build and improve the State SAR Organization. This also includes fortifying the State SAR database to account for every number assigned to an SAR member and their name association, where they were buried, and if they have been given a grave marker. This will aide future genealogy inquiries and getting grave markers for every Patriot or Compatriot.

At the conclusion of the installation of the 2019 officers, incoming Chapter President Bill Floyd made his acceptance remarks.

Georgia SAR President
Scott Collins

Eagle Scout
Ralph Fischer Lord
of Troop 232

Chuck Rann
Awarded the Roger Sherman Award

SAR State President Collins, 2019 Chapter President Floyd, and Shep Hammack.
Rev. William (Bill) Floyd became the Mount Vernon Chapter's 3rd President.

Georgia President Scott Collins, 2019 President Rev. William (Bill) Floyd and 2017 President Shep Hammack.

2019 Mount Vernon Chapter Officers

(L to R) Historian/Librarian - Shep Hammack; Vice President - David Wiley; Recording Secretary -
David Wellons; Corresponding Secretary - Chuck Rann; Treasurer - Ted Fricke; Registrar/Genealogist - Tom Chrisman; Sergeant-at-Arms - Chuck Olson; Chaplain - John Galt.

Mount Vernon Fellows Fund Charter Members

(L to R) Ted Fricke, Bill Floyd, David Wiley, Montez Hammack, Larry White, David Wellons, Chuck Rann, Chuck Olson, John Galt. [Shep Hammack was out of frame - left.] Not present but also Charter Members are: John Elwood, Jim McDonald, Warren McPhillips and David Reed.

6/1/1937 - 2/13/2019   (82)
Remembering Robert (Bob) Durham McCleskey

Event Link | Remembering Bob McCleskey - Photos | Bob McCleskey - Obit

To Compatriots of the Mount Vernon Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution;

It is with great sadness that we advise you of the passing of Compatriot Bob McCleskey on Wednesday, February 13, 2019,. Please keep Bob and his family in your thoughts and prayers during this most difficult time.

Visitation will be held on February 21, Thursday, from 5-8 p.m at Collins Funeral Home in Acworth.

The funeral will be at Collins Funeral Home, 4947 N. Main Street, Acworth, Georgia 30101 - 770-974-3133 on Friday, February 22 at 9 AM.

Burial will be at the National Cemetery in Canton at 12:00 pm following the service.

With the Chapter's deepest sympathy,

John Galt, Chaplain
Mount Vernon SAR

[eMail sent to membership on 2/14/2019 at 7:58 pm]

Compatriot Bob McCleskey
6/1/1937 - 2/13/2019   (82)

Date: March 12th, 2019
Mount Vernon's March Meeting
Event Link | Photos | Meeting Minutes PDF

  2 New Members - Steve Handel & Jim Styring
The meeting was held at Vintage Pizza, with 26 members and 12 guests for a total of 38 in attendance.
The meeting of the Mount Vernon Chapter Georgia Society Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) was called to order by Chapter President Bill Floyd at 7:03 PM.
  (Photos by Randy Pollard)

The Invocation - was given by John Galt.
The Presentation of Colors - presented by the Mount Vernon Color Guard.
The Pledge of Allegiance and Pledge to the SAR - were led by Member John Wassel.

Recognition of Guests and Visitors
President Bill Floyd introduced our special guests.
  • Bill Hatch
  • Larry Guzy, past President General of the National SAR and wife Karin.
  • Wayne Brown and wife Linda.

Guest Speaker
The Guest Speaker Bill Palmer was introduced by Shep Hammack. Bill spoke on "The Battle of Oriskiny" in New York, and the energetic presentation was well received by the audience.

Old Business
  • Treasurer Ted Fricke reported on the current bank balance and noted there were no outstanding invoices to be paid.
  • Secretary David Wellons reported that the Minutes of the February Annual Meeting were posted on the Chapter website for review.
  • Membership Secretary Tom Chrisman reported that we currently have 85 members in the Chapter, and we will induct 2 more at this meeting, bringing the total to 87. Including the 10 dual members in our Chapter, that brings our total to 97.
New Business
  • New Members -
    Chapter President Bill Floyd inducted two new members into the Mount Vernon Chapter.
    Karin Guzy, wife of Past National President Larry Guzy, pinned on their SAR rondel lapel pins.
    • Steve Handel
    • Jim Styring
  • Shep Hammack updated us on the Chapter golf shirts, which will be $30 each and in Royal Blue. He is taking orders now, and the shirts should be available within 2 months. Additionally, Shep described the new Georgia and Mount Vernon Chapter medals which will be sold in sets for $35 each. The availability will be announced soon.

  • President Bill Floyd made a request for more members to consider becoming a Mount Vernon Fellow, and said that doing so in the near future would also include being considered a "Founding Fellow".

  • Shep Hammack made presented a request that more members consider becoming members of the Color Guard, and gave positive reasons to consider doing so.

The SAR Recessional - led by Member John Wassel.
The Benediction - given by Chaplain John Galt.
Adjournment - The Monthly Meeting was adjourned at 7:58 PM by Chapter President Bill Floyd.

Date: April 9th, 2019
Mount Vernon April Meeting
Event Link | Meeting Photos | Meeting Minutes (PDF)

  1 Transfer Member - Bill Scurry
The meeting was held at Vintage Pizza, with 24 members in attendance.
The meeting of the Mount Vernon Chapter Georgia Society Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) was called to order by Chapter President Bill Floyd at 6:59 PM.

The Invocation - was given by Chapter Chaplain John Galt.
The Presentation of Colors - presented by the Mount Vernon Color Guard.
The Pledge of Allegiance and Pledge to the SAR - were led by Member John Galt.

Recognition of Guests and Visitors
President Bill Floyd introduced our guests attending the meeting.
  • Tom Pye
  • Bill Scurry, who has transferred to our Chapter from the Atlanta SAR Chapter.
  • Eagle Scout Athanasios Grivakis
The Mount Vernon Chapter Winner of
The Joseph S. Rumbaugh Historical Oratory Contest

Eagle Scout Athanasios Grivakis was the SAR Mount Vernon Chapter winner of this years Joseph S. Rumbaugh Historical Oratory Contest. His entry was judged on his presentation and content, which was on the importance of the Continental Congress, the Declaration of Independence, and the US Constitution.

The meeting group enjoyed hearing his winning presentation. We congratulate Athanasios.

Guest Speaker
The Guest Speaker for the night was Leslie Strickland Watkins, member of DAR and of the Georgia State Society, Sons of the American Revolution Ladies Auxiliary. Her topic was "SAR Women - More Than Just Camp Followers" and highlighted several key women who directly supported the Patriots as they fought the war. She had an excellent presentation and was well received by the audience. She also passed out registration forms for wives to join the Georgia Ladies Auxiliary for a one-time fee of $25.00 and provided a web-site: (then go to the link for the Georgia page).

Vice President David Wiley presented Leslie with a certificate of appreciation.

Old Business
  • Treasurer Ted Fricke reported on the current bank balance and noted there were no outstanding invoices to be paid.
  • Secretary David Wellons reported that the Minutes of the March Meeting were posted on the Chapter website for review.
  • Membership Secretary Tom Chrisman reported that after adjusting for some members who did not renew, we currently have 89 members in the Chapter plus 10 dual members for a total of 97. We have 6 applications in process, meaning that we are approaching the 100-member mark.
New Business
  • President Bill Floyd discussed our Americanism Report and requested members provide him with any news where they may have participated and represented the Mt. Vernon Chapter in events. Bill also showed the Cobb County Proclamation designating April 19 as "Patriots Day", which will be announced to the public on that date. Mt. Vernon Color Guard will be represented at that ceremony.
  • Shep Hammack updated us on the Chapter golf shirts, which will be in Royal Blue. He will bring finished shirts to the next meeting and members can purchase for $35.00.
  • The George Washington Endowment Fund was introduced and discussed by Shep Hammack, who noted the $1,000 donation requirement if anyone is interested. Shep can provide further information to anyone interested in supporting this fund.
  • President Bill Floyd announced that the next Chapter meeting will be May 14, 2019 at this same location. The bi-monthly Chapter Board of Managers Meeting will be held at this location on April 26, 2019 at 11:30am. All members are welcome to attend the BOM meeting.

The SAR Recessional - led by Chaplain John Galt.
The Benediction - given by Chaplain John Galt.
Adjournment - The Monthly Meeting was adjourned at 8:00 PM by Chapter President Bill Floyd.

Date: May 14th, 2019
Mount Vernon's May Meeting
Event Link | Meeting Photos | Meeting Minutes (PDF)

The meeting was held at Vintage Pizza located at 5510 Chamblee Dunwoody Road, Dunwoody, GA, with 17 members and 20 guests, for a total of 37 in attendance.

2nd Place State SAR Winner -
The Joseph S. Rumbaugh Historical Oratory Contest

Prior to the start of the meeting, Shep Hammack reintroduced Eagle Scout Athanasios Grivakis, who had given his competition speech for the Rumbaugh Oration Contest on the importance of the Continental Congress, Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution at our April 9 Chapter meeting. Since then, Athanasios had attained runner up status (2nd place) in the State competition, with the same presentation. Our Chapter had previously given him our award check for $100.00 for that placing per our bylaws. Shep Hammack presented Athanasios with the State Certificate and the State Award check in the amount of $400.00 for his 2nd place status.

Larger Image Here
Meeting Called to Order
The May meeting of the Mount Vernon Chapter of the SAR was called to order by Chapter President Bill Floyd at 7:00 PM.

The Invocation - was given by Chapter Chaplain John Galt.
The Presentation of Colors - presented by the Mount Vernon Color Guard.
The Pledge of Allegiance and Pledge to the SAR - were led by Treasurer Ted Fricke.

Guest Speaker
The Guest Speaker for the evening was fellow Compatriot and Mount Vernon Chapter Member John Wassell, who was introduced by Chapter Vice President David Wiley. He spoke about his grandfather in a presentation titled "Rear Admiral Dr. Corydon McAlmont Wassell" and told the story of his medical service in Java during World War II, his heroic actions and the awarding of the Navy Cross. Dr. Wassell was memorialized in a 1944 movie by Cecil B. DeMille and starring Gary Cooper, titled "The Story of Dr. Wassell". John's presentation was entertaining and informative and well received by the audience. At the end of the presentation, Chapter Vice-President David Wiley presented John with a Certificate of Appreciation for his presentation.   | Related Images

Old Business
  • Registrar's Report: Tom Chrisman reported that after adjustments and new members, we currently have 91 members in the Chapter plus 10 dual members for a total of 101. We have 6 applications in process, with others indicated.
  • The 4th of July parade was discussed, noting that Shep will be out of town and we need volunteers to help decorate the float, which will be at Shep's house on parade day, and to also ride the float in the parade. Members were encouraged to have kids participate in riding the float
  • The July 4th picnic will be held at Lost Corners like last year on July 20th. John and Peggy Galt are making all arrangements.
  • Four more Mount Vernon Fellow Charter Members were announced, with Jack Dyer present to receive his Mount Vernon Fellows Certificate.
New Business
  • Chuck Rann held a Trivia Contest, based on information that is found on the Chapter web site's Calendar page. The winner was Marlene Hart, wife of Compatriot Don Hart. She was awarded a $2.00 bill for being the winner.
  • Shep Hammack made a request for additional items for the Traveling Trunk
  • Secretary David Wellons commented on the need for volunteers to assist with various duties, such as room set up for meetings and being a door greeter. We did not ask for volunteers at this meeting, just asked people to consider serving the Chapter.
  • President Bill Floyd announced that the next Chapter meeting will be June 11, 2019 at this same location.

The SAR Recessional - led by Treasurer Ted Fricke.
The Benediction - given by Chaplain John Galt.
Adjournment - The Monthly Meeting was adjourned at 8:03 PM by Chapter President Bill Floyd.

Date: May 27th, 2019
Memorial Day 2019
Event Link | Ceremony Photos | Official Roswell Remembers Website

Memorial Day ~ "Roswell Remembers"
City Hall, Roswell Georgia

Chapter President Bill Floyd was a member of the SAR Color Guard at this years Memorial Day ceremony in Roswell. Other members included Bob Sapp and George Thurmond from the Piedmont Chapter and State SAR Secretary John Flikeid.

There were an estimated 4,000-5,000 people at the event on the grounds of Roswell City Hall. It was the 20th consecutive year for "Moby", who was the emcee for the event.

Ceremony Photos

Date: June 11th, 2019
Mount Vernon's June Meeting
Event Link | Registrar's Report | Treasurer's Report (eMailed to members)
Meeting Minutes PDF | Event Photos

The meeting was held at Vintage Pizza located at 5510 Chamblee Dunwoody Road, Dunwoody, GA, with 13 members, 8 guests, and 2 visitors for a total of 23 in attendance. Guests were John Flikeid, GASSAR State Secretary and Tom Pye.

Meeting Called to Order
The June meeting of the Mount Vernon Chapter of the SAR was called to order by Chapter Vice President Chuck Rann at 6:59 PM.

Past President Shep Hammack made the announcement that Chapter VP David Wiley and his wife Lena had decided to move to Athens GA to be nearer to their daughter and their beloved Georgia Bull Dawgs. By doing so, David thought it best to resign as Chapter VP and eventually transfer to the Athens Chapter. He will remain a Mt. Vernon member for the rest of the year. We wish David & Lena the best, and will miss them on Tuesday nights. [Note from Chuck Rann] So... I have decided to accept the VP position. I am truly honored to serve the Mount Vernon Chapter for the remainder of 2019 as Vice President with President Bill Floyd.

The Invocation - was given by Chapter Chaplain John Galt.
The Presentation of Colors - presented by the Mount Vernon Color Guard.
The Pledge of Allegiance and Pledge to the SAR - led by GASSAR State Secretary John Flikeid.

"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America,
and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

Guest Speaker - SAR Compatriot Bob Sapp

Display Your Flag
  • Flag Day - Friday June 14th
  • Fathers Day - Sunday June 16th
  • Independence Day
    Thursday July 4th
  • Labor Day - Monday September 2nd
The Guest Speaker was fellow SAR Compatriot, Bob Sapp, and was introduced by Chapter Vice President Chuck Rann. Bob is past President of the Piedmont Chapter, previous GASSAR State President, State Genealogist, and State Registrar. Bob has been a member of the SAR for 24 years. Bob has earned just about every award you can achieve in the SAR.
(See Image of his List of SAR Awards)
Not on the list of Awards since 2018 is the 2020 Color Guardsman of the Year Award.

Bob gave a very informative presentation on the topic "Faces of the Declaration of Independence" and did a great job of telling the stories of how each of the multiple versions came to be and the history behind the process. His presentation was well received by all. Chapter VP Chuck Rann presented Bob with a Certificate of Appreciation for his presentation.

  • The Chapter Treasurer's Report
  • The Chapter Registrar's Report - (Link above in header)

  • Thursday June 20 at 11 am - Issuing Flag Certificate to Johnson Ferry Baptist Church for proper display of American Flag. Submitted by Compatriot David Wellons.
  • Friday June 21st at 11:30 am - Mount Vernon Board of Managers meeting at Vintage Pizzeria.
  • Saturday, June 22, 2019 at 8:00 am - A Flag Retirement Ceremony to be held at Ingram Funeral Home in Cumming, GA.
  • Thursday July 4th Parade in Dunwoody - Report participation for Americanism Report.
  • No meeting on Tuesday July 9th. (See Picnic)
  • Saturday July 20th - Annual July Picnic from 6 to 9 pm at Lost Corners Preserve, Sandy Springs.
  • No meeting on Tuesday August 13th.
  • Tuesday September 2nd - Next Meeting at Vintage Pizzeria.
  • Shep Hammack updated status of the Mount Vernon Golf Shirts. Samples at next meeting -
    Price per shirt $30.00

Warrior2Citizen Program
Beth Fricke presented information and handouts on the Warrior2Citizen program that helps returning veterans re-assimilate into society and helps address their long-term stress-induced trauma they face. She announced the fundraising luncheon on July 25, 2019 at the Cherokee Town Club and requested our members consider a tax-deductible donation to this cause.

The SAR Recessional - led by GASSAR State Secretary John Flikeid.
The Benediction - given by Chaplain John Galt.
Adjournment - The Monthly Meeting was adjourned at 8:12 PM by Chapter Vice President Chuck Rann.

Date: June 20th, 2019
Flag Certificate for Johnson Ferry Baptist Church
Event Link | US-Flag-Protocol.PDF (GA SAR Sourcebook) | United-States-Flag-Code-Title-4.PDF
East Cobb News Article - Image | Marietta Daily Journal Article

The Mount Vernon Chapter presented a Certificate of Commendation to Johnson Ferry Baptist Church in recognition of exemplary patriotism in the display of The Flag of the United States of America. The flags are raised and lowered each day by the security team since they are not lit during the night.

Secretary David Wellons was present and coordinated the ceremony. Other chapter members present were President Bill Floyd, past President Shep Hammack, David Wiley and Chuck Rann. The ceremony was held in the church lobby due to inclement weather.

Members of the church participating in the ceremony were Joe Shadden, JFBC Business Administrator, Amber Hudson, EKG Security Officer, Greg Hebert, JFBC Director of Facilities and Ricky Lewis, EKG Site Supervisor Security Officer. Not in the photo and also present for the ceremony were Mark Shelton, EKG Manager, and Fred Godbee, EKG Owner.

Larger Image | More Photos
(L to R) Joe Shadden, Amber Hudson, David Wiley, Bill Floyd, Greg Hebert, Shep Hammack, and Ricky Lewis.

Johnson Ferry Baptist Church
955 Johnson Ferry Road
Marietta, GA 30068

"It was great having the presentation today and meeting the Sons of the American Revolution representatives... Thank you again for the honor of this presentation! It will be proudly displayed on the wall behind our security desk for everyone to see!" Greg Hebert ~ Director of Facilities

"Gentlemen: Thank you for allowing to participate in the event today. It was an honor." Fred Godbee ~ EKG Owner

Date: July 4th, 2019
Independence Day ~ The Dunwoody Parade
Event Link | Official Parade Website | Parade Photos Here

2nd Place Winner ~ MOST PATRIOTIC  (Scored behind the Twilight Twirlers? Really?)

* A special THANKS to the DAR & C.A.R crew for their participation.
(see photos)

The Annual Dunwoody 4th of July Parade was not effected by weather this year. In fact it was a pleasant sunny summer day.

The parade route started at All Saints Catholic Church on Mt. Vernon Rd. at 9 am sharp, and ended at Dunwoody Village. The parade route is 2.3 miles in length. But before the parade started, it was an early start on Independence Day for Chapter President Bill Floyd and son Chip Floyd, who had to pick up the trailer in Roswell and get to the starting point by 7:30 am. SAR, DAR and C.A.R members were at the church parking lot and quickly decorated the trailer with Red, White and Blue bunting and Flags.

Mount Vernon Color Guard members, Tom Chrisman, Randy Pollard and Dan Morgan prepared for their role near the front of the parade.

(L to R) Bill Floyd, Tom Chrisman, Randy Pollard, Dan Morgan

"The Dunwoody 4th of July Parade was founded in 1976 as part of the nation's Bicentennial celebrations. It continued for five years under the leadership of the Dunwoody Woman's Club before ceasing. In 1991, following the Gulf War, the parade was revived, by suggestion of Bill Robinson and Joyce Amacher, as a way to honor returning service members. With the sponsorship of the Dunwoody Homeowners Association, the parade has been an annual traditional since that time." ~ The Reporter Newspapaer

Come ride the float every year!

Date: July 4th, 2019
Independence Day ~ Color Guard at The Braves Game
Event Link | Larger Photos

The Georgia Society Sons of the American Revolution participated in the pre-game ceremonies for the Atlanta Braves at SunTrust Park.

"...Firing a musket and representing the Georgia Society Sons of the American Revolution was a great honor and gave me a lot of pride in our organization." wrote Jackson W. Guest, Chairman Historical Sites and Celebrations, GASSAR

The Braves organization provided the SAR members free seats, pizza and water for the GASSAR Compatriots.

Mount Vernon was represented in the Color Guard by member David Wiley (5th from the left) who wrote -

"As my first experience firing, it was quite exhilarating and moving to be a part of the patriotic experience on July 4th at SunTrust Park in front of 40,000 plus fans! I have no complaints other than the HEAT, but I felt the Braves treated us well and appreciated our contribution to their July 4th festivities. Hopefully we will be asked back, perhaps for the All Star game in July, 2021."

Date: July 20th, 2019
The Mount Vernon Annual July Picnic
Event Link | All Photos

A special Thank-you
to John & Peggy Galt for their effort to make the evening a great time. The decorations & tablecloths were lovely.
The Annual July Picnic was held again at the cabin at Lost Corners Preserve on Saturday night, July 20th. Members and wives spent the beginning of the evening in the front room visiting and relaxing. President Bill Floyd then led the group with the Pledge of Allegiance and the Pledge to the SAR, and spoke briefly before announcing the buffet dinner was ready. The new Mount Vernon Chapter polo shirts are available. Contact Shep Hammack if you would like to order a polo shirt.

The Picnic dinner was from Righteous Que BBQ and included:

  • Pulled Pork
  • Sliced Chicken Breast
  • Macaroni and Cheese
  • Brunswick Stew
  • Buns & Chips
  • Banana Puddin'
  • Lemonade, Tea and Water

President Jim McDonald (2018) returned for the evening and received his presidents lanyard with the past-President's medal. We were all glad to see Jim again and hope to see him more often at meetings!

See Larger Image
(L to R) President's Bill Floyd (2019), Jim McDonald (2018), and Shep Hammack (2017)

And Thank-you to the members who helped out, funded and came to the annual picnic in 2019! It made the event a big success.

Date: July 27th, 2019
GASSAR Board of Managers Meeting & Awards
Event Link | Mt. Vernon Member Awards Page

Member Spotlight:
Shep Hammack and Bill Floyd

The July GASSAR BOM meeting was held in Barnesville, GA on 12/27. This meeting followed the SAR Annual Convention, which was held in San Diego, CA. and National Awards were recognized at this BOM meeting.
Shep Hammack was recognized for two (2) National Awards at the Georgia State SAR BOM meeting.
  • Shep received a Liberty Medal - Oak Leaf Cluster (pin). He received the Liberty Medal in 2014 and has been the "First Line Signer" for 40 applications. This is quite an accomplishment.
  • Shep received a Certificate of Appreciation for service in 2018-2019 as Vice Chairman of the National DAR Liaison Committee.

Congratulations Shep!

President Bill Floyd was also recognized for a National Award at the Barnesville BOM meeting.

  • Bill received a Silver Good Citizenship Medal recognizing his outstanding service to the Community, for being a part of many civic organizations and serving on the board of many of them. This is also quite an accomplishment.

Congratulations Bill!

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Date: September 10th, 2019
Mount Vernon's September Meeting
Event Link | Meeting Minutes (PDF) | Meeting Program
Meeting Photos by Tom Hughes | Meeting Photos by Patsy Rann

Meeting Called to Order
The September meeting of the Mount Vernon Chapter of the SAR was called to order
by Chapter President Bill Floyd. There were 29 members, wives and guest at the meeting.

  • The Invocation was given by Chapter Chaplain John Galt
  • The Presentation of Colors - presented by the Mount Vernon Color Guard Randy Pollard, Shep Hammack, Tom Chrisman, and David Wiley
  • The Pledge of Allegiance and Pledge to the SAR was led by Sergeant-at-Arms Chuck Olson
Guest Speaker
The Guest Speaker for the evening was fellow Mount Vernon Chapter Member and Chapter Registrar & Genealogist Tom Chrisman. Tom gave an interesting historical outline of early migration in Colonial America with emphasis on colonial groups that migrated from the northeast southward to western Virginia, North and South Carolina and Tennesee. His presentation was called 'The Immortal Words of Horace Greeley's Great Great Grandfather' and told the story of early 1700's colonial migration from the northern colonies, along a basic road structure that mainly ran north/south. This was due to topography and because of restricted Indian lands west of the the British colonies. This was affordable for the colonist, who sometimes sold their northern land for a substantial amount, to by much more land south for considerably less. Travel was usually with a horse or mule and a cart with all the belongings on a dirt "road".

At the end of the presentation, Chapter Vice-President Chuck Rann presented Tom with a Certificate of Appreciation for his presentation.

Chapter Business
  • July Picnic - Another special thanks to John and Peggy Galt for orchestrating a successful Annual Picnic. The July Picnic write-up is above this entry.
  • The State BOM Awards - Two chapter members were awarded at the recent July State BOM meeting in Barnesville, GA. Shep Hammack received an Oak Leaf Cluster pin for his Patriot Award and a Certificate of Appreciation for being the State VP Committee Liaison between the SAR and the DAR. Bill Floyd received a Silver Good Citizenship Award for his participation in the Community. Congratulations is given to both gentlemen. The Awards write-up for both is above this entry.
  • Mt. Vernon Fellows Fund - If you are a current member, please remember to add your yearly $25 minimum to your chapter dues to be a "Sustaining Member".
  • Growing the Chapter - Shep Hammack reminded everyone to talk to people about the SAR and see if they will consider qualifying as a member. "If you don't ask..."
  • The SAR Fall Leadership Conference in Louisville KY is coming up Sept 20-21st.
  • Our next meeting is October 12th and the guest speaker will be Jeff Clemons.
  • The SAR Recessional was led by Sergeant-at-Arms Chuck Olson.
  • The Benediction was given by Chaplain John Galt
  • Adjournment - The Monthly Meeting was adjourned by Chapter President Bill Floyd

Date: October 8th, 2019
Mount Vernon's October Meeting
Event Link | Meeting Minutes (PDF) | Meeting Program | Meeting Photos

Meeting Called to Order
The October meeting of the Mount Vernon Chapter of the SAR was called to order
by Chapter President Bill Floyd. There were 27 members, wives and guest at the meeting.

  • The Invocation was given by Chapter Chaplain John Galt
  • The Presentation of Colors - presented by the Mount Vernon Color Guard Shep Hammack, Tom Chrisman, and John Wassell
  • The Pledge of Allegiance and Pledge to the SAR was led by Chuck Rann
Guest Speaker

Jeff Clemmons
The Guest Speaker for the evening was Jeff Clemmons,
PR & Communications Specialist with Georgia Power.

Jeff spoke about 'Atlanta's Historic Westview Cemetery', located south of I-20 along Martin Luther King Boulevard. In 1884, several leading citizens purchased an immense 577 acres of land for a cemetery. The rolling terrain, part of which was a site in the Civil War battle of Ezra Church, became the final resting place for more than 100,000 people. Prominent locals buried here include Grant Park namesake L.P. Grant, author Joel Chandler Harris, High Museum benefactor Harriet High, Coca-Cola founder Asa Candler Sr. and Havertys founder J.J. Haverty. The cemetery's Westview Abbey mausoleum is one of the nation's largest, with more than eleven thousand crypts. Throughout its history, Westview dabbled in other business ventures, including a cafeteria, a funeral home and an ambulance service. And for decades, the cemetery's Westview Floral Company sold flowers to plot owners and to local businesses.

Jeff received a Certificate of Appreciation for his presentation.

Jeff is the author of two histories - Rich's: A Southern Institution and Atlanta's Historic Westview Cemetery.

Chapter Business & Announcements
  • Growing the Chapter - Bill Floyd
  • Adopting a Military Unit - Bill Floyd
  • Nominating Committee - Bill Floyd
  • Publicity - Bill Floyd
  • Traveling Trunk Trivia - Chuck Rann
  • SAR Leadership Louisville - Bill Floyd
  • Memorial Membership - Tom Chrisman
  • Shep's Store - Shep Hammack
  • Dues Statement - Bill Floyd
  • Next BOM Meeting - Friday October 25th at 11:30 am
  • Next meeting - Tuesday November 12th. Our guest speaker will be Steve Scurry who will talk about 'The American Indian experience of the early years of the American Revolution'.

  • The SAR Recessional was led by Chuck Rann
  • The Benediction was given by Chaplain John Galt
  • Adjournment - The Monthly Meeting was adjourned by Chapter President Bill Floyd

Date: November 12th, 2019
Mount Vernon Chapter November Meeting
Event Link | Meeting Minutes (PDF) | Registrar's Report (PDF) | Treasurer's Report
Meeting Photos by Tom Hughes | Meeting Photos by Patsy Rann

  1 New Approved Member - Tom Pye
Meeting Called to Order
The November meeting of the Mount Vernon Chapter of the SAR was called to order by Chapter President Bill Floyd at 7 pm. There were 20 members, 14 guests, 1 guest speaker, and 2 prospective members for a total of 35 in attendance. Visitors included prospective members Hamilton (Ham) McDonald and wife Judy, and Ed Upchurch.

Recognition of Guests, New Members and Prospective Members
  • David Jimenez, State President of the Children of the American Revolution (CAR).
  • Catherine Jimenez, the State Senior Leader of the CAR and mother of David Jimenez. She is a member of the Martha Stewart Bulloch chapter of the DAR.
  • Hamilton (Ham) McDonald, prospective member, and his wife Judy.
  • Ed Upchurch, prospective member.
  • Tom Pye was recognized as a new member of the Chapter

  • David Jimenez brought us greetings and our Chapter provided him with a donation of $100.00 for use in the CAR chapter.
Guest Speaker
The Guest Speaker for the evening was Steven Scurry who spoke about 'The American Indian Experience of the Revolutionary War'. Steve gave an enlightening presentation on the American Indian Experience of Colonial Georgia. He explained the importance of the relationship between founder of colonial Georgia James Oglethorpe, and Tomochichi, head chief of a Yamacraw town on the site of present day Savannah, Georgia. Without their good friendship, Colonial Georgia would have had a much different outcome. Steven did a great job and we appreciate his drive from Athens GA to speak to us.

At the end of the presentation, Chapter Vice-President Chuck Rann presented Steve with a Certificate of Appreciation for his presentation.

Tomochichi was born in 1644 and died October 5, 1739 at 95 years old! He gave his land to James Oglethorpe to build the city of Savannah and he provided invaluable assistance to the new colony.

"Upset with the lack of monument for Tomochichi, Nellie Gordon (Juliette Gordon Low's daughter-in-law) had a large granite boulder with a decorative copper plate, installed on April 21, 1899 in Savannah's Wright Square."   This should be on SAR members "to see" list when in Savannah for the 2022 National SAR Conference.

Chapter Business & Announcements
  • Trivia: Bill Floyd asked questions regarding Veterans Day and Armistice Day, both on November 11th.
  • Bill Floyd talked about Annual Installation Buffet Dinner on Saturday - February 15th at the Indian Hills Country Club in East Cobb County. Details to follow. There will be no regular February meeting at Vintage Pizza due to this event.   UPDATE: THE DATE FOR THE ANNUAL DINNER HAS CHANGED TO SATURDAY FEBRUARY 22ND. PLEASE UPDATE YOUR CALENDAR.
  • Publicity: David Wellons has agreed to be our Chapter Publicist in 2020. This position will promote the Chapter activities and events via local publications.
  • King Scholarship Award: Chuck Olson asked members to spread the word about the SAR (local, state, national) Scouting Recognition & Awards Program. Details here: * Link *
  • Police, Fireman & EMT Awards: Tom Chrisman explained how committees could "divide and conquer" to establish/nominate these awards to deserving Sandy Springs and Dunwoody first responders.
  • Shirts & Medals (Shep's Store): * Link *
  • Next meeting - Tuesday December 10th. Our guest speaker will be Bob Sapp who will talk about 'Paul Revere'.
  • Wreaths Across America - December 14th.   * Link *   (Look for sponsor a Specific Cemetery)
  • Annual GA SAR BOM - January 24-25, 2020 in Gwinnett County.

Date: December 10th, 2019
Mount Vernon Chapter December Meeting
Event Link | Meeting Minutes (PDF)
Meeting Photos: by Tom Hughes | by Patsy Rann

  INDUCTED - Tom Pye
Meeting Called to Order
The December meeting of the Mount Vernon Chapter of the SAR was called to order by Chapter President Bill Floyd at 7 pm. There were 33 in attendance for the meeting, including members, wives and guest.

The Invocation - was given by Chapter Chaplain John Galt.
The Presentation of Colors - Color Guard: Bob Sapp, Shep Hammack, Tom Chrisman, and John Wassell.
The Pledge of Allegiance and Pledge to the SAR - led by Sergeant-at-Arms Chuck Olson.

Visitors included Leslie Pye, wife of inductee Tom Pye, and prospective member Ed Upchurch.

Welcome New Member
The Mount Vernon Chapter welcomes new member Durwood Thomas (Tom) Pye III to the chapter. Registrar Tom Chrisman and Shep Hammack called on Tom Pye to come forward with his wife. Tom received his documentation confirming lineage to his patriot and the SAR rosette, which his wife pinned to his lapel.
Guest Speaker
The Guest Speaker for the evening was Compatriot and past President of the Georgia Society, Bob Sapp. Bob spoke about Revolutionary War icon 'Paul Revere', who made famous by a Longfellow poem.
  • 1st - Longfellow's poem of 1861 took liberties with the facts.
    Paul Revere's Ride - by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
  • Bob continued...
  • His father, a French Huguenot born Apollos Rivoire came to Boston at the age of 13 and was apprenticed to a silversmith.
  • He married Deborah Hitchborn, a member of a long-standing Boston family.
  • Rivoire anglicized his name to Paul Revere.
  • Their son, Paul Revere, was the third of 12 children and eventually the eldest surviving son.
  • At 13 he left school and became an apprentice to his father.
  • Paul Revere enlisted in the provincial army during the French and Indian War.
  • He was commissioned to second lieutenant in a provincial artillery regiment.
  • He returned to Boston and assumed control of the silver shop in his own name.
  • On August 4, 1757, he married Sarah Orne. He and Sarah had eight children.
  • He met up with Joseph Warren in 1760, who became the Grand Mason of N. America. Warren was an American physician who played a leading role in Patriot organizations in Boston during the early days of the American Revolution, eventually serving as President of the revolutionary Massachusetts Provincial Congress. He was a major influence on Paul Revere.
  • 1773 - King George sent 3 ships to Boston Harbor with 348 cases of tea. The Boston Tea Party occurred because American Patriots strongly opposed the taxes in the Townshend Act as a violation of their rights.
  • Revere rode to New York and to Baltimore to get colonist to refuse tea ships to enter their harbors.
  • The Suffolk Resolves - A declaration made on September 9, 1774 rejecting/boycotting goods from ss.
  • Revere set up a warning system (lantern in North Church steeple) to warn of British troop movements.
  • In 1775, a spy revealed to Gen. Gage of colonist plans. Gage sent troops to capture John Adams & John Hancock in Lexington.
  • Joseph Warren sent Revere out ahead of British to warn them and the militia of approaching troops. Prescott also accompanied Revere. Revere was captured along the road. Prescott got thru.
  • Revere was stopped along the road for questioning. When the British heard the battle in Lexington & Concord, they left.
  • Half the British regulars were killed or wounded an they retreated to Boston.
  • Revere returns to being a Silversmith after the war & dies in 1818.

At the end of the presentation, Chapter Vice-President Chuck Rann presented Bob with a Certificate of Appreciation for his presentation.

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Officer Reports
  • Treasurer's Report: The Treasurer's Report is eMailed to the members as it becomes available.     It is NOT posted here online.
  • Secretary's Report: Nov Meeting Minutes (PDF) | Dec Meeting Minutes (PDF)
  • Membership Report: Registrar Tom Chrisman reported that we currently have 93 members, 11 Dual members, and 1 Memorial Member for a total of 105. There are other applications in various stages of completion.
Chapter Business & Announcements
  • Trivia: A game of trivia focused on Christmas Carols and songs was emceed by President Bill Floyd.
  • Bill Floyd talked about the Annual Installation Buffet Dinner on Saturday - February 22nd at the Indian Hills Country Club in East Cobb County. This will be a format dress event, tuxedos for men, and evening wear for the ladies. More details to follow. There will not be a regular February meeting at Vintage Pizza.
  • Nominating Committee: Attending chapter members will vote to confirm the night of the Annual Installation Buffet Dinner.
    • President - Chuck Rann
    • Vice President - Tom Pye
    • Recording Secretary - Bill Scurry
    • Treasurer - Ted Fricke
    • Registrar - Tom Chrisman
    • Chaplain - John Galt
    • Sergeant-at-Arms - Chuck Olson
    • Chancellor - Jim McDonald
    • Corresponding Secretary - Chuck Rann
    • Historian - Shep Hammack
  • SAR Dues Payments as of 12/10.
  • David Wellons reminded everyone to bring to his attention anything that could be used for Chapter publicity, so that he can promote it with the local press. This includes Traveling Trunk, Flag Ceremonies and similar opportunities.
  • Registrar/Genealogist Tom Chrisman updated the "Police and Fireman's Award" program, and discussed how we need to coordinate with the local VFW who do similar awards, to avoid timing conflicts. Initial award will be focused on Police and we plan to make the first award in 2020.
  • New Member Induction: New Member Durwood Thomas (Tom) Pye was inducted into membership in the Chapter by Chapter President Bill Floyd. Tom is a former CAR member as a youth, his father was a past President of the State organization. All members present greeted Tom with handshakes and welcoming comments.
  • Next Meeting - Tuesday January 14th. Guest Speaker - Martin Howley who will speak about 'The Battle of Cowpens'... a victory for the Continental Army.
  • Annual GASSAR BOM meeting - Jan 24th & 25th at Sonesta Gwinnett

Date: December 13th
The Traveling Trunk at Cherokee Christian School
Event Link | Photos

Cherokee Christian School in Cherokee County graciously welcomed the Mount Vernon Chapter and its Traveling Trunk program. Fourth grade teacher Mrs. Crowell and her students enjoyed the presentation by Chapter members Shep Hammack and Bill Floyd, with members John Bivins and Chuck Rann attending. It was well received by the students, who enjoyed learning about Revolutionary War era life.

Mrs. Crowell - 4th Grade Teacher, Cherokee Christian School
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