Mount Vernon Education/Youth Programs in 2021
Scout Certificates - Summary Page

Date: January 12, 2021
Mount Vernon Chapter January Zoom Meeting
Event Link | Meeting Minutes
Treasurer's Report/Balance (verbal) | Regisrar's Report in Minutes.

Nineteen (19) Mount Vernon members attended the zoom meeting, including seven (7) of the current Officers serving in 2020. (See Check in List above) We also welcomed one (1) future member
Ed Upchurch, who's paperwork is in the final stages at National.

2021 Officer Nominations and Election by Members
The January Mount Vernon Chapter meeting held an election of Officers for the next year. Nominations were recommended by the Nominating Committee (Shep Hammack, Bill Floyd, Jim McDonald) with members agreeing to serve for the period of February 2021 to February 2022. Attending members (on zoom) followed Roberts Rules of Order. There were no additional nominations from the floor, so a motion was given to unanimously vote on the slate of Officers. See Meeting Minutes for greater details.

The following Officers will serve as the Mount Vernon Chapter Board of Managers.
  • President - Tom Pye
  • Vice President - Richard McCrary
  • Recording Secretary - David Wellons
  • Corresponding Secretary - Chuck Rann
  • Treasurer - Ted Fricke
  • Registrar/Genealogist - Tom Chrisman
  • Chaplain - John Galt
  • Historian - Shep Hammack
  • Chancellor - Jim McDonald
  • Sergeant-at-Arms - Chuck Olson
January Meeting Speaker   |  Speaker Page #Hammack
Charter Chapter President Shep Hammack gave a presentation on Hyam Salomon who was
'The Financier of the American Revolution', raising what would amount to 80 million dollars in today's currency. His efforts helped General Washington keep our Patriots fighting the British. Ironically, Salomon died at the age of 45 in 1785, and left his family deeply in debt.

Chapter Business  - See Meeting Minutes for greater details.
  • Registrar's Report - Tom Chrisman
  • Treasurer's Report - Ted Fricke.  (Chuck Rann gave the report from Ted Fricke at the 1/8 BOM meeting.)
  • Shep Hammack's 11th Patriot Supplemental   (To be presented at the Feb. 9th meeting.)
  • Bill Floyd - 2 Patriot Supplementals   (To be presented at the Feb. 9th meeting.)

  • The next Mount Vernon Meeting is on Tuesday Feb 9th. It will be a Zoom only meeting. 2021 Officers will be inducted by 2021 GA SAR President David Jessel.
  • Saturday January 30th is the Annual GA SAR Conference (Zoom only) - Attended by Shep Hammack, Bill Floyd, Chuck Rann, and Tom Pye.
  • Friday February 13th at 1:30 pm is the The Battle of Kettle Creek Commemoration (Zoom only)

Date: February 9, 2021
Mount Vernon Chapter Installation Meeting
(This meeting was on Zoom only)
Event Link | FebruaryProgram | Meeting Minutes
No Treasurer's Report submitted | Regisrar's Report in Minutes.

  1 Transfer - William (Bill) Murray
  • The meeting of the Mount Vernon Chapter Georgia Society Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) was called to order by Chapter President Chuck Rann at 7:00 p.m.
  • The Invocation was given by the Chapter Chaplain, John Galt.
  • The Pledge of Allegiance to the US Flag and the Pledge to the SAR were led by Sergeant-at-Arms, Chuck Olson.

This was a great turnout for our yearly Installation Ceremony.
We had 27 members attending with 12 guest, which totals 39 attendees. Confirmation of counts is awaiting Sergeant-at-Arms Chuck Olson, who conducted the role call.

Our Guest included:
  • Georgia Society SAR President David Jessel
  • State Regional VP - Atlanta Ron Redner
  • Past President General - SAR Larry Guzy
  • Past Piedmont President George Thurmond
  • Present President Piedmont Chapter Al Finley
  • Greg Smith, President of the Atlanta Chapter, SAR
  • 6 Wives of members

Our Guest of Honor
Georgia Society President David Jessel - who gave a passionate talk about serving in the US Navy during the 70's. His experience on board the air craft carrier John F. Kennedy (CV-67) was moving as he depicted a terrible accident involving his original ship, the guided missile cruiser USS Belknap (CG-26) that hit the carrier and spilled aviation fuel onto both ships. Visibility resulting from fire went to zero. The accident occurred in the Mediterranean Sea on the night of November 22, 1975, during flight operations. The collision greatly damaged the Belknap and caused the 7 sailor deaths plus one sailor on the Kennedy. Nothing short of a miracle and the hard work of firefighting ship mates saved lives and possibly both ships.

President Jessel had a 21-year naval career and retired with the rank of Lieutenant Commander.

Georgia Society SAR President
David Jessel

2021 Guest Speaker Page #Jessel
2021 Chapter Awards Presentation
Certificates of Appreciation:
Mount Vernon awarded 3 Chapter recipients with a Certificate of Appreciation this year.
  • Chapter Sectretary David Wellons - for recording and summarizing Chapter meetings throughout the year on a timely and accurate basis.
  • Past President Shep Hammack for guiding President Rann through 2020 on protocols and pathways for chapter success during COVID.
  • Treasurer Ted Fricke - especially for his compilations regarding Chapter dues reported to SAR State.

David Wellons Shep Hammack Ted Fricke
Congratulations Gentlemen!

Bronze Roger Sherman Award
Our Registrar/Genealogist Tom Chrisman received this award this year for his efforts in compiling documentation from applicants and following the submission process to the State and National SAR. Tom guided 7 new members into the Mount Vernon Chapter in 2020 and has at least as many in the pipeline for 2021.
Congratulations Tom!

Tom Chrisman

Chapter Distinguished Service Medal
This Medal recognizes members for their outstanding service to the chapter. It recognizes someone in a leadership position that provides important contributions to his Chapter. Attorney Tom Pye provided guidance and wisdom this past year through the COVID-19 outbreak. He assumes his role as President during the pandemic and joins his fellow Georgia SAR Presidents with the hope that in-person meetings return.
Congratulations Tom! Hoozah!

2021 President Tom Pye
Patriot Supplemental Awards
Additional Patriot Supplemental Applications continue to be approved by SAR National.
Two Chapter members had approvals.

  • Past President Shep Hammack's 11th 'Supplemental' approved. Patriot John Hyman - ACN # 93214
  • Past President Bill Floyd had two 'Supplementals' approved. 1) Patriot Pleasant Sullivan - ACN # 93398;
    and 2) Patriot John Abbott - ACN # 93399
Lydia Darragh Award
Patsy Rann's support of the Mount Vernon Chapter & President made a diference thru 2020. At the outset, she made purchases for door prizes and took photographs at meetings. (See March Photos 2, May Photos, Nov. Service Medal Photos). Her technical knowledge helped plan video zoom meetings and her award was well deserved.

2021 Lydia Darragh Award Winner Patsy Rann

Chapter Business
  • Treasurer's Report: (Ted Fricke was not present at the meeting)
  • Registrar's Report - Tom Chrisman. We have 5 new approved members from SAR National. Their official induction ceremony will be held at a future date once the COVID-19 issue permits.
    • Edward Newton Upchurch - Patriot William Walker
    • Anthony Jerome Olson - Patriot William Hansard
    • Erik Callison Olson - Patriot William Hansard
    • Scott Kearns Olson - Patriot William Hansard
    • William Jerome Olson - Patriot William Hansard

    • We also have one confirmed new transfer member William (Bill) Murray. We have two other transfer-in members in progress to be confirmed shortly.
    • We have additional new members in process at National which should be approved soon.
  • Member Birthdays from January and February were announced. Happy Birthday!
  • Upcoming events:
    • The Battle of Kettle Creek Commemoration has Zoom presentations Friday at 1:30 pm & Saturday at 10 am.
    • The next Chapter Meeting is scheduled for March 9th. President Pye and VP McCrary will determine how that meeting occurs - in person with limits accompanied by ZOOM or strictly by ZOOM.
Installment of 2021 Mount Vernon Officers
Our Chapter was honored to have Georgia SAR Society President David Jessel at our Zoom meeting to swear in our 2021 Officers. President Jessel read the oath for the Officers first, then for the incoming President of the Mount Vernon Chapter - Tom Pye. Leslie Pye placed the Presidents Ribbon on her husband - President Tom Pye.

The following Officers will serve in 2021 as the Mount Vernon Chapter Board of Managers.
  • President - Tom Pye
  • Vice President - Richard McCrary
  • Recording Secretary - David Wellons
  • Corresponding Secretary - Chuck Rann
  • Treasurer - Ted Fricke (Not Present at Meeting)
  • Registrar/Genealogist - Tom Chrisman
  • Chaplain - John Galt
  • Historian - Shep Hammack
  • Chancellor - Jim McDonald (Not Present at Meeting)
  • Sergeant-at-Arms - Chuck Olson
Congratulations Gentlemen!
GA President Jessel then made concluding remarks of appreciation to outgoing President Chuck Rann.

Incoming President's Remarks
Incoming President Tom Pye gave brief remarks upon assuming office. He described his history with the SAR, mentioned that his ancestor was with General Oglethorpe during the founding of Georgia, and his grandfather and father were both past officials of the SAR, and now he has assumed that honor by becoming the new President for the Mount Vernon Chapter. He expressed gratitude to outgoing President Chuck Rann for meeting the extraordinary challenges of 2020, plus his additional activities as Recording Secretary and Webmaster. President Pye virtually presented Chuck with the Past President medal and neck ribbon.
  • The Recessional was led by Chapter Sergeant-at-Arms Chuck Olson.
  • The Benediction was given by Chaplin John Galt.
  • The Monthly Meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. by President Tom Pye and the Zoom video was ended.
  • Minutes Respectfully Submitted by David Wellons, Recording Secretary on February 10, 2021
    (See Minutes Link at top of this entry)

Date: March 9, 2021
Mount Vernon Chapter March Zoom Meeting
Event Link | March Program | Meeting Minutes
No Treasurer's Report submitted | No Regisrar's Report submitted

  2 New Dual Members - Bill Armstrong & Peter Stoddard
  • The meeting of the Mount Vernon Chapter Georgia Society Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) was called to order by Chapter President Tom Pye at 7:01 p.m.
  • The Invocation was given by the Chapter Chaplain, John Galt.
  • The Pledge of Allegiance to the US Flag and the Pledge to the SAR were led by Sergeant-at-Arms, Chuck Olson.

We had 18 members, 4 dual members, and 9 guest for the zoom meeting equaling 31 attendees.

We welcome one new member who's paperwork was approved at National - Charles (Sunny) Lee. Once Michael Long's transfer paperwork is signed and returned, he too will be a new member. We also welcome two new dual members - Bill Armstrong and Peter Stoddard to the Chapter. With several more "in the pipeline", 2021 looks to be a great year.

Not all participants were screen captured.

Our Guest included:
  • Guest Speaker - Mark Anthony
  • Past State President, Wayne Brown
  • Piedmont Chapter President, Al Finley
  • Atlanta Chapter President, Barry Miller
  • Past Piedmont Chapter President George Thurmond
  • Past Piedmont Chapter President, Rick Reese
  • Past Atlanta Chapter President, Greg Smith
  • 2 wives of members and a potential member.

Our Guest Speaker Mark Anthony
Topic: "The Bloody Scout of Bill Cunningham"

Chapter VP Richard McCrary virtually introduced Mark, who is a former Chapter President of the Rome (GA) Chapter, Georgia SAR Publicity Committee Chairman, South Carolina SAR State Secretary, Americanism Chairman and 2014 Congress Committee Chairman. On the National SAR level, Mark has held many national committee chairmanships including the Americanism, Color Guard and Historic Sites & Celebrations Committees. He also served as the South Atlantic Vice President General from 2014 to 2015 and as National Color Guard Commander from 2017 to 2019.
2021 Guest Speaker Page #Anthony  (extra page)

Mark talked us through the oppression and cruelty inflicted on the Patriots in South Carolina, by a Loyalist militia. They were led by a sadistic and brutal man named Major William Cunningham. Approximately 100 patriot men were killed by Cunningham and his men in a 45 day period in 16 major actions. Numerous homes and public works were destroyed."

Shep Hammack virtually presented the Certificate of Speaker Appreciation to our guest speaker Mark Anthony.

Mark Anthony

Chapter Business
  • The Chapter received two SAR flag streamers at the GA Annual Conference in January.
    A Distinguished Chapter and a Membership Award Streamer. President Tom Pye received a streamer on behalf of Mt. Vernon Chapter for attending the 2021 Kettle Creek celebration.
  • President Tom Pye, Richard McCrary and Shep Hammack attended a program or seminar on The Americanism program. These are categories within the Report:
    • Media Publicity
    • SAR Speakers Bureau
    • Support of the C.A.R. and DAR
    • Youth Programs
    • Public Service Programs
    • Historic Sites and Celebrations
    • Grave Markings
    • Color Guard Activity
    • SAR Medals & Certificates Awarded to Non-Members and to Members
    • National Society Service
    • Membership, Reinstatements, Supplementals, Dues & Secretarial Returns
    • Attendance at State, District and National Meetings.
    Member participation in SAR events - parades, flag ceremonies, etc... all count when reported to the Chapter VP and recorded on the Chapter Americanism Report. The Chapter Awards are presented at the Annual State Society Conference in January.
  • A limited in person meeting at Vintage Pizzeria next month (in April) would make possible for an induction ceremony for Richard Anderson (from 2020), Charles (Sunny) Lee and others (if paperwork is approved in time). That would also give transfer Michael Long and new dual members Bill Armstrong and Peter Stoddard a chance to be 'officially' welcomed into the Chapter. Zoom will also be available.

  • Member Birthdays in March - Dan Morgan, Gene Ray, Cecil Palmer, Steve Handel, and Cooper Hillard.
    Happy Birthday Gentlemen!
  • BOM Meeting March 26th at noon. This will be in person at Vintage Pizzeria.
  • Next Mount Vernon Meeting is Tuesday April 13th. Hopefully a hybrid meeting
    (Limited in person with zoom. See new member ceremony above in business.)
  • Anniversary of the 2nd Siege of Augusta - Saturday, May 22, 2021, 11am to 3pm. Live & Virtual? Info to follow. (ref: Sunny Pittman gasserbom emaill 3/8 at 9:47 am.)
  • The Battle of Frederika River will be celebrated Saturday, April 17, 2021 at 1pm. Live & Virtual? Info to follow. (ref: gasserbom email 3/10 at 4:59 pm.)

Additional Announcement by Webmaster:
The winner of the SAR Logo contest has been announced, the new logo has been copyrighted, and the logo is now available from SAR National. This new logo will be incorporated into the Chapter website asap.
  • The Recessional was led by Chapter Sergeant-at-Arms Chuck Olson.
  • The Benediction was given by Chaplin John Galt.
  • The Monthly Meeting was adjourned at 8:04 p.m. by President Tom Pye and the Zoom video was ended.
  • Minutes Respectfully Submitted by David Wellons, Recording Secretary on March 11, 2021
    (See Minutes Link at top of this entry)

Date: April 13, 2021
Mount Vernon Chapter April Hybrid Meeting
Hybrid - Meeting was held in-person and via Zoom.
Event Link | April Program | Meeting Minutes
Registrar's Report | Treasurer's Report/Balance (verbal)

  INDUCTION of 7 New Members - Richard Anderson *, Sunny Lee, Anthony Olson, William Olson,
  Erik Olson, Ed Upchurch
  (* Note: Richard Anderson approved in 2020, induction delayed. Scott Olson delayed - not present)
  • The meeting of the Mount Vernon Chapter Georgia Society Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) was called to order by Chapter President Tom Pye at 7:15 p.m.
  • The Invocation was given by the Chapter Sectretary, David Wellons.
  • The Pledge of Allegiance to the US Flag and the Pledge to the SAR were led by Sergeant-at-Arms, Chuck Olson.

We had 32 members attending in-person and 15 members attending via Zoom, for a total of 47 attendees present for the April meeting! Welcome Back everyone!

Among the guests were honored attendees:
  • Past President General SAR Larry Guzy - (Dual Member of Mount Vernon Chapter)
  • Guest Speaker Mary Williams (Visitor/Guest Speaker)
  • Lyman Smith & his wife Becky (Guest/Lyman is a potential member)
  • Past Piedmont Chapter President, Rick Reese Jr. (Visitor)
  • Past Piedmont Chapter President, George Thurmond (Visitor)
  • Current Piedmont Chapter President, Al Finley (Visitor)
  • Past Piedmont Chapter President & Current ATL Regional VP, Ron Redner (Visitor)
  • Past State President, Wayne Brown
  • Current Atlanta Chapter President, Barry Miller

Mary Hamilton Williams

Grave of Roswell King

SAR Grave Marker
Our Guest Speaker - Mary Hamilton Williams
Topic: "Roswell King"

Chapter VP Richard McCrary introduced our guest speaker Mary Williams, who told the story of Roswell King.  |   2021 Guest Speaker Page #Williams

Roswell King
At the age of 70, Roswell King moved to the area and founded the present day City of Roswell, Georgia. He was a Justice of the Peace, a Surveyor, and had many other talents. He was married Catherine (Sally) Barrington, and his son would later build a house that would carry the name Barrington Hall in Roswell.

In 1802 the Pierce Butler cotton plantation was established on the Georgia coastal islands of Sapelo and St. Simons. Roswell King managed the plantation for Butler, who spent periods of time in England. Butler disapproved of Kings methods of managing the slaves.

In 1812, the British were offering emancipation to the slaves if they would join the British forces, so 138 slaves escaped to the British. Butler sent King after them and returned to Georgia without them, so Butler fired King.

King left the coastal area with his family, some friends and belongings traveling Northwest thru Creek Indian territory to the present day area North of the Chattahoochee River. King founded/settled in the area now know as Roswell, where he used the water power of a feeder creek (Vickery/Big Creek) to power his cotton mills and other industries.

Roswell King died in 1844 and is buried in Founders Cemetery (Roswell) along Sloan Street. A DAR and SAR marker is placed at his grave monument.

10/14/2017 SAR/DAR Grave Marking in Founders Cemetery

Photos by Chuck & Patsy Rann - Mount Vernon Chapter

VP Richard McCrary thanked Mary Williams for her presentation and presented her with a Mount Vernon Certificate of Appreciation.

Chapter Business

Induction of New Members Ceremony  |  Photos - Click Here
President Tom Pye inducted the following new members in a pin ceremony. Delays in holding this ceremony were due to COVID-19 restrictions, as some of these new members have been approved for more than one year.
  • Richard Anderson - (Approved in 2020 - Does not count in 2021 Americanism Report)
  • Charles (Sunny) Lee
  • Anthony Olson
  • William Olson
  • Erik Olson
  • Scott Olson - (Could not attend. Paperwork & SAR Rosette?)
  • Ed Upchurch

Recognition of New Dual Members & Transfers
  • Bill Armstrong (Dual)
  • Peter Stoddard (Dual)
  • Michael Long - (Transfer in progress by GA Sec Flikeid and Mount Vernon Chapter)

SAR Service Medal Ceremony  |  Photos - Click Here
"This organization shall strive to honor, respect, and support the sacrifices of our veterans, ..."  (from the SAR Goals)

At this monthly meeting, we honored and awarded three (3) more SAR Compatriots who have served honorably in the US Military. Each received an SAR Service Medal, and joined the fourteen (14) Mount Vernon members who have previously received their SAR Service medal. The Medal is Bronze, with the recipients name engraved on it, and is accompanied by an Award Certificate from the SAR.

  • Benjamin (Ham) McDonald (WSM) - US Army, Vietnam - 1963-1968. From his DD-214: Vietnam Service Medal; Vietnam Campaign Medal; Bronze Star Medal; Air Medal; Parachutist Badge; Combat Infantryman Badge
  • Joe C. Rude (WSM) (pronounced rue - Day) - Air Force - 1971-1973. From his DD-214: Vietnam Service Medal; Air Force Medal; Republic of Vietnam Commendation Medal
  • James (Jim) Styring (MSM) - Navy - 1970-1973

There are two (2) service medals awarded by the SAR.
The Military Service Medal (MSM) is presented to a Compatriot in recognition of military service that was not in a War zone. This includes someone who served in the National Guard or the Reserves. Typically, the recipient has been awarded the National Defense Medal, which is listed on their Military DD-214 form.

The War Service Medal (WSM) is presented to a Compatriot in recognition of military service within a designated War Zone, as listed on their DD-214 form. In the case of 2 recipients tonight, the War Zone was in Vietnam so they will also receive a War Zone bar. They also have one or more commendations, medals, badges, citations, and campaign ribbons listed on line 24 of their DD-214.

The SAR does not rank either medal above the other. Both medals have a Precedence level of 4 in all the medals awarded by the SAR. Only the SAR Badge, the Minuteman Award, and the Gold Good Citizenship Medal have a higher precedence.  
(source: (page 6 of the National Handbook)

Please thank these brave compatriots next time you see them!

Ham McDonald (WSM) | Larger Image

Joe Rude (WSM) | Larger Image

Jim Styring (MSM) | Larger Image
Chapter Business
  • Treasurer's Report: Ted Fricke provided a balance for the Mount Vernon chapter account. The hard report will be eMailed to the membership when it is provided to the Corresponding Secretary.
  • Registar's Report: Genealogist Tom Chrisman reported that our membership effective end March is 76 members including our inductees tonight. The official membership now stands at 76 plus Michael Long, which will make 77. We have 12 dual members (which don't count in the official membership number). Counting duals, our membership stands at 90. There are 17 people in the active application process pipeline, so we are looking forward to achieving a membership that exceeds 100.
  • Activities: Several Chapter members attended the Kettle Creek ceremony by Zoom, and Mount Vernon was awarded a streamer from that participation.
  • Americanism Categories: President Tom Pye reviewed the categories in the SAR Americanism Report. (see Meeting Minutes for category details)

  • Member Birthdays in April: Richard Anderson (4/9), Bill Scurry (4/20), Ben Tingle (4/23), Warren McPhillips (4/25)
  • Next Mount Vernon Meeting is Tuesday May 11th. Past SAR President General and Dual Member, Larry Guzy will be the guest speaker on the topic of Thomas Jefferson.
  • Friends of the Library - SAR members are reminded to support the National SAR 'Friends of the Library' by donating $25 per year. See: for more information.
  • The Battle of Fredericka River - is celebrated Saturday April 17th at 1 PM.
  • The 2nd Seige of Augusta - The anniversary date for this yearly event is May 29th. (This date was changed.)
  • July 4th Parade: Shep Hammack reported the Parade is still scheduled for Monday July 5th. Shep is working with Dunwoody Preservation Trust, and we are registered for the parade. The same float (trailer) is available, and we have all the materials to decorate. We intend to participate in the parade. Participants can either walk or ride the float in the parade.
  • 2021 Summer Picnic in July - Our Chapter intends to have the summer picnic this year. The Chapter Board Of Managers is working on this.
  • 2021 SAR National Congress - The location of this years event is in Renton, Washington from July 10 - 15. Attendance may be limited. Check National SAR website.
  • The Recessional was led by Chapter Sergeant-at-Arms Chuck Olson.
  • The Benediction was given by Secretary David Wellons.
  • The Monthly Meeting was adjourned at 8:22 p.m. by President Tom Pye and the Zoom video was ended.
  • Minutes Respectfully Submitted by David Wellons, Recording Secretary on April 14th, 2021
    (See Minutes Link at top of this entry)

Date: May 11, 2021
Mount Vernon Chapter May Meeting
Event Link | Meeting Minutes
Treasurer's Report/Balance (verbal) | Registrar Not Present (illness)

  • The meeting of the Mount Vernon Chapter Georgia Society Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) was called to order by Chapter President Tom Pye at 7:00 p.m.
  • The Invocation was given by the Chapter Chaplain, John Galt.
  • Color Guard: Shep Hammack (uniform), Bill Floyd (uniform), Randy Pollard (militia), Tom Hewett (militia)
  • The Pledge of Allegiance to the US Flag and the Pledge to the SAR were led by PG Larry Guzy.

There were 22 members and 10 visitors/guest attending, for a total of 32 present at the meeting.

Recognition of Guest
  • SAR PG Larry Guzy (Dual Member) & his wife Karin
  • Past Piedmont Chapter President & Current Metro Regional VP, Ron Redner (Dual Member)
  • Current Piedmont Chapter President, Al Finley (Visitor)
  • President Tom Pye welcomed guest and prospective member Dave Tharp to the meeting, who has an active application with the SAR.

Our Guest Speaker - Past SAR President General Larry Guzy
Topic: "Thomas Jefferson"

President Tom Pye

PG Larry Guzy
Chapter VP Richard McCrary introduced our guest speaker PG Larry Guzy, who served as the SAR President General of the SAR from 2017 - 2018.

"Compatriot Guzy was born and raised in St. Louis, Missouri, and graduated from Jesuit High School in 1966. He later graduated from Jesuit Marquette University in 1970 with a Bachelor of Science degree in mathematics. Compatriot Guzy served three years in the U.S. Navy on the USS Independence aircraft carrier. In 1973, he and his wife, Karin, moved to Marietta, Georgia. He was self-employed in an insurance claims handling business for 40 years, retiring in 2013. In 1995, he joined the Georgia SAR and took his first steps into involvement at the National level in 1999. 'I was drawn to the SAR for the ability to preserve my link to the American Revolution and only later found the joy of friendship and the ability to reach out to others through recruiting and education.' "  - from the National SAR website.   source:

2021 Guest Speaker Page #Guzy
Presentation Photos: by Tom Hughes | by David Wellons and Randy Pollard

A Mount Vernon chapter Certificate of Appreciation was presented to PG Guzy by Chapter Vice President Richard McCrary.

Chapter Business
  • Treasurer's Report: Ted Fricke announced the Chapter balance to attending members. The hard copy report will be eMailed to the membership when it is provided to the Corresponding Secretary.
  • Registrar's Report: Tom Chrisman was not present at the meeting. (Illness - more info below)
  • President Tom Pye presented new member Sunny Lee with his official paperwork, which was not on hand for the April meeting and his induction. Larger Image

    Sunny Lee & Chapter President Tom Pye   Photo by Tom Hughes

  • 4th of July Parade - Past President Shep Hammack filled us in about the details. We have a reservation with the City of Dunwoody to participate, along with DAR and C.A.R. chapters participating with us. We will have a float and details are being worked out. The C.A.R. will be bringing American Flags to pass out to the crowd.
  • Chapter Summer Picnic - The 2021 picnic will be at Lost Corners on July 24th. Additional information will be provided in advance.
  • Our Next Chapter BOM Meeting - The Mount Vernon Board of Managers (BOM) will meet at Vintage Pizzeria on June 4th.
  • The Mount Vernon Chapter will meet again on June 8, 2021 - 7pm at Vintage Pizza. Our scheduled guest speaker is Martin Howley, who will talk about the largest battle in the Revolutionary War,
    The Battle of Monmouth.

  • Member Birthday's in May - Bill Brannen May 14th, Davis Dunn May 25th, James Hatch May 22nd, Dr. Richard Keim May 10th, Tom Owens May 6th, James Styring May 16th

  • Medical Report
  • Tom Chrisman's wife Joyce is in the process of being discharged from the hospital due to her COVID-19 infection. She has been in the hospital since the week before Thanksgiving last year.
  • John Galt, present at this meeting is recovering from knee surgery.
  • Jim Styring spent 5 weeks in hospital and is recovering.
  • Gene Ray is recovering from eye surgery.
  • Chuck Rann has recovered from a laser eye procedure.

  • The next State SAR Board of Managers (BOM) meeting is in Barnesville, GA on July 24th.
  • Second Siege of Augusta Ceremony will be held on Saturday, September 18, 2021.
    Read event coordinator Sonny Pittman's eMail - Click Here.

  • The Recessional was led by PG Larry Guzy.
  • The Benediction was given by Chapter Chaplain, John Galt.
  • The Monthly Meeting was adjourned at 7:59 p.m. by President Tom Pye.
  • Minutes Respectfully Submitted by David Wellons, Recording Secretary on May 12th, 2021
    (See Minutes Link at the top of this entry)

Date: May 2021
Flag Certificates Issued by Chapter Member Earl Hewett
Location: Mount Pleasant, SC
Event Link | US-Flag-Protocol.PDF (GA SAR Sourcebook) | United-States-Flag-Code-Title-4.PDF

SAR Flag Certificates
SAR Compatriot and Mount Vernon Chapter member Earl Hewett became a Chapter member on Sunday September 6th, 2020. Along with his brother Tom Hewett who lives in the Atlanta area, Earl traveled from his home in Mount Pleasant, SC to join the SAR.   Here is a link to that event:  Induction Ceremony   (Extra page)

Earl remains a Mount Vernon chapter member and has taken the initiative to promote one of the SAR's key missions - to honor the American flag and present a Flag Certificate to those in his local community who display the flag correctly. The links to two PDFs on the proper flag etiquette are linked above.

Earl found several businesses in the Mt. Pleasant South Carolina area that should be awarded with a Flag Certificate, and has presented the first five commendations.

John Royall, owner of Royall Hardware (2 locations - 2 certificates), at his main store.
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Jeff Boss Manager of Sweetgrass Ace Hardware.
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TD Bank Branch Mgr. Dan Sulkowski.
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Ariana Ruiz - Mgr. of Saveurs Du Monde Cafe
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Side Note - (eMail from Earl) "When I made the presentation to Saveurs Du Monde Cafe ("Flavors of the World"), Mgr., Ariana Ruiz and I were outside, in front of the Flag. There were about 40 to 50 people eating. When I completed the presentation, I got a standing ovation. The Owner, Thiery Chateau, took a picture of the commendation and posted it on Facebook to his friends in Paris. Within the hour, he had 500 hits from all over France and Germany. Thiery Chateau's wife is from Germany.  - Earl Hewett"

Earl is going to award the next five Flag Certificates within the month of May. We commend the dedication of Compatriot Earl Hewett for his efforts, and these businesses for following proper Flag protocols for displaying an American Flag.

Update: May 26th

Compatriot Earl Hewett has presented the five remaining certificates In his second week of presentations. They are: Causey's Barber Shop, McAllister-Smith Funeral Home and Crematory, and Pinnacle Financial (twice). One of the recipients asked not to be named or have photos posted.

McAllister-Smith Funeral Home, who's owner is a US veteran, will take care of old and used flags by laying them on the casket of a Veteran when they are cremated. Earl will get the photos to us by this weekend. Huzzah Earl!

No Photo
Owner Donnie Causey at Causey's Barber Shop
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No Photo
Ben Pooser, Mgr. & Mark Smith, Owner McAllister-Smith Funeral Home and Crematory
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No Photo
Senior VP Jeff Odom & Senior VP Brett Thomas Pinnacle Financial (2 locations - 2 certificates)
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10th Certificate Recipient -
"Do Not Mention in Print"

Date: May 31, 2021   |   Event Link
Tony Crowe Honors Patriot Ancestor on Memorial Day
Location: Smith-Mahan Cemetery, Community Baptist Church in Bibb County, Alabama.

On June 10th of this year, Vice President Richard McCrary sent out an eMail request to all members of the Mount Vernon Chapter to notify him of any participation in patriotic activities that are listed on the Americanism Report. The report is submitted each year from each chapter to the State SAR.
Compatriot Tony Crowe submitted two photos and a summary of his Memorial day trip to Alabama to honor his Patriot.

"I placed an American flag on the grave of my patriot ancestor for Memorial Day."

"As a member of the Sons of the American Revolution, I visited the gravesite of my patriot ancestor John Mahan who served as a Lieutenant in the 13th Virginia Regiment of the Continental Line in the American Revolution. I placed an American Flag at the grave for Memorial Day in recognition of his service. The grave is located in the Smith-Mahan Cemetery at the Community Baptist Church in Bibb County, Alabama. After the U.S. Congress established the Alabama Territory in 1816 from Creek Indian lands, John and wife Mary Scott (niece of Gen. Winfield Scott) migrated to Cahaba County (now Bibb County) Alabama where they lived the remainder of their lives."

We salute Tony for his effort!   Huzzah Tony!

Date: June 8, 2021
Mount Vernon Chapter June Meeting
Event Link | June Program | Meeting Minutes | June Meeting Photos
Treasurer's Report/Balance (verbal) | Registrar's Report (verbal)

  INDUCTION CEREMONY - Scott K. Olson   (* Note: Scott Olson was not present at induction w/his brothers in April.)

  • The meeting of the Mount Vernon Chapter Georgia Society Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) was called to order by Chapter President Tom Pye at 7:00 p.m.
  • The Invocation was given by Chaplin John Galt.
  • The Pledge of Allegiance to the US Flag and the Pledge to the SAR were led by Sergeant-at-Arms, Chuck Olson.

A headcount taken at the meeting equaled 39 in attendance. Compatriots Shep Hammack (in Uniform) and Tom Hewett (Militia uniform) comprised the Color Guard and presented the colors.

Guest and 1st Time Visitors:
  • Past Piedmont Chapter President and past SAR State Registrar Bob Sapp
  • New Member Mike Long who transferred from California, was present for his first meeting.
  • Guest Speaker Martin Howley and wife Crystal.
  • Sam E. Alston (guest of Martin Howley)
  • Marvin Brown (guest of Martin Howley)
  • Dave Tharp was a guest of Rick Anderson. He is in the application/documentation process.
  • Mark Bowen (John Collins Chapter) was a guest of David Wellons.
  • Mark Stuckey was a guest of David Wellons.

Martin Howley

Our Guest Speaker - Martin Howley
Topic: Prelude to the Battle of Monmouth - Leading to June 28, 1778
2021 Guest Speaker Page #Howley

Chapter Vice President Richard McCrary introduced Martin Howley who gave a very informative and highly educational look at critical turning points in the American Revolution.
  • Declare Independence
  • British form 3 prong strategy for war against the colonies.
  • Patriots lose New York - Clinton used a flanking maneuver and ALMOST CRUSHED the new Continental Army.
  • Fabian Strategy - Washington used the hit-and-run tactics of Carthaginian General Fabius to slow the advance of the British.
  • Valley Forge (1st time)
  • Grumblings about if Washington was the right military leader. (Maybe they needed a "Professional")
  • Franklin in Paris trying to get the French (or anyone) to back us against English. Franklin also searching for a certain Prussian
  • Dec 25 - Patriots 1st win at Trenton - Back to Valley Forge.

  • 1777
  • Jan 02 - 2nd Patriot win at the Battle of Assunpink Creek - Cornwallis snuck out during the night to attack Princeton.
  • Jan 03 - 3rd Patriot win at the Battle of Princeton. Off to Morristown, NJ and British leave South Jersey.
  • French forces sneak in - MG Johann de Kalb and his protégé , Marquis de Lafayette.
  • Sept 11 - Patriot loss at the Battle of Brandywine.
  • Sept 25 - Patriot loss at the Battle of Germantown.
  • Sept 25 - Patriot loss of Philadelphia - Congress flees to York, PA - British occupy Philly throughout the winter.
  • Washington winters in Valley Forge. Washington's secret weapon finally arrives - Prussian von Steuben introduces standardized training and drilling to American Soldiers. Competence, confidence, knowledge, and trust throughout the Army. Army grows to over 11,000. Knox and von Steuban teach Patriots artillery accuracy drills and gunnery training.
  • Saratoga convinces the French we are a viable military. France assists us surreptitiously as an ally.
  • OCT - BIG Patriot win at the Battle of Saratoga. Defeated a British Army - GEN Burgoyne surrenders to MG Gates and BG Arnold - British lose NE Prong - Gates and Arnold are heros.
  • The Conway Cabal increases its influence to discredit Washington. (Thomas Coway, Gates, Sam Adams, Thomas Mifflin, Henry Lee, Benjamin Rush)
  • The Conway Cabal fails to discredit and unseat Washington. Gates caught in lie about letters he sent discrediting Washington and loses face along with many others. The Cabal is finished.
  • Washington cemented his position as Commander in Chief of the Army.
  • French troops fought with us at Monmouth, the largest and longest artillery battle where Patriots hunted British... and won.

Chapter Vice President Richard McCrary presented Mr. Howley with a certificate of appreciation. Martin will return with the details of the actual Battle of Monmouth in the near future.

Chapter Business

  • Treasurer's Report: Ted Fricke provided a balance for the Mount Vernon chapter account.
  • Registar's Report: President Pye read the report that was provided by Tom Chrisman which showed we currently have 77 members and 10 dual members.
  • ROTC: Chuck Olson reported that we had 3 ROTC presentations scheduled but due to COVID this was hampered and only one has been awarded so far.
  • Scouting: Chuck Olson has issued 5 Eagle Scout certificates for 2 different troops.
  • Flag Certificates: Compatriot and Chapter member Earl Hewitt has awarded 8 Flag certificates in his hometown of Mt. Pleasant, SC. President Pye encouraged us to do the same here in the Georgia region. David Wellons is working with the local newspaper to get an article placed discussing the 8 certificates issued to local businesses.
  • Flag Retirement Ceremony: It was noted that over 50 retired American Flags were brought to the meeting for the June 19th retirement ceremony to be held by the Robert Forsyth and Piedmont Chapters at Ingraham Funeral Home in Cumming, Georgia at 9:30 am. A special notation - David Wellons brought in 49 to the meeting.
  • July 4th Parade: Past President Shep Hammack announced that the parade will be held on Monday July 5th. DAR and C.A.R. chapters are participating with us and the C.A.R. will be bringing American Flags to pass out to the crowd. More details to follow.
  • 2021 Summer Picnic in July - Our Chapter intends to have the summer picnic this year. Reservations were made for the Lost Corners preserve for July 24th from 5 pm to 8:30 pm. More details to follow.

Induction of New Member Ceremony
President Tom Pye inducted Scott Olson into the Chapter and father Chuck Olson pinned the rosette on his son's lapel. Scott was unable to attend the induction ceremony with his brothers on April 13th of this year. Welcome to the Chapter Scott!

See June Meeting Photos - Click Here

  • The 2nd Seige of Augusta - The Commemoration of the 240th Anniversary of the Seige of Augusta will be celebrated in the Augusta Kroc Center at 11 AM on Saturday, September 18, 2021. The Invitation and required Registration form is available per request.
  • State SAR BOM Meeting - The next State Board of Managers meeting is in Barnesville, GA on July 24th at 9 am.
  • Committee Activities: - President Pye discussed the need to get our committees going again now that things are opening back up. He reported that Tom Hewitt has volunteered to head up a committee.
  • Friends of the Library - SAR members are reminded to support the National SAR 'Friends of the Library' by donating $25 per year. See: for more information.
  • Member Birthdays in June & July: Chuck Rann (June 4), Michael Butler (June 15), James Butler (July 4), Graham Purkerson (July 6), Earl Hewitt (July 16), Ted Fricke (July 17), Tom Hayes (July 23), and James Flanigan, Jr. (July 29).
  • Member illnesses: Three members were noted as having medical issues and the membership was asked to keep them in our thoughts and prayers. (Names redacted for this report).
  • Next Mount Vernon Meeting at Vintage is Tuesday September 14th. There isn't a regular meeting in July or August.

  • The Recessional was led by Chapter Sergeant-at-Arms Chuck Olson.
  • The Benediction was given by Chaplin John Galt.
  • The Monthly Meeting was adjourned by President Tom Pye at 8:15 p.m.
  • Minutes Respectfully Submitted by David Wellons, Recording Secretary on June 9th, 2021
    (See Minutes Link at top of this entry)

Date: June 10, 2021
Proclamation Article in the Alpharetta-Milton Patch Newspaper (6/15/21)
Presentation Location: Roswell Rotary Club, Roswell Area Park
Event Link | Alpharetta-Milton Patch Newspaper Link | Proclamation PDF

Click for Larger Image
The Roswell Rotary Club met at Roswell Area Park on June 10th, and presented the SAR with a proclamation on its 100th Anniversary year.
(1921 - 2021)

State SAR Regional VP Ron Redner accepted the proclamation that was given by Georgia House Representative Mary Robichaux, Georgia Senator John Albers and Roswell Rotary President Lynne Lindsey.

Also present from the SAR were Color Guard members Shep Hammack (Mt. Vernon Chapter) and George Thurmond (Piedmont Chapter) who were in Revolutionary War uniforms, along with SAR photographer Rick Reese III (Piedmont Chapter).

This article link will count as an SAR publication on our Americanism Report this year.
  (See Tab 1/Media Publicity - 1C)

Date: June 19, 2021
Flag Retirement Ceremony
Location: Ingram Funeral Home - Cumming, Georgia
Sponsors: The Robert Forsyth & Piedmont Chapters, Georgia Sons of the American Revolution
Coordinators: Chip van Alstyne & Emil Decker
Event Link | Invitation (PDF) | Photos - Click Here

The Mount Vernon Chapter participated in the SAR Flag Retirement Ceremony in Cumming ,GA. on Saturday June 19th. Mount Vernon brought over 50 US Flags to the yearly event sponsored by the Robert Forsyth and Piedmont Chapters. Shep Hammack and Bill Floyd were in uniform and were in the ceremonial Color Guard, with Chuck Rann as the chapter photographer du jour. Members of the SAR, the DAR and the C.A.R were present along with guest. A Certificate of appreciation was given by SAR State President David Jessel to Ingram Funeral Home.

(L to R) Past presidents Chuck Rann, Bill Floyd, Shep Hammack and SAR State Regional VP Ron Redner.

Ceremony Program

Date: July 5, 2021
Dunwoody 4th of July Parade
Parade Route: Mount Vernon Rd, Dunwoody, GA.
Event Link | Parade Photos - Click Here

The Mount Vernon Chapter participated in the 2021 Dunwoody 4th of July Parade in Dunwoody, GA. on Monday July 5th. The Dunwoody parade is the largest 4th of July Parade in Georgia. The float driver was SAR Atlanta Regional VP Ron Redner and it was co-sponsored by the DAR and the C.A.R.

(L to R) President Tom Pye, VP Richard McCrary, Ted Fricke, Shep Hammack and Randy Pollard.
Larger Image  (Photo submitted by compatriot Randy Pollard.)

Date: July 12, 2021
Flag Pole Donation to the City of Dunwoody
City Hall - Dunwoody, GA.
Event Link | City of Dunwoody Facebook Post
Photos by Tom Hughes - Click Here

During a Chapter Board of Managers (BOM) meeting on August 23, 2019, then President Bill Floyd and the rest of the members heard a proposal from Shep Hammack for a Flag Pole donation to the City of Dunwoody. It included that we partner with the DAR.

At the October 25, 2019 BOM meeting, Shep reported that while Dunwoody Preservation Trust manages the Farm, the City of Dunwoody & zoning authorities must also approve any flag pole placement.

By the January 10, 2020 BOM meeting, Shep presented the total cost quoted to the city of Dunwoody Parks and Recreation Department by the vendor, and Atlas Flags. The cost included the purchase of the pole, the installation, the lighting, one US flag and the brass plaque naming the SAR & DAR as co-donors. A motion was made that the Chapter make a donation of $1,000 to this project and after discussion, the motion was passed unanimously by the BOM.

Donaldson-Bannister Farm
4831 Chamblee Dunwoody Rd.
Dunwoody, GA
Then COVID hit in 2020. However, 2021 brought new opportunities. On July 12, 2021, members of the Mount Vernon Chapter and the Sandy Springs DAR Regent Grier Payne each presented a check for $1000 to the City Council of Dunwoody towards the flag pole proposal that Shep had originated. Huzzah Shep!

(L to R) Tom Chrisman, Ted Fricke, Sandy Springs DAR Regent Grier Payne, Dunwoody Mayor Lynn Deutsch, Chapter President Tom Pye (center), Shep Hammack, Randy Pollard and Chapter VP Richard McCrary.  (Photo by Tom Hughes)

Date: July 24, 2021
Annual Chapter Picnic
Lost Corners - Sandy Springs, GA.

Event Link | Picnic Photos

Lost Corners Preserve
Our annual 2021 annual Chapter Picnic was a great success with 30 plus attendees at the Lost Corners Preserve. The Mount Vernon Chapter met between 5 p.m. and 8 p.m. and everyone enjoyed the camaraderie. The food was catered by "The Barbeque Guy" and included BBQ Pork, BBQ Chicken, Cole Slaw, Brunswick Stew, Chips, and Banana Pudding. Kudos to Ted Fricke for selecting an excellent food provider.

We had SAR updates from Chapter President Tom Pye and Shep Hammack announced that the Mount Vernon Chapter was awarded the PG Robert B. Vance award at the recent National SAR Congress in Renton, Washington.
See the September meeting review below.

Date: August 13, 2021
Farewell to our Friend Caitlin
at Vintage Pizzeria

Caitlin has been our server for our monthly Chapter meetings at Vintage Pizzeria since April 10th of 2018 when we began meeting there. We have all grown accustomed to her smile, efficiency, and her impeccable service and we will miss her.

Sadly, she has decided to move to Florida for a change of scenery and career, so we will not see her for the foreseeable future. So as a gesture of appreciation, Shep Hammack organized an impromptu Chapter dinner nite on Friday August 13 at 6 pm, at Vintage Pizzeria to wish her a fond farewell. She was very appreciative of the 14 Chapter members who attended the dinner. We wish Caitlin a fond farewell.

Larger Image

Remembering Joyce Chrisman
d. 7/29/2021 - Memorial Service 8/21/21
Event Link | Joyce Chrisman - Obit | Recorded Zoom Service | Zoom Photos |
Outside Program | Inside Program

GA State SAR Chaplin Rev. Bill Floyd

Joyce & Tom Chrisman
To Compatriots of the Mount Vernon Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution;

As most of you know, Joyce Chrisman battled Covid-19 and accompanying issues since the middle of November 2020. Though she fought it valiantly, she lost her life on Thursday July 29th. Tom has been her faithful and optimistic caregiver through this heartbreaking ordeal and needs our prayers and support.

With the Chapter's deepest sympathy,

John Galt, Chaplain
Mount Vernon SAR

Dunwoody United Methodist Church - Chapel           Larger Image

Date: September 14, 2021
Mount Vernon Chapter September Meeting
Event Link | Meeting Program  (PDF) | Meeting Minutes  (PDF)
Registrar's Report  (PDF) | Treasurer's Report  (eMailed to members)
September Meeting Photos  (by Thomas Hughes)

  INDUCTION CEREMONY - Philip William Catalano III   (Junior member)
  Not present - Gary Alan Fudge and Summie Major Thomas III (Immediate transfer to TN.)

  • The meeting of the Mount Vernon Chapter Georgia Society Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) was called to order by Chapter President Tom Pye at 7:00 p.m.
  • The Invocation was given by the Chapter Chaplain, John Galt.
  • Color Guard Commander Shep Hammack, Tom Chrisman and Randy Pollard presented the colors.
  • Sergeant-at-Arms Chuck Olson led attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance and the Pledge to the SAR.
There were 34 members and guest that attended the meeting.

Recognition of Guest
  • 2020 Atlanta Chapter President Greg Smith
  • Transfer Philip William Catalano Jr. and his wife.
  • Dave Tharp was a guest of Rick Anderson. He is in the application/documentation process.
  • All of our wives that attended!

Chapter Business - Induction of New Member
President Tom Pye inducted junior member Philip William Catalano III in a new member ceremony. His father and transfer member, Philip William Catalano Jr. held young 'William' while President Pye read from the SAR new member form. Tom Chrisman presented the SAR rosette and let Philip Jr. pin it on his son. Philip Catalano Jr. is a transfer to Mt. Vernon chapter from the Atlanta chapter. We welcome both to our chapter!

We also welcome Gary Alan Fudge to the chapter and will have the induction ceremony for him at a future date. Gary was unable to attend this evenings meeting.

Summie Major Thomas III was our third new member but was not present, and is an immediate transfer to a chapter in the Tennessee Society.

President Pye used his 'Presidential Prerogative' powers to move the ceremony to the beginning of the meeting. Philip took young William home shortly after the ceremony.

Guest Speaker - Larry Thomas -   Guest Speaker #Thomas
Topic: "Tips and Tricks to Family Search"

Chapter VP Richard McCrary introduced our guest speaker
Larry Thomas, who gave us very good tips while going thru the process of doing research about our ancestors. One of the top tips was - If you find archived documents, download them immediately to your own computer. Don't take time to confirm or disprove the document online since that document may or may not be there the next time you visit the source. You can sift through the documents later. There were other workarounds to roadblocks and permissions that were invaluable.

A Certificate of Appreciation was almost presented to Larry Thomas by Chapter Vice President Richard McCrary. The actual certificate will be mailed to him.

President Tom Pye, Philip William Catalano Jr. and William

President Tom Pye, Larry Thomas, and Richard McCrary

Chapter Business  (Continued)
  • Treasurer's Report - Ted Fricke report the current balance in the Chapters account. This report was also given at the recent Board of Managers meeting on September 10th, and immediately eMailed to the membership. (See eMail on 9/10 at 5:31 pm.)
  • Registrar's Report - Tom Chrisman reported on the membership status and the potential new members in the system. This report document is linked above in the header for this meeting.

Announcements -

Member Spotlight:
  • Member Birthday's in May - Tom Hughes - Sept 1, Chuck Olson - Sept 13, Rusty Redding - Sept 15, John Robitscher - Sept 20, David Wellons - Sept 24, and John Bivins - Sept 27.
  • President Tom Pye presented Shep Hammack with the SAR National Gold Roger Sherman Medal for his outstanding contribution to the National Society as DAR Liaison. Shep was accompanied by his wife Montez, who is a member of the Martha Stewart Bullock Chapter of the DAR.

    Click - Larger Image | Photo by Thomas Hughes

Chapter Spotlight:
  • President Tom Pye announced that our Chapter website received the top honors at the recent National Congress meeting held in July at Renton Washington. Our Chapter received the PG Robert B. Vance Award for most patriotic and best communicator to Chapter members in the country. See Award Certificate: 2021 PG Robert B. Vance Award
More Announcements -
  • President Pye read a proclamation on the passing of Joyce Chrisman and thanking her many years of support of the SAR/DAR along with her husband Tom. Tom expressed his gratitude for all of those who contributed to Joyce's fund to support DAR activities.
  • President Pye gave everyone a very favorable review of two recent events for the Chapter. The 4th of July Parade and the July Picnic. He encouraged members to ride on the 'float' next year and enjoy the patriotic event and appreciative crowds. He also gave praise to the caterer Kirk McKinnon who supplied the members with delicious BBQ and "fixins" for 30 people.
  • The Dunwoody Donald Banister House Flag Pole Ceremony is set for Thursday November 11th. That happens to be Veterans Day and all are encouraged to attend the dedication at 2 pm. An eMail reminder with details is forthcoming.
  • Chuck Olson will be our new Georgia State SAR Chancellor beginning in February of 2022.
    Congratulations Chuck Olson!
  • Dues paid by check need to be in to Ted Fricke by no later than October 1st-10th. Dues paid online at the State website end October 31st. Click Here for details: All About 2022 Dues
  • The next Mount Vernon meeting is Tuesday October 12th at 7 pm.

  • State SAR Events - At the time of this posting, the Welcome page had details listed. This is an image of that section.

  • The Recessional was led by Chapter Sergeant-at-Arms Chuck Olson.
  • The Benediction was given by Chapter Chaplain, John Galt.
  • The Monthly Meeting was adjourned at 8:05 p.m. by President Tom Pye.
  • Minutes Respectfully Submitted by David Wellons, Recording Secretary on Sept 16th, 2021
    (See Minutes Link at the top of this entry)

Date: October 12, 2021
Mount Vernon Chapter October Meeting
Event Link | Meeting Program  (PDF) | Meeting Minutes  (PDF)
Registrar's Report  (review given) | Treasurer's Report  (balance given)
October Meeting Photos  (by Thomas Hughes)

  • The meeting of the Mount Vernon Chapter Georgia Society Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) was called to order by Chapter Vice President Richard McCrary at 7:00 p.m.
  • The Invocation was given by the Chapter Chaplain, John Galt.
  • Color Guard Commander Shep Hammack (in uniform), Tom Hewett (militia), Tom Chrisman (militia), and Rev. Bill Floyd (in uniform) presented the colors.
  • Sergeant-at-Arms Chuck Olson led attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance and the Pledge to the SAR.

The meeting was held in person at Vintage Pizza located at 5510 Chamblee Dunwoody Road, Dunwoody, GA. A total of 39 individuals were present at the meeting, including 23 members and a combination of 15 visitors, spouses, and guests, plus 1 guest speaker.

Guest Speaker: Herb Smith -   Guest Speaker Page #Smith
Topic: "The History of Arlington National Cemetery and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier".

Chapter Vice President Richard McCrary introduced Sergeant Herb Smith, a former Sentinel of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier who gave an outstanding presentation on "The History of Arlington National Cemetery and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier." Herb had served thirteen (13) months at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier as a sentinel and relief commander, and was awarded the second rarest military medal for his service. Herb is the recipient of Tomb Guard Badge 70, which is the second rarest of military metals. Only the astronaut badge is higher.

Arlington is one of the country's oldest national cemeteries. The history of Arlington Cemetery included the Lee family home on their 200 acre property, through the Civil War and confiscation, the sale of the property to the government in January 1864, to the establishment of a permanent cemetery that overlooks Washington DC.

Herb described and showed members some of the headstones and monuments in Arlington. He also gave details of the candidate application and testing process, the hours and weather conditions that "sentinels" endure, the uniforms they wear, and the ways they honor and defend the tomb when visitors are not respectful.

Herb Smith is now the Secretary of the Society of the Honor Guard, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier (SHGTUS).

Questions after his presentation were numerous and the audience thoroughly enjoyed the presentation.
A Certificate of Appreciation was presented to Herb Smith by Chapter Vice President Richard McCrary.

Photos of Arlington from Editors 2013 Trip to DC

Herb Smith and his Tomb Guard Badge (right)   Herb Smith Contact Info

Chapter Business
  • Treasurer's Report - Ted Fricke report the current balance in the Chapter's account and indicated he had just received a few more dues checks to be deposited.
  • Registrar's Report - Tom Chrisman reported on the membership status and the potential new members in the system. We have 6 new applications and 6 supplemental applications in various stages in the approval process.
    Editor Notes: We now have 78 members since Summie Thomas transferred to TN on 9/10/21. We now have 11 dual members since the addition of Earl Hewett on 10/6/21.  See image of Directory changes here.

Announcements -
  • Member Birthdays in October - Denver Dunn, John Elwood, Tom Hewitt, Lucas Nelson, Anthony Olson, Christopher Paine, Jr., and Thomas Robbins.
  • Dues Renewal: These are due by check at tonight's meeting or online by October 31. VP McCrary expressed a sense of urgency to encourage the members who have not yet renewed to take care of it this week.
  • The Dunwoody Donald Banister House Flag Pole Ceremony is set for Veterans Day, Thursday November 11th at 2 pm. All members are encouraged to attend the dedication since we are publishing the event in the local papers.
  • The next Mt. Vernon Chapter meeting will be at 7pm Tuesday, November 9, 2021 - at Vintage Pizza.

SAR National and State Activities:
  • Patriot Commemoration, October 16 in Dawsonville, GA
  • Four (4) Patriot Grave Markings, October 30 in Washington, GA
  • Patriot Grave Marking, November 13 in Dallas, GA
  • Fort Morris Ceremony, November 20 in Midway, GA
  • Wreaths Across America, December 18 - Order wreaths now
  • SAR National Congress, July 10-15, 2022
  • See website welcome page for details & working links.

Induction of New Member
Vice President Richard McCrary introduced new member Gary Alan Fudge to the group, and conducted the SAR new member ceremony. Registrar Tom Chrisman presented the SAR rosette to Gary's wife M'neil, who pinned it onto Gary's lapel. We welcome Gary to our chapter and to the SAR!

Vice President Richard McCrary, Gary Fudge, his wife M'neil, and Tom Chrisman

  • The Recessional was led by Chapter Sergeant-at-Arms Chuck Olson.
  • The Benediction was given by Chapter Chaplain, John Galt.
  • The Monthly Meeting was adjourned at 8:12 p.m. by Vice President Richard McCrary.
  • Minutes Respectfully Submitted by David Wellons, Recording Secretary on Oct 13th, 2021
    (See Minutes Link at the top of this entry)

Date: October 30, 2021
Washington, Georgia - Grave Markings
Four Patriot Grave Markings Ceremony
William Barnett, Gannaway Martin, Col. John Talbot and William Triplett

Event Link | Invitation.PDF

Bill Floyd (in Uniform w/ Mount Vernon)
and Al Finley (Piedmont)
The Washington-Wilkes Chapter SAR and the Kettle Creek Chapter DAR request the honor of your presence at the dedication of a grave marking... (See Invitation PDF above)

The SAR grave marking dedication was held at Smyrna United Methodist Church in Washington Georgia on Saturday October 30, 2021 at 10:30 am. The ceremony honored Revolutionary War soldiers William Barnett, Gannaway Martin, Col. John Talbot and William Triplett.

The colors were presented by the GASSAR Color Guard and a musket Salute by the GASSAR Militia. Greeting were given by Past Georgia Society President Bill Dobbs, who is currently Georgia Chairman of Historic Sites and Celebrations. John David Chesnut, President of the co-sponsoring Washington-Wilkes Chapter SAR was present.

Georgia SAR Chapters laid wreaths at the marker and prayers were said by GASSAR Chaplin Rev William Floyd.

Date: November 9, 2021
Mount Vernon Chapter November Meeting
Event Link | Meeting Program  (PDF) | Meeting Minutes  (PDF)
Registrar's Report  (not available) | Treasurer's Report  (balance only)
November Meeting Photos  (by Thomas Hughes)

  • The meeting of the Mount Vernon Chapter Georgia Society Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) was called to order by Chapter President Tom Pye at 7:00 p.m.
  • The Invocation was given by the Chapter Chaplain, John Galt.
  • Color Guard Commander Shep Hammack (in uniform), Bill Floyd (in uniform), and guest Gary Page presented the colors.
  • Stand in Sergeant-at-Arms Hamilton "Ham" McDonaldled attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance and the Pledge to the SAR.

There were 30 members and guest that attended the meeting.
  • Guest Speaker Gary Page
  • 20 members (Richard Anderson, Tony Crowe, Jack Dyer, Rev. Bill Floyd, Ted Fricke, John Galt, Shep Hammack, Don Hart, Tom Hughes, Dr. Paul Keim, Charles "Sunny" Lee, Micheal Long, VP Richard McCrary, Ham McDonald, Cecil Palmer, President Tom Pye, Chuck Rann, Gene Ray, David Wellons, Larry White
  • 9 guests (spouses, guests, visitors). Dave Tharp attended and is awaiting approval from NSSAR.

Guest Speaker - Gary Page
Topic: "The Bedford Flag"

Chapter Vice President Richard McCrary introduced our guest speaker, Gary Page. Gary is past President of the Robert Forsyth Chapter, a member of the state color guard, member of Sons of Confederate Veterans, and Sons of the Revolution and is serving as current secretary of the Robert Forsyth chapter. He spoke on the topic of The Bedford Flag, the oldest known flag in the US. The Bedford flag was the first flag to fly over a battle of the American Revolution by its appearance at the Battle of Lexington, known in history books as the 'Shot Heard Around the World'

A Certificate of Appreciation was presented to Gary Page by Chapter Vice President Richard McCrary.
  2021 Guest Speaker Page - Gary's BIO
Chapter Business - Announcements
  • Treasurer's Report: Chapter Treasurer Ted Fricke reported the current positive balance of (redacted) in the Chapter's account.
  • Registrar's Report: Genealogist/Registrar Tom Chrisman was not present. Our current Membership Directory shows 78 members and 11 dual members.
  • November Birthdays: Carling Brackey, Tom Chrisman, Ross Glover, Shep Hammack, Don Hart, Jim McDonald, Ernest Moncrief, Tom Pye, Alan & David Redding, Walker Robitcher
  • Dues Renewal: President Tom Pye noted that 25 members have not paid dues as of last week. Shep has been reaching out to these remaining members. In January 2022, members not paying 2022 dues will be dropped from the current SAR National database (by NSSAR) and will be required to submit a reinstatement form and pay a $15 State of Georgia fee.
  • Veterans Stark Report Review: Shep Hammack discussed the scoring of the Stark Report, especially asking for any activities with the VA and Veteran Organizations to provide any information on service work they have done. Here is a screen shot of all the sections of the Stark Report. If you have done any of these, you need to report them to Veterans Chairman Bill Floyd. StarkReview.pdf
  • Chapter Veterans: Shep Hammack reminded everyone that Thursday 11/11 is Veterans Day, and that the Chapter has recognized 17 chapter members who have received an SAR Service Medal. That medal is the second highest medal given by the SAR. Shep put up a visual on the screen and President Pye read the list of the 17 names, followed by a round of applause from those present at the meeting. Note: Sunny Lee and Gene Ray are in the process of submitting their DD-214 forms for their Service Medals.

    Visit our Service Medal page

  • VA Wish List: - President Tom Pye spoke about the eMail from Veterans Committee Chairman Gary Hoyt requesting that SAR members consider donating to a project to support Veterans during the Holiday season. The eMail is here: Veterans for Thanksgiving.pdf
  • Banister House Flag Pole: - Shep Hammack requested members to attend the flag pole dedication in Dunwoody on Thursday 11/11 at 2 pm. He gave directions using a visual map.
  • The next Mt. Vernon Meeting is Tuesday December 14th at 7 pm.

State SAR Events - At the time of this posting, the Welcome page had details listed. (image below)

  • The Recessional was led by stand in Sergeant-at-Arms Ham McDonald.
  • The Benediction was given by Chapter Chaplain, John Galt.
  • The Monthly Meeting was adjourned at 7:47 p.m. by President Tom Pye.
  • Minutes Respectfully Submitted by David Wellons, Recording Secretary on Nov. 13th, 2021
    (See Minutes Link at the top of this entry)

Date: November 11, 2021
Flag Pole Dedication in Dunwoody, GA.
Donaldson-Bannister Farm
4831 Chamblee Dunwoody Rd, Dunwoody, GA.

Event Link | Ceremony Photos  (by Thomas Hughes) | Ceremony Photos  (by David Wellons)

(Photo by Thomas Hughes)

Video Link: Dunwoody News

Speakers : Mayor Lynn Deutsch,
MtV Chapter President Tom Pye, Sandy Springs DAR Regent
Grier Payne

Sandy Springs DAR Regent Grier Payne read this prayer written by DAR Chaplain Sarah Larson.

"Our Heavenly Father, we thank Thee for the beauty of symbolism which has inspired our country from generation to generation. Let this flag be kept ever alive in our hearts of all who behold it and may we pledge anew, honor, justice, integrity, and patriotism to our beloved country. In thee, O Lord, do we put our trust. Bless America and our Flag, we pray."

(Photo by Thomas Hughes)
Past Mount Vernon Chapter (MtV) President Shep Hammack, Chapter Genealogist/Registrar Tom Chrisman, and Sandy Springs DAR Regent Grier Payne proposed a flag pole be placed at the Donaldson-Banister Farm location in Dunwoody to the Dunwoody city council and the Dunwoody Preservation Trust (DPT) in 2020. The City of Dunwoody & zoning authorities along with DPT approved the flag pole placement. Dunwoody Mayor Lynn Deutsch and Dolores Lauderdale, Manager of Events at Donaldson-Bannister Farm accepted a check for $2,000 from the SAR and DAR chapters. They agreed that along with the flag pole, a bronze plaque could be placed at the pole site signifying the contribution from the DAR and the SAR. Completion of the flag pole installation was in the early fall of 2021.

The weather was perfect on the day of the flag pole ceremony and many attendees enjoyed the event. Here is the list of attendees:

Dunwoody Mayor Lynn Deutsch, City Council Members Ardy Bastien, Tom Lambert, Stacey Harris, Joe Seconder, John Heneghan, Staff member Jennifer Boettcher, Brent Walker, Head of the Dunwoody Park and Recreations Department, and Rachel Waldron.

From the Dunwoody Preservation Trust (DPT) - Dolores Lauderdale, Manager of Events at Donaldson-Bannister Farm, and DPT President MJ Thomas

From the Sandy Springs DAR - Regent Grier Payne, Donna Knowlton, and Nancy Huey

From the Mount Vernon Chapter SAR - past President and chapter founder E. Sheppard Hammack and wife Montez (Martha Stewart Bulloch DAR chapter - Roswell), current MtV President Tom Pye, past chapter Presidents Rev. William Floyd and Chuck Rann, current chapter VP & veteran Richard McCrary & wife Catherine, veteran Lt. Col. Chuck Olson (Retired), Quartermaster Corps, Georgia Army National Guard (in uniform) and wife Ann son, MEd, chapter Secretary David Wellons & wife Jane, chapter Genealogist and Registrar Tom Chrisman, veteran Hamilton ("Ham") McDonald, veteran Gene Ray, John ("Jack") Dyer, John Wassell & wife Beth, and chapter Photographer Tom Hughes.

Also attending was guest Jerry Walling, USN JAG officer (in suit-retired).

Date: December 14, 2021
December Meeting of the Mount Vernon Chapter
Event Link | Meeting Program | Meeting Minutes  (PDF)

  • The meeting of the Mount Vernon Chapter was called to order by Chapter President Tom Pye at 7:00 p.m.
  • The invocation was given by the Chapter Chaplain, John Galt.
  • Color Guard Commander Shep Hammack (in uniform) led Bill Floyd, Tom Chrisman, Randy Pollard and Tom Hewett in presenting the colors.
  • Sergeant-at-Arms Chuck Olson led members and guest in the Pledge of Allegiance and the Pledge to the SAR.

There were 39 members and guest that attended the meeting. A great turnout!
  • Guest Speaker Leslie Watkins and her husband and SAR member Mike Watkins
  • Guest/Dual member President General Larry Guzy and his wife Karin.
  • Guest/Dual member John Wassell and his wife Beth.
  • Guest/SAR applicant Dave Tharp.
  • Chapter members and wives John & Connie Bivins, Tom Chrisman, Tony Crowe, Bill & Carey Floyd, Ted & Beth Fricke, John Galt, Shep & Montez Hammack, Don & Marlene Hart, Tom & Brenda Hewett, Tom Hughes, Sunny Lee, VP Richard & Catherine McCrary, Ham & Judy McDonald, Warren McPhillips, Chuck Olson, Randy Pollard, President Tom Pye, Chuck & Patsy Rann, Gene Ray, David & Jane Wellons, Larry & Nancy White.
Guest Speaker - Leslie Watkins, GSSDAR
Topic: "SAR Women-More Than Just Camp Followers"

Chapter Vice President Richard McCrary introduced our guest speaker Leslie Watkins, a National Society Daughters of the American Revolution member that talked about many women who participated as informants and spies during the American Revolution. A few women where...

  • Abigail Adams - Wife of Massachusetts Congressional Delegate John Adams influenced politics.
  • Mercy Otis Warren - She was a fierce devotee to the patriot cause, published "History of the Rise, Progress, and Termination of the American Revolution".
  • Mary Ludwig Hays, better known as Molly Pitcher, earned fame at the Battle of Monmouth in 1778.
  • Sibyl Ludington - The female equivalent of Paul Revere.
  • Betsy Ross - Credited with sewing the first American flag.
  • Kitty Greene and Martha Custis - Wifes of General Nathanael Greene and George Washington - both helpful in matters of caring and providing compassion to sick and wounded soldiers.

Larger Image | Guest Speaker BIO

A Certificate of Appreciation was presented to Leslie Watkins by Chapter Vice President Richard McCrary.
Chapter Business - Announcements
  • Treasurer's Report: Chapter Treasurer Ted Fricke reported the current positive balance in the Chapter's account.
  • Registrar's Report: Genealogist/Registrar Tom Chrisman reported three potential new members with two of those applications in process. 2020 member Larry Eddy is expected to be reinstated. Note: The current Directory shows 78 regular members and 11 dual members. Those numbers may change between January and February due to dues renewals and tranfers.
  • Donaldson-Banister House Flagpole Update (See article above from 11/11/21)
  • Eagle Scout Judges - Chuck Olson and Shep Hammack. We have at least one, and possibly two applications for the Eagle Scout Award. National SAR competition for this award. Starts at the chapter level and progresses up. Top award is $10,000 scholarship for 1st place at National. There are also awards at the state level, plus our Chapter provides an award. Requirement is to write a 500-word essay for judging. We have 3 judges from our Chapter that will evaluate the essay. They are Larry Guzy, Tom Hewitt, and Shep Hammack. Our Chapter provides a cash award of $100 for 1st place and $50 for 2nd place to the winning applicants.
  • Annual February Banquet - February 26, 2022 - Bill Floyd. Our annual Banquet and Installation dinner will be held at the Indian Hills Golf and Country Club on Saturday, February 26, 2022, from 6:00 to 8:30 p.m. The menu selection was discussed and will be decided by a mini committee consisting of Shep Hammack, Bill Floyd and Ted Fricke. The price is set at $120.00 per couple, however the Chapter will cover any overage amounts.
  • Chapter Committee Participation - Tom Pye & Tom Chrisman. President Tom Pye presented the Committee Participation idea and discussed just one committee at this time. Tom Chrisman presented the idea of individuals participating in community services to raise awareness in the community - with the goal of raising interest in new members joining our chapter.
  • December Gift Raffle - Chuck and Patsy Rann hosted the gift raffle. Winners included Connie Bivins, Tony Crowe, Ted Fricke, Tom Hughes, Richard McCrary, Ham McDonald, and Dave Tharp (Peter Stoddards book on Lewis Grizzard).

  • Winner Winner Photos  (by Thomas Hughes)

  • December Birthdays: Bill Fisher, * Bill Floyd, * Ham McDonald and * Sunny Lee.   * Photos  (attended Dec meeting)
    Note: Missing Birthdays on Member Directory for: Philip Catalano (JR & III), Michael Long, Lucas Nelson, all Olson sons, and Ed Upchurch.
  • SAR National & State Activities:
    • Wreaths Across America – Saturday, Dec 18, 2021 at Marietta National and Georgia National Cemeteries
    • Cowpens National Battlefield - Commemoration ceremony Sunday, Jan 16, 2022
    • SAR National Congress - July 10-15, 2022 in Savannah, Georgia
  • The next Mt. Vernon Meeting is Tuesday January 11th at 7 pm and the Guest Speaker is Robert Jones.

  • The Recessional was led by Sergeant-at-Arms Chuck Olson.
  • The Benediction was given by Chapter Chaplain, John Galt.
  • The Monthly Meeting was adjourned at 8:12 p.m. by President Tom Pye.
  • Minutes Respectfully Submitted by David Wellons, Recording Secretary on Dec. 15th, 2021
    (See Minutes Link at the top of this entry)

          Date: December 18, 2021
 Wreaths Across America

Marietta National & Georgia National Cemeteries
Event Link | GA. National Cemetery Photos | GNC Map | Donate for Next Year

The Wreaths Across America Story
    "In 2008, over 300 locations held wreath-laying ceremonies in every state, Puerto Rico and 24 overseas cemeteries. Over 100,000 wreaths were placed on veterans’ graves. Over 60,000 volunteers participated. And that year, December 13, 2008 was unanimously voted by the US Congress as “Wreaths Across America Day”.

   In 2014, Wreaths Across America and its national network of volunteers laid over 700,000 memorial wreaths at 1,000 locations in the United States and beyond, including ceremonies at the Pearl Harbor Memorial, as well as Bunker Hill, Valley Forge and the sites if the September 11 tragedies. This was accomplished with help from 2,047 sponsorship groups, corporate contributions, and donations of trucking, shipping, and thousands of helping hands. The organization's goal of covering Arlington National Cemetery was met in 2014 with the placement of 226,525 wreaths.

    The wreath-laying is still held annually, on the second or third Saturday of December. WAA's annual pilgrimage from Harrington, Maine to Arlington National Cemetery has become known as the world’s largest veterans’ parade, stopping at schools, monuments, veterans’ homes and communities all along the way to remind people how important it is to remember, honor and teach."

Side note: There is an atheist group trying to stop this event. Please support WAA through your local Congressman and Senator.
  • Chapter member Michael Long attended the ceremony at Marietta National Cemetery and contributed 2 photos on this page along with this short video -   Marietta Video
  • Shep Hammack donated wreaths to this event.
  • Warren McPhillips donated wreaths to this event.
  • Chuck Rann donated wreaths to this event and took photos the day after the event. The link to these photos is in the header above.

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